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  1. #1
    math69 is offline Junior Member
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    Testo IM 250 and blood test

    Hi all,

    I'm on T for 4 months, the doctor prescribed me 1 IM /4 Weeks (250mg) cause i'm an hypogondal guy (fatigue, lack of energy...).

    I had a blood test before the treatment:
    6,59 ng (laboratory range 8.70 to 32).

    I had yesterday a blood test, the doctor wanted to see my level at the thrid week after my last injection. The result is lower than before the treatment (4ng).

    So, i gave a call to my doctor and he said that we will increase the dosage and frequency.

    But i wonder how can i have a lower level than before treatment? How Stutanon 250 (androtardyl) is detected during blood test. I thought that my level will be at least better! Even if i had only one IM / 4 weeks.

    I'd like to know what are your levels before and after injection? 1st week, 2nd Week...

    Does this product needs some time to be detected or does it means that it's gone away ?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Bro you should be injecting test weekly or Bi-weekly at least! If you are only doing once per month injections its probably dropping your levels lower than before you started.

  3. #3
    math69 is offline Junior Member
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    sh****t!!! but why the doctor prescribed me this useless dosage?

    Do you think my level was higher than before treatment at the end of 1st week and 2nd Week, i mean, higher than yesterday during my blood test at the end of 3rd ?
    Last edited by math69; 08-20-2009 at 08:05 AM. Reason: forgot

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by math69 View Post
    sh****t!!! but why the doctor prescribed me this useless dosage?

    Do you think my level was higher than before treatment at the end of 1st week and 2nd Week, i mean, higher than yesterday during my blood test at the end of 3rd ?
    I would imagine your levels climbed up some for the first week and then started declining after. Go back and talk to your doctor. I would imagine you feel good for a week or so and then start to feel bad again. If that's the case then tell the doc!

  5. #5
    math69 is offline Junior Member
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    ok thank you very much jim, i will talk to my doctor. I hope he'll accept at least 2IM/month.
    Do you think it will be better to use gel? (androgel )?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by math69 View Post
    ok thank you very much jim, i will talk to my doctor. I hope he'll accept at least 2IM/month.
    Do you think it will be better to use gel? (androgel)?
    It really depends on your goals! I think the injects work much better and if you have children you wouldn't want that rubbing of on them!

  7. #7
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    When you took your 1st inject you still had some natty production even thought it was low,after the inject the t started shutting you down meaning no more natty t,if you going to be on trt you should inject once every 7 days and i would not go over 8 days. What type of doc are you seeing?

  8. #8
    math69 is offline Junior Member
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    i'm seeing an endocrinolog.
    Ok so i understand why my testo level is lower than before the treatment.The endocrinolog will prescribe more. My goal is to be/feel normal, i'm 28 and going through a obvious delayed puberty that's why i'm on T.
    I'm hope he'll prescribe me at least 2 injections /months. I'll check it, and maybe switch to 1/week!

  9. #9
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    i know a few folks that have been on trt program and couple of them started off with 1 inject every 2 weeks but they all ended up being at once a week.

  10. #10
    math69 is offline Junior Member
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    ok, i had doubts about one IM/month but now i can say that's useless and stupid and i wonder how a doctor can prescribe it.

  11. #11
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    i dont know bro maybe he just being conservative and wanted to start at 30 days and walk you back until he finds where you feel best, but after the inject and i forget exactly your levels will start to drop off after the 4th or 5th day.

  12. #12
    CHAP's Avatar
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    Here is what is happening.

    You take you dose(250mg) in a little over 2 weeks all of that test has left your system.

    Now since you have added test from an outside source the body will stop making it naturally because it has that outside source.

    So now that the shot you dr gave you has left you system your onlt left with what the body is producing. Which will not be much because your body though it was going to be supplied from else where.

    You dr will probably move you to a shot that will be given every 3rd week which ill still result in levels dropping after the second week.

    Test needs to be given every7 days for TRT but you will still be okay if you can get every other week injections.

    Anything longer than EOW will result in a short crash.

  13. #13
    math69 is offline Junior Member
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    thank you guys for your answers, it's conforting to have advices.

    Do you know what's happened when you stop injection? How long the body need to start his own production again? I mean, testo injection is not for life?

    Do you use gel? and what is your testo level chap and j4ever41?

  14. #14
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    well if your going on trt that for life, if you stop you will have low levels like you did before you started and you might feel tired, unmotivated and put on some fat and lose some muscle tone. There is the possiblity that you might have to take something for estrogen control and some people on trt take hcg every few days as well. i am not on any trt at this time but i have been thinking about and doing some research into it also have talk to several people that is on it ( i will be 44 soon ). before you call your doc or before the your next appt due some good research and write down all of your question that you want to ask that way you dont forget if you have several to ask.

  15. #15
    math69 is offline Junior Member
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    do you think i should talk about estrogen to my doc (endoc), what should i ask him? Do i have to check the estrogen level?

  16. #16
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    Yes talk to him about estro management and if he has not just tell him you would like it checked peroidically with your other blood work if he has not included it,like i said ( and im not trying to put you off ) but do a good deal of research on the matter, your doc is the Dr but it is your body and you need to have a full understandng about what is going on and what to expect,also you can check out the above 40 forum got some guys in there that are on trt.

  17. #17
    math69 is offline Junior Member
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    ok, thk you j4ever.

    One last question,

    You told me previously that after the injections, my natural production stopped.
    So, it means that everybody on T injections start from zero ? Therefore, it's easy to evaluate the levels with XX IM/month:
    0 + 1 IM 250g = 4ng!!
    0 + 2 IM 250g = XX ng

    If it's false, does it mean that 250 mg IM can vary from a personn to another?
    Two personn with the same dosage should have the same results since their natural production stopped?

  18. #18
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    yes that why your levels came back even lower than they were before your inject,because even though your natty levels were low you were having some production of test, after the inject your small natty output went down because your inject is shutting your natty output down and it took to long for you to get another inject,if you would have got that 2nd inject on the 7th or 8th day you would have been ok.the only way to evaluate your levels is to get blood test you just cant say well im taken x amount of test ever week so my test levels will be x,you might be able to do that once you get a set inject time frame and mg dose confirmed by blood work to meet your needs,everyone will not start at 0 but levels will be low.everyone responds differently meaning 1 person might need 100mg a week another person might need 200mg a week,actually 250mg a week for most people on trt would be high=low dose cycle.

  19. #19
    math69 is offline Junior Member
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    OK i understand,

    very good!

    I dont know if it's in my head, but i noticed changes in my body during the 10 first days, i mean, when my testo level is meant to be high, my stomach seems to be less flabby, less fat. Can it be possible or just in my head? Huhuhu

  20. #20
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    noticing something like that within the first few days probably just in your head but if you have been living with low test and get on trt more than likely you will have a decrease in your bf,now im not talking going from 20% to 10% but you should notice something,im not sure if you stated that you workout or not but i would start a workout program and healthy diet that way you can take full advantage of your new higher test levels.

  21. #21
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    It is possible if your diet is dialed in! I was able to keep my body fat below 10 % even with very low test. So if you have been dieting it is probably coincidence but when you get your test levels at optimum level your appearance will defiantly change. What are your goals?

  22. #22
    math69 is offline Junior Member
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    My goals are unusual. I do not practice bodybuilding.

    I'm going through a delayed puberty and my bro too. That's why one day I knocked to andocronilog's door. He prescribed me a testo analysis. I was diagnosed as hypogondal guy, and my brother as well

    Now, I'm on T and i hope i'll complete my puberty, i mean, i have a very young appaerance : lack of hairs on face... i'm tired. Look like a skinny fat guy, probably due to hormone issue.

    By the way, i'm sure that the testo reduce my stomach fat (lower part), i asked to my brother and girlfriend, after injection, my fat distribution seems to change. But i didnt find scientific explanation of this feeling. Weird.

    my netx rendez-vous with the endocrinolog is on september, i hope he will increase my injections. I found on the internet details abput delayed puberty and hypogonadism treatment. It says that in most case, 1 inject/2weeks is enough.

  23. #23
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by math69 View Post
    My goals are unusual. I do not practice bodybuilding.

    I'm going through a delayed puberty and my bro too. That's why one day I knocked to andocronilog's door. He prescribed me a testo analysis. I was diagnosed as hypogondal guy, and my brother as well

    Now, I'm on T and i hope i'll complete my puberty, i mean, i have a very young appaerance : lack of hairs on face... i'm tired. Look like a skinny fat guy, probably due to hormone issue.

    By the way, i'm sure that the testo reduce my stomach fat (lower part), i asked to my brother and girlfriend, after injection, my fat distribution seems to change. But i didnt find scientific explanation of this feeling. Weird.

    my netx rendez-vous with the endocrinolog is on september, i hope he will increase my injections. I found on the internet details abput delayed puberty and hypogonadism treatment. It says that in most case, 1 inject/2weeks is enough.
    1 inject bi weekly is enough if the dose is correct but just know you will possibly still be on a bit of a roller coaster. Meaning your body will use up most of the test in between injections. So you might feel tired and run down between injections. Every one is different though! try it and see how your body reacts it will certainly be better than once per month!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    It is possible if your diet is dialed in! I was able to keep my body fat below 10 % even with very low test. So if you have been dieting it is probably coincidence but when you get your test levels at optimum level your appearance will defiantly change. What are your goals?

    true, but i was giving an answer that if he gets his trt lined and everything including diet remained constant as it was before trt.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    true, but i was giving an answer that if he gets his trt lined and everything including diet remained constant as it was before trt.

  26. #26
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    I just went through the same thing with my Doc, and made a post this past week. She gave me 200mg of Cyp and said come back in 1 month. I am pretty low too at a test level of 195. I saw the Endro on Friday and he got me on 100mg every week (thank God)! I was going to have to go a more expensive route if they insisted on 1x per month, but the Endro Doc was quick to overrule her, which just provided proof that sometimes the Doctor is wrong. I was put on AndroGel earlier this year, but everyone with experience here has said to go with the Cyp.

    Good luck!

  27. #27
    math69 is offline Junior Member
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    Vetteman, are you going through a delayed puberty too?

  28. #28
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by math69 View Post
    Vetteman, are you going through a delayed puberty too?
    Math, in my case I'm 42, and puberty hit 30 years ago for me. But, with the downswing of hormones over the past few years, it has had a similar emotional effect.

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