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Thread: Some TRT advice

  1. #1
    Johnny Sinn is offline Associate Member
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    Some TRT advice

    Guys I am 31 and been on TRT since age 29. My levels were around 220 when i started.I am due to go back for blood work and currently using 100mg cyp every mon and thursday. At my age I am worried about medical issues after 30-40 yrs of TRT and can no longer use it. Then what?

    Just looking for some advice and experiences. Now my doc has me come off every 24 weeks for a restart with some clomid and nolv for the reason that god forbid I could no longer use it for medical reasons he wants my body to still produce something.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Sinn View Post
    Guys I am 31 and been on TRT since age 29. My levels were around 220 when i started.I am due to go back for blood work and currently using 100mg cyp every mon and thursday. At my age I am worried about medical issues after 30-40 yrs of TRT and can no longer use it. Then what?

    Just looking for some advice and experiences. Now my doc has me come off every 24 weeks for a restart with some clomid and nolv for the reason that god forbid I could no longer use it for medical reasons he wants my body to still produce something.
    i think you could provide us with some insight a lot of ppl on trt dont use that 24 week protocol including does that work for do you feel and how long do you go off test and do you do blood work after the break


  3. #3
    starkiller's Avatar
    starkiller is offline Associate Member
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    Iam currently on trt and my doctors said it is for life. I dont know how comfortable you are with this idea I still have not givin it much thought, pinning week after week) but if it helps you in your life and health I guess the good can outweigh the bad.

  4. #4
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
    Indymuscleguy is offline Senior Member
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    I find that most people have good luck with HRT docs, I didn't, even though my test was in the toilet...

  5. #5
    starkiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post
    I find that most people have good luck with HRT docs, I didn't, even though my test was in the toilet...
    Your right hit and miss with many but, if one does some homework (phone calls first) they'll land a potential appointment.

  6. #6
    Johnny Sinn is offline Associate Member
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    Well I do my bloodwork yearly. I am due for another blood test. In 07 I was at the bottom end of the range in all my test levels and not much changed in 08. I am due for more bloodwork. I am worried about long term damage. I hate coming off. But my test doesent seem to change over the past few. I am going to come off and run pct. About week 5 get my tests done and see.

    We all know that high testosterone can have negative effects. But continued use of a low dose there doesent seem to be much out there.

    I have 3 children at this point and dont want any more. I am worried about health risks down the road.

    As far as pinning every 3 days. Doesent bother me one bit.

  7. #7
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    HRT has many health benifits if anything. You already have kids which would be the main reason I wouldnt do it yet myself plus I`m only 26.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    HRT has many health benifits if anything. You already have kids which would be the main reason I wouldnt do it yet myself plus I`m only 26.

  9. #9
    Johnny Sinn is offline Associate Member
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    So any advice guys.

  10. #10
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    johnny youre asking someone to tell u wut we're all going to do when we're near 80 years old or yourself? wut medical issues? and why wont you be using test? prostate cancer? this is actually a good point

  11. #11
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    listen if you are on trt and on it for the next 40 years they will have some amazing thing that will totally fix what is wrong,,,

  12. #12
    dutchproguy is offline New Member
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    I have been changed so much by my hrt clinic. Its the best thing for me my fam and my career. check my posts.

  13. #13
    Johnny Sinn is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks Amcon. You make a valid point

  14. #14
    Johnny Sinn is offline Associate Member
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    And something else I considered is if you are just raising your test to the normal levels it should not be affecting prostate etc. or at least you would think.

    I am gonna get my blood tests more frequently. I would like to see where I am while I on.

    I have to admit I feel much better. More recently I havent been taking my arimidex and havent felt a good. Sex drive is high but not as high as it was. Also been using propecia which Im thinking has something to do with it.

    Ill keep you guys posted and thanks

  15. #15
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Sinn View Post
    And something else I considered is if you are just raising your test to the normal levels it should not be affecting prostate etc. or at least you would think.

    I am gonna get my blood tests more frequently. I would like to see where I am while I on.

    I have to admit I feel much better. More recently I havent been taking my arimidex and havent felt a good. Sex drive is high but not as high as it was. Also been using propecia which Im thinking has something to do with it.

    Ill keep you guys posted and thanks got me thinking that a high percentage men will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough whether it is the cause of their death or not and in todays science its one of the beatable cancers BUT...seeing that once that we develop the cancer AND if we're still doing TRT...arent we fueling the cancer with the test?
    Kale made a nice post about prostate cancer and it possibly being more linked to high I'm hoping that controlling that is our saviour.

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