OK, so since I've started TRT, I've been reading like a maniac, trying to learn everything about this stuff. In my mind, at least what I thought I remembered gleaning off many hundreds of threads/studies, is that when people were getting their blood tested, that they did it typically before their next round of blood work. In other words, when you guys give blood work results, it was at the 'trough' of what your levels would be and not at the peak.

The reason I ask is that with my last visit to my Dr., I was on day 3 of my 100mg Test E injection (injected Saturday and he wanted me to go for more blood work when I saw him the following Tuesday), and he wanted to see what my levels were at the peak. He said it would be perfect timing. I came out with an 805 Total Test level (241-827 range) to which he was happy with.

So, am I wrong thinking that most of you here are referring to Total Test (or any other number for that matter) results when you were at your low point or trough, or did I get that all wrong and you've been referring to your high point or peak level?