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  1. #1
    Titalis is offline New Member
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    Just got diagnosed

    JUST got diagnosed with low test. Docs wants to start me at 50mg/wk of test cyp. From what ive read this is low but i think my doc wants to walk into a proper dose rather than shoot for the moon. Anything you experienced trt'ers can share with someone who is just starting down that road?

  2. #2
    talstar is offline Junior Member
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    What about your estrogen level? Also, that is a low dose. Most start at 100mg per week, but u can always go up. How old are you? If you could post all of your bloodwork that would help with getting more advice from the members here.

  3. #3
    Titalis is offline New Member
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    im 35, my test was around 200 and free was only 7. doc said it was only only a couple points under normal and thats why they want to start at 50mg. estrogen i have no idea, doc didnt say anything about that.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titalis View Post
    JUST got diagnosed with low test. Docs wants to start me at 50mg/wk of test cyp. From what ive read this is low but i think my doc wants to walk into a proper dose rather than shoot for the moon. Anything you experienced trt'ers can share with someone who is just starting down that road?
    50 mg a week is really low. My doc started me at that and i was miserable until i fired her and swtched to an endo doc. 100 per week is the minimum i would start at! Best JIM

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titalis View Post
    JUST got diagnosed with low test. Docs wants to start me at 50mg/wk of test cyp. From what ive read this is low but i think my doc wants to walk into a proper dose rather than shoot for the moon. Anything you experienced trt'ers can share with someone who is just starting down that road?
    wants to or decided and agreed on?

    agree with above...100 to me is perfect place to start and actually where i've ended up at trying all the higher doses first....but never just 50 except when on only 5mg of gel everyday...that was equivalent to your 50mg shot because of the ester in the injectable....if all i could have is 50mg i would do it but if i had a choice 100mg would be my dose obviously not because more being always better but tried and true FOR ME...

  6. #6
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    My doc started me at 100 a month and He sent me home with a bottle. I crashed in 2 weeks and shot again. When I saw him again told him what I did and he said good. A couple months and test later I found my sweet spot. Just go back in 2 weeks and tell him you think you might have felt a little better and it was only for a couple days 2 days after your shot. Better to give this guy a chance before shopping docs because then you have to start all over and if your file follows you it can get flagged and the next doc will be cautious.

  7. #7
    Titalis is offline New Member
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    I think ill do like you suggest. When I go in for my shot next week I will request to be bumped up to 100mg. From everything ive read it sounds like thats the normal starting point. I had my first shot last night and honestly I dont feel any different at all.

  8. #8
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    100mg's really = 70mg's that is usable test which gives you 10mg's/day and that is about (a little higher than) what a healthy young male should produce naturally.

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    100mg's really = 70mg's that is usable test which gives you 10mg's/day and that is about (a little higher than) what a healthy young male should produce naturally.
    thats why i like that dose as a place to start....and i actually NOW pull plunger back to like .55 or .6 (i do it really fast) so that i'm pinning a lil over a 100 and prolly yielding(grossing) a lil over that 70 after the ester

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