My last blood work showed total test at 59 in the 250 to 800 mean range. The last cycle I ran was in the summer of 09 and it was a short 6 maybe eight week cycle of test enth and tren .......250/twice week and 150 eod respectively. After this cycle my libido was fine . Around the first of the year i noticed my libido and thoughts of women and sex started to diminish. The first of Feb I was attacked by someone with a baseball bat and hit in the face 4 times, in response of self defense I killed the guy with my knife. I had PTSD for months with my libido getting worse all the while until my blood work on 5/18 was taken. I'm 39 and attribute some to this as well as being Hep-C. I was given a 200mg shot of cyp. wednesay. With my test level being this low does anyone think I'll ever be able to get it back into the normal range with some TRT and maybe HCG ? I can't believe that I have never really ran too many cycles maybe 3 or 4 since 07 with one long cycle of about 10 months for the first one and my Test levels are this low. I hope it's just a combination of all the factors that have went on lately and it can be reversed. Any recomendations or thoughts on my problem would be extremely appreciated. I love women too much to be uninterested in them. Thnx......KK