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Thread: Kids on TRT

  1. #1
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Kids on TRT

    Is it me, or do all the recent people in this (TRT) forum seem to be under 25? Did they all get the memo that low Test scores can lead to a scrip for Test, or are there that many young guys with really low test? I never know what to think of someone with vague claims of "I'm tired, I don't feel like doing stuff, I'm not horny all the time."

    It is starting to make me feel like I am hanging out with a bunch of young guys that all of a sudden have low appetite and generalized chronic pain now that they heard they can get legal weed if they say certain key words to a doctor that thinks weed should be legal.

    How come so many have blood tests showing low numbers, but haven't been to a doctor? What kind of 19 year old has lab work done, looks at the numbers and says "well, this all looks fine, but wait, it appears I could have hypogonadism, I should go to a bodybuilding forum and ask the experts" and then goes from doctor to doctor until one agrees that his self diagnosis is correct and his symptoms can only be explained by, and cured with, Test injections?

    More importantly, when a 20 years old claims to have low Test but his doctor says everything is fine, should we tell him to "see another doctor" when that really means to keep seeing doctors until he finds one that takes the word of a patient over real medicine?

    I felt increasingly bad for years before thinking "well, I am getting old, maybe this TRT thing I have been hearing about is worth looking into", but what makes a 22 year old specifically go searching out his Test scores because he is "tired all the time?" A kid that is interested in steroids is my guess. Who else even thinks about testosterone levels when they are having common symptoms that equate to having the "blahs"?

    I know I shouldn't be concerned by this, but I increasingly feel like people show up with a wink and a nudge, have the same non-hypogonadism-specific symptoms and want to get steroids from a clinic.

    This is NOT a slam. I am genuinely trying to understand how common this is, or if guys just want to find "the angle" to getting steroids in a non-scary manner. And I hope some of the younger guys chime in rather than thinking I am after them. I'm not.

  2. #2
    dirtbike35 is offline New Member
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    I know your guiding this one towards myself after i made a few threads... I am not looking to go on TRT, infact thats the last thing i want to do. I want to keep it natural. Now that "I know" i have a low total test level i have it in my head...Its a mental problem knowing thats you hormone levels are shit at 19 years old.

  3. #3
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtbike35 View Post
    I know your guiding this one towards myself after i made a few threads... I am not looking to go on TRT, infact thats the last thing i want to do. I want to keep it natural. Now that "I know" i have a low total test level i have it in my head...Its a mental problem knowing thats you hormone levels are shit at 19 years old.
    Actually, no, I wasn't directing it at you...I was being serious that there are a LOT of young guys seeking out TRT right now. And I don't just run into it here online. I mention it to younger (I am 42) friends of mine and a couple have said "where do you go, I have been looking into that"...and they are in their late twenties.

    Believe me, I know how much is sucks to have low levels, so I always try to assume people are being honest. But, let's be serious, getting steroids is something that guys will go to long lengths to do. When the symptoms are so non-drastic (it isn't like we know we have low Test because we are pissing blood or vomiting every hour) it is easy for anybody to say they have them. Not to mention that TRT is becoming excepted enough for marketing to become more prevalent, so I wonder if guys are seeing ads and saying "hey, I have some of those symptoms, it must be hormones".

    Regarding your low Test levels, do you know that your symptoms are actually caused by the low Test? You can have low Test scores AND have something else wrong with you that causes symptoms, especially symptoms like being tired (I am not saying that is your main symptom, I am speaking in generalities). Hell, I am on TRT and I am tired a lot...because I let my dogs sleep on my bed. It isn't alway the hormones.

    I am sure every young guy here thinks I was talking about them specifically, but it isn't true. I am talking trends...not individuals. Promise.

  4. #4
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Actually, no, I wasn't directing it at you...I was being serious that there are a LOT of young guys seeking out TRT right now. And I don't just run into it here online. I mention it to younger (I am 42) friends of mine and a couple have said "where do you go, I have been looking into that"...and they are in their late twenties.

    Believe me, I know how much is sucks to have low levels, so I always try to assume people are being honest. But, let's be serious, getting steroids is something that guys will go to long lengths to do. When the symptoms are so non-drastic (it isn't like we know we have low Test because we are pissing blood or vomiting every hour) it is easy for anybody to say they have them. Not to mention that TRT is becoming excepted enough for marketing to become more prevalent, so I wonder if guys are seeing ads and saying "hey, I have some of those symptoms, it must be hormones".

    Regarding your low Test levels, do you know that your symptoms are actually caused by the low Test? You can have low Test scores AND have something else wrong with you that causes symptoms, especially symptoms like being tired (I am not saying that is your main symptom, I am speaking in generalities). Hell, I am on TRT and I am tired a lot...because I let my dogs sleep on my bed. It isn't alway the hormones.

    I am sure every young guy here thinks I was talking about them specifically, but it isn't true. I am talking trends...not individuals. Promise.

    2 nights ago my dog jumped on my head all night long in a hotel room....I did not have his crate and when I noticed it was 4:40 AM sleep.......THAT IS WHY I WAS TIRED!

    I hear ya. I have noticed this forum has become more popular all of the sudden. I hope with sincere good intentions.

  5. #5
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    Not everyone young person is 'loaded' with ranging test levels that is parroted on this board, everyone is dealt certain cards in life and you have to take them.

    I do feel some what sorry for the young if they genuinely suffer hypogonadism and docs refusing to help them due to their age, why the fuk would someone in their prime want to feel like shit, its not fair.

    however there is a common trend with the young getting a single blood test with no symptoms, and his levels coming out low normal and saying; 'hey its low, i should be top of the range, i need TRT... that is an excuse to just use steroids imo, something we need to do in this section to help direct them in the right path.

  6. #6
    The Toad's Avatar
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    The young guys really need to think long and hard about going the TRT route. If they find a clinic or doctor that is willing to get them what they want when they may not need it will probably end up needing it for real when their system shuts down. This is a very serious thing and needs to treated as such.

  7. #7
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    I actually got my bloods drawn as a baseline for my first experience with a prohormone. Upon seeing a number of categories were out of range, I put the cycle on hold.

    After researching my low test, everything seems to add up. I track every single calorie, can easily gain/lose weight (not the right type really), haven't missed a workout in years, and have a routine that has been "approved" by boardies across several forums. Yet, countless other college kids stumble into my gym 2-3 times a week only, and with a diet of vodka and pizza, rep out EASILY what I max after years of dedication and hard work. Not to mention, I can't even get it up when I'm watching porn. How do you think that feels?

  8. #8
    xpunksurferx is offline Junior Member
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    25 here, 24 when I started, been on 9 months, and it has drastically changed my life, confidence, and overall well-being. My first blood test showed 248 test (300-900) with 48 free (50-250) and, get this, estro was at 72 (0-52)!!!! My dad is hypogonadic, he is 57, so it may just be age. My brother (13) has all the symptoms, body fat distribution, no growth spurt yet, will NOT leave the house, etc.

    The doc is a urologist and knows what he is doing and started me on the gel. I chose to go the TRT route because I knew how much it would affect my quality of life. The kids now are seeing the commercials, and talking to men who have legal prescriptions. Lets face it, the symptoms are pretty universal. Hypogonadism may be more prominent then we think among the masses. Hell yesterday I was told by a friend I haven't seen in a long time that he has a doctor thinking of putting him on testosterone (he doesn't know I am on TRT). They are marketing it and I believe that soon TRT treatment will begin to be widespread. The problem is keeping people from abusing it because if that happens it is going to lead to even stricter controls then they already have.

  9. #9
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I genuinely feel bad for anyone that feels like crap because of low Test. I do think the number of young men getting on it will cause blowback with either the medical profession, lawmakers or law enforcement. It will be an interesting ride.

  10. #10
    stack_it's Avatar
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    I used steroids at a young age with no pct and a few years later decided to have bloodwork done because I always felt tired and depressed when that was never an issue in my life before. My doc looked at the levels and sent me to an endo. Endo put me on. I didn't push for it nor do I really enjoy it. It's not bad but knowing I'm I gotta be on something forever kinda sucks. I started at 23 and I'm 24 now.

    I think a big reason for the increase is the national tv ads.

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    excellent post JV....well thought out and observed...i think there are a mix of both, young men that are REALLY in need and maybe some that just want a script...i've made several posts stating that i wondered how long i may have had low T but only found out at age 37...yes i did a cycle at age 20 with no pct which could very well f'd me up but who knows what levels i had....i was like what funkymonk said and xpunksurfer sounds legit...i've seen his posts in this forum before...
    its definately a serious condition but agree it IS also trendy and becoming more mainstream as i also predicted...if you think about it how could it not...IT WORKS...
    the youth have the internet where some of us older guys didnt at their age
    good post....

  12. #12
    terraj's Avatar
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    A lot of guys jumping on TRT based on numbesr from one test, without even running a some HCG or serms to see how the numbers play out. Boys be looking forward to that shiit.....dumb, real dumb.

  13. #13
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    The other really screwed up thing is the number of people learning how to manipulate scores to try to obtain treatment and the number of people who are using "clinics" that they heard about at the gym that will write you for a ton of homones with little regulation. These are the clinics seeing bloodwork showing low test scores on guys 25 where other hormones are out of balance indicating that the bloodwork has been manipulated yet these "clinics" write the script anyway. Don't these guys know that using a dose of test for "trt" that causes your blood levels to be supraphysiologic is not TRT and that it will lead to a myriad of other problems just like shooting juice in the gym parking lot? It really seems a lot of these guys think that just because they have a script that somehow the hormones won't hurt them....

    These guys jumping on the clinics as well as the clinics servicing them are going to put TRT under the microscope of the DEA and FDA just like happened to pain clinics, mark my word on this.


  14. #14
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    The other really screwed up thing is the number of people learning how to manipulate scores to try to obtain treatment and the number of people who are using "clinics" that they heard about at the gym that will write you for a ton of homones with little regulation. These are the clinics seeing bloodwork showing low test scores on guys 25 where other hormones are out of balance indicating that the bloodwork has been manipulated yet these "clinics" write the script anyway. Don't these guys know that using a dose of test for "trt" that causes your blood levels to be supraphysiologic is not TRT and that it will lead to a myriad of other problems just like shooting juice in the gym parking lot? It really seems a lot of these guys think that just because they have a script that somehow the hormones won't hurt them....

    These guys jumping on the clinics as well as the clinics servicing them are going to put TRT under the microscope of the DEA and FDA just like happened to pain clinics, mark my word on this.

    i agree..

    i thought the clinics had a minimum age of like 30 or 35 or is that also being bent?

  15. #15
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    i agree..

    i thought the clinics had a minimum age of like 30 or 35 or is that also being bent?
    The clinic that I go to doesn't have a minimum age, but they require multiple blood works and an endo's evaluation before they will start giving you trt. It was rather difficult for me (I'm in my 30's) to get put on it. I'd like to say that I prefer these kids going to the clinic and getting legit gear under some sort of medical care (you do have to have blood work periodically done), over them getting gear from their local gym's dealer and shooting it in the parking lot.

  16. #16
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    I think its the cool thing isn't it for the kids to say "oh im on roids".

    America's leading the way in TRT and HRT so whatever happens there happens everywhere else a little later on is it a bad idea probably yes.

    But will it become easily available in the future definitely. Just like prescription drugs...

  17. #17
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    A lot of guys jumping on TRT based on numbesr from one test, without even running a some HCG or serms to see how the numbers play out. Boys be looking forward to that shiit.....dumb, real dumb.
    I always get suspicious when I read "wahooo, I have low Test!". I get angry when I read "have appointment with doctor, what do I tell him to get on TRT?". I want them banned when I read "how do I get my Test scores as low as possible for my appointment, I heard getting no sleep and drinking a ton of alcohol will help, what else can I do?"

  18. #18
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I always get suspicious when I read "wahooo, I have low Test!". I get angry when I read "have appointment with doctor, what do I tell him to get on TRT?". I want them banned when I read "how do I get my Test scores as low as possible for my appointment, I heard getting no sleep and drinking a ton of alcohol will help, what else can I do?"
    Johnny, don't get too angry with them. On the plus side, there is a good chance they'll become sterile. So at least these ****ers won't be the cause of future generations of idiots.

  19. #19
    vetek12 is offline New Member
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    im young and also on trt. never touched ph/aas, im fit and healthy, just drew the short straw. i suffered symptoms of very very low energy, almost no libido and ed + a few more for about 8 months. i knew something just wasnt right, my suspicion was to much estro so i thought i might get a test done, came back very low test. gp passed me onto a specialist in male sexual health/trt. he ran another more specific test and it was just as bad. his decision was to put me on trt, i didnt want to deal with the sides anymore so i said yes even tho i wasnt happy that i needed it. life has improved a lot for me and like the guy ^ above said im scared maybe one day i will be sterile but im not an idiot who went specifically looking to get a script for it

  20. #20
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetek12 View Post
    im young and also on trt. never touched ph/aas, im fit and healthy, just drew the short straw. i suffered symptoms of very very low energy, almost no libido and ed + a few more for about 8 months. i knew something just wasnt right, my suspicion was to much estro so i thought i might get a test done, came back very low test. gp passed me onto a specialist in male sexual health/trt. he ran another more specific test and it was just as bad. his decision was to put me on trt, i didnt want to deal with the sides anymore so i said yes even tho i wasnt happy that i needed it. life has improved a lot for me and like the guy ^ above said im scared maybe one day i will be sterile but im not an idiot who went specifically looking to get a script for it
    Thanks for your post bro...glad things changed for you... i think this is what JV wanted was different ppl chiming in...he is right there are a lot of guys trying to trick there levels for a script...
    so it wasnt hard for you to get yours and can you give your age please maybe even talk about the hormone levels you had and now have being on replacement test and doses...describe gains/improved symptoms, etc.

  21. #21
    vetek12 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    Thanks for your post bro...glad things changed for you... i think this is what JV wanted was different ppl chiming in...he is right there are a lot of guys trying to trick there levels for a script...
    so it wasnt hard for you to get yours and can you give your age please maybe even talk about the hormone levels you had and now have being on replacement test and doses...describe gains/improved symptoms, etc.
    no worries, mind blowing that im only 20 and this has happened, it does scare me a bit. i guess it wasnt hard because the doc was also surprised that i was so low at this age. umm i cant remember my results exactly now but something like test was 8 nmol ave- (9-30) free test 210 (250- 725) or something similar. last test my nmol was at 30, not sure on free test. the results so far are energy has increased a ton, i used to feel like i had just ran a marathon everyday and just was so dead, libido has increased, not as much as i thought it was, still a bit low, no anxiety anymore, all these things made me feel depressed also which has cleared up too since being on it. i was first on testogel 1 sachet a day, then 2 sachets now ive just switched to the reandron 1000mg (nebido) last week

  22. #22
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetek12 View Post
    no worries, mind blowing that im only 20 and this has happened, it does scare me a bit. i guess it wasnt hard because the doc was also surprised that i was so low at this age. umm i cant remember my results exactly now but something like test was 8 nmol ave- (9-30) free test 210 (250- 725) or something similar. last test my nmol was at 30, not sure on free test. the results so far are energy has increased a ton, i used to feel like i had just ran a marathon everyday and just was so dead, libido has increased, not as much as i thought it was, still a bit low, no anxiety anymore, all these things made me feel depressed also which has cleared up too since being on it. i was first on testogel 1 sachet a day, then 2 sachets now ive just switched to the reandron 1000mg (nebido) last week
    glad, another on nebido..not a lot of our members here on that ...its not yet in the U.S.

  23. #23
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    i think this is what JV wanted was different ppl chiming in...
    I did hope to hear from some younger guys. Hearing from just a few has eased my skepticism. I know my original post sounded negative, but it was just an observation follow by wanting to learn more.

    A big thanks to everyone that has chimed in.

  24. #24
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I did hope to hear from some younger guys. Hearing from just a few has eased my skepticism. I know my original post sounded negative, but it was just an observation follow by wanting to learn more.

    A big thanks to everyone that has chimed in.
    yeh me i said...good post....

    btw, i think your op was actually less skeptical than some of your later posts in the thread but nothing wrong with a little passion....its definately a hot topic and one of concern for all of us

  25. #25
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    ^^^^^ Yeah, I was kind of grumpy about it. I typed out a similar post about a week ago and decided to not post it...only to see more posts that made me wonder why guys seem to WANT low test, or excited at the thought of getting Test. But, now I won't assume that anyone under 40 is lying.

    I still think guys that want Test will interpret every symptom as pointing to the need for injections, and I wish they would be weeded out by competent doctors, but not a lot of doctors specialize in this, and many of the ones that do are charlatans. I know it will sort itself out over time. At this point I am just happy that TRT is becoming more excepted. Even I thought it looked scammy five years ago, and I was prepared to call it rubbish if it didn't make me more physically capable.

  26. #26
    BillyBob210's Avatar
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    I personally think that if a young man, or even an older man, has put forth an effort to raise their testosterone levels through proper diet and exercise, there should be no shame in seeking medical attention. I am 43 and have been on HRT for over a year, learning as I go, I jumped right on the Androgel at first suggestion by my doctors. I am diagnosed as primary and I believe HRT has saved my life. That being said.... If I knew at the beginning of my journey that there was a chance to recover my natural levels through eating well and doing compound lifts to boost me up, I surely would have gone that route. I am on this for life and I am ok with But my advice to anyone would be try to find the cause and fix the problem before you treat the symptoms.
    And never stop lifting, either way you go! There is never any shame in being twice as as strong at 43 then you were at 23

  27. #27
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    ^^^^^ Yeah, I was kind of grumpy about it. I typed out a similar post about a week ago and decided to not post it...only to see more posts that made me wonder why guys seem to WANT low test, or excited at the thought of getting Test. But, now I won't assume that anyone under 40 is lying.

    I still think guys that want Test will interpret every symptom as pointing to the need for injections, and I wish they would be weeded out by competent doctors, but not a lot of doctors specialize in this, and many of the ones that do are charlatans. I know it will sort itself out over time. At this point I am just happy that TRT is becoming more excepted. Even I thought it looked scammy five years ago, and I was prepared to call it rubbish if it didn't make me more physically capable.
    I think those kids wanting to get that TRT script are ****ing retarded. Even if they succeed and find a doctor willing to give it to then, it's not like he's going to give them Bodybuilding level doses. It's just to bring people to normal functioning levels. So those same stupid kids 3 months down the road are going to be where they were before. Looking for gear to get big, except now they got an expensive medication they need every week (or other week) because they're shut down.

  28. #28
    boundup is offline Associate Member
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    I have been on TRT for roughly 4 months now and it has completely changed my life in every single conceivable area. I cannot even begin to stress how amazing this change has been. There are nights that I lay awake and thank whoever or whatever gave me the motivation to ask and push for it. I saw it as an uphill battle with all the negative connotation associated with testosterone and steroids , but I remained focused. After experimenting with them due similar issues as some posters above expressed about weight training, body composition and overall strength, I knew something wasn't right. When I finally did get tested, both my doctor and endocrinologist approved my TRT and I couldn't be happier.

    Since starting my first cycle and transitioning into my TRT, my body has drastically changed, my mood, outlook on life and overall perspective on what is important to me has completely changed. My career is taking off at an alarming rate, the dating scene has been amazing, the level of attraction in women I am seeing is incredible and completely foreign to me; I love it. I am calmer, I sleep better, I look better and I feel like I can finally, for the first time in my life... actually experience life.

    That being said, I am young in comparison to those that are typically on TRT, I'm only 27. However, like someone mentioned, certain people are dealt certain cards in life, and my hand has been unfortunate in this area.

  29. #29
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boundup View Post
    I have been on TRT for roughly 4 months now and it has completely changed my life in every single conceivable area. I cannot even begin to stress how amazing this change has been. There are nights that I lay awake and thank whoever or whatever gave me the motivation to ask and push for it. I saw it as an uphill battle with all the negative connotation associated with testosterone and steroids , but I remained focused. After experimenting with them due similar issues as some posters above expressed about weight training, body composition and overall strength, I knew something wasn't right. When I finally did get tested, both my doctor and endocrinologist approved my TRT and I couldn't be happier.

    Since starting my first cycle and transitioning into my TRT, my body has drastically changed, my mood, outlook on life and overall perspective on what is important to me has completely changed. My career is taking off at an alarming rate, the dating scene has been amazing, the level of attraction in women I am seeing is incredible and completely foreign to me; I love it. I am calmer, I sleep better, I look better and I feel like I can finally, for the first time in my life... actually experience life.

    That being said, I am young in comparison to those that are typically on TRT, I'm only 27. However, like someone mentioned, certain people are dealt certain cards in life, and my hand has been unfortunate in this area.
    thanks for sharing bro and congrats....can you tell us your dosage and what compounds your taking...possibly your pre trt levels and now current

  30. #30
    casberger is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah there are actually some younger guys who need to be on TRT! Myself included. I was diagnosed with hypogonadism at age 20 and never done anything about it until I turned 23 when I started having some serious problems with sex drive and it was pissing my ex wife off! It resulted it divorce because I could not satisfy her due to a very low sex drive and ED.

    Started with a urologist then went to an endo. Had an MRI and it turns out I have a tumor on my pituitary gland blocking my signal for my testes to produce testosterone ! I have to have yearly MRI's to make sure the tumor isnt growing..

    I been on TRT for going on almost 3 years now with Test C @ 100mg EW. I take a 50mg shot on tues and thurs with .5mg arimadex.

    For being such a young guy (25, almost 26) TRT has totally changed my life and I encourage more younger guys that had similar symptoms as me to go get themselves checked out before its too late! There is a lot of stuff in life that you can miss out on if your hormones arent in sync...
    Last edited by casberger; 01-26-2011 at 02:01 PM.

  31. #31
    boundup is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    thanks for sharing bro and congrats....can you tell us your dosage and what compounds your taking...possibly your pre trt levels and now current
    I am on testosterone cyp at 100mg a week. Script is for 200mg per 2 weeks, but I just split it up.

    I was at 275 - 350 levels over the course of the four blood tests. Now I stay right around 800 - 900.

  32. #32
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    thanks...perfect u monitor your estrogen?

  33. #33
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by casberger View Post
    Yeah there are actually some younger guys who need to be on TRT! Myself included. I was diagnosed with hypogonadism at age 20 and never done anything about it until I turned 23 when I started having some serious problems with sex drive and it was pissing my ex wife off! It resulted it divorce because I could not satisfy her due to a very low sex drive and ED.

    Started with a urologist then went to an endo. Had an MRI and it turns out I have a tumor on my pituitary gland blocking my signal for my testes to produce testosterone ! I have to have yearly MRI's to make sure the tumor isnt growing..

    I been on TRT for going on almost 3 years now with Test C @ 100mg EW. I take a 50mg shot on tues and thurs with .5mg arimadex.

    For being such a young guy (25, almost 26) TRT has totally changed my life and I encourage more younger guys that had similar symptoms as me to go get themselves checked out before its too late! There is a lot of stuff in life that you can miss out on if your hormones are in sync...
    DEFNINATELY a FIRST hearing of ANYONE on TRT with a tumor...I dont remember seeing any of your posts bro....good luck with your continued therapy/health

  34. #34
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by casberger View Post
    Had an MRI and it turns out I have a tumor on my pituitary gland blocking my signal for my testes to produce testosterone! I have to have yearly MRI's to make sure the tumor isnt growing.
    Now that is a reason for TRT that is immune to criticism! Is the tumor inoperable, or is it just easier to treat with TRT rather than surgery?

    Congrats on feeling better.

  35. #35
    casberger is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    DEFNINATELY a FIRST hearing of ANYONE on TRT with a tumor...I dont remember seeing any of your posts bro....good luck with your continued therapy/health
    I posted in here a few times in the past about my situation but its been a good while.. I plan on visiting here a lot more frequently. Lots to be learned from you all!

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Now that is a reason for TRT that is immune to criticism! Is the tumor inoperable, or is it just easier to treat with TRT rather than surgery?

    Congrats on feeling better.
    I actually havent looked into having surgery on the tumor much.. It is brain surgery and it has a lot of risks involved in the process! If it starts growing anytime in the future I will have to get it taken out but for now it is much easier to treat with TRT. It only costs me 10 bucks every 3 months for my vial of Test C with insurance.. I'm sure surgery would be damn expensive and there is always the possibility of turning into a vegetable.

    The only major problem that I have been having with my TRT experience is my libido/ED and anxiety. I cant seem to get the right arimadex dosage. My E2 is either too high or too low. Some weeks I feel great and I am a walking hardon. Other weeks I have absolutely no interest.. Also, it seems since I have been on TRT I have been getting some pretty bad anxiety, especially at night. This has been causing me to have a hard time sleeping. But other than that I feel great!

  36. #36
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by casberger View Post
    I posted in here a few times in the past about my situation but its been a good while.. I plan on visiting here a lot more frequently. Lots to be learned from you all!

    I actually havent looked into having surgery on the tumor much.. It is brain surgery and it has a lot of risks involved in the process! If it starts growing anytime in the future I will have to get it taken out but for now it is much easier to treat with TRT. It only costs me 10 bucks every 3 months for my vial of Test C with insurance.. I'm sure surgery would be damn expensive and there is always the possibility of turning into a vegetable.

    The only major problem that I have been having with my TRT experience is my libido/ED and anxiety. I cant seem to get the right arimadex dosage. My E2 is either too high or too low. Some weeks I feel great and I am a walking hardon. Other weeks I have absolutely no interest.. Also, it seems since I have been on TRT I have been getting some pretty bad anxiety, especially at night. This has been causing me to have a hard time sleeping. But other than that I feel great!
    that actually is a common complaint but seems as though all the benefits/positives more than outweigh

  37. #37
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by casberger View Post
    I posted in here a few times in the past about my situation but its been a good while.. I plan on visiting here a lot more frequently. Lots to be learned from you all!

    I actually havent looked into having surgery on the tumor much.. It is brain surgery and it has a lot of risks involved in the process! If it starts growing anytime in the future I will have to get it taken out but for now it is much easier to treat with TRT. It only costs me 10 bucks every 3 months for my vial of Test C with insurance.. I'm sure surgery would be damn expensive and there is always the possibility of turning into a vegetable.

    The only major problem that I have been having with my TRT experience is my libido/ED and anxiety. I cant seem to get the right arimadex dosage. My E2 is either too high or too low. Some weeks I feel great and I am a walking hardon. Other weeks I have absolutely no interest.. Also, it seems since I have been on TRT I have been getting some pretty bad anxiety, especially at night. This has been causing me to have a hard time sleeping. But other than that I feel great!
    I haven't had too many days with no interest since coming on, but I tell you I felt like I was 12 again trying to tame my Little Kong... But I did have problems with anxiety. My doctor suggested that I try cutting off all caffeine. That helps a bit, but I still get anxiety though. But there is no comparison to how I felt before I started TRT treatments, I feel fantastic.

  38. #38
    vetek12 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by casberger View Post
    Yeah there are actually some younger guys who need to be on TRT! Myself included. I was diagnosed with hypogonadism at age 20 and never done anything about it until I turned 23 when I started having some serious problems with sex drive and it was pissing my ex wife off! It resulted it divorce because I could not satisfy her due to a very low sex drive and ED.

    Started with a urologist then went to an endo. Had an MRI and it turns out I have a tumor on my pituitary gland blocking my signal for my testes to produce testosterone ! I have to have yearly MRI's to make sure the tumor isnt growing..

    I been on TRT for going on almost 3 years now with Test C @ 100mg EW. I take a 50mg shot on tues and thurs with .5mg arimadex.

    For being such a young guy (25, almost 26) TRT has totally changed my life and I encourage more younger guys that had similar symptoms as me to go get themselves checked out before its too late! There is a lot of stuff in life that you can miss out on if your hormones are in sync...
    hmm i think i may have something very similar to you. i should get the mri done. it was one of the things my doc was saying, that my pituitary glands weren't responding to my testes or something like yours. hope its not a tumor aswell

  39. #39
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    an mri is a pretty common pre-hrt procedure/precaution as well as looking inside the other end

  40. #40
    casberger is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetek12 View Post
    hmm i think i may have something very similar to you. i should get the mri done. it was one of the things my doc was saying, that my pituitary glands weren't responding to my testes or something like yours. hope its not a tumor aswell
    Go see an endo and get it checked out ASAP. From what my doctor has said is that this sort of thing is actually fairly common. A severe blow to the head could cause damage to the pituitary gland resulting in primary hypogonadism as well.

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