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  1. #1
    EZ E's Avatar
    EZ E is offline Associate Member
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    Blood test results and ??

    I just had my lab work done after 3 months on TRT.

    TRT Protocol
    150mg/wk of Test C
    250iu HCG 3x/wk
    .5mg Adex 2x/wk

    Pre TRT labs (Quest)
    Total test: 314ng/dl range 250-1100
    Free test: 53.6pg/ml range 46-224
    E2: 36pg/ml range <52

    New Labs (LabCorp)
    Total test: 688 ng/dl range 249-836
    Free test: 28.07ng/dl range 5-21
    E2: 54.3pg/ml range 7.6-42.6

    Overall I have been happy with the results. I feel good and have put on about 15 lbs while leaning out some to around 11% body fat. The only side effect I am having is some bacne. I was thinking about upping the Adex to .5mg 3x/wk to bring the E2 down and see if it helps clear up my back. Any thoughts on the dosages/lab results and if you think bringing E2 levels down migh help clear up my back.


  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZ E;5562***
    I just had my lab work done after 3 months on TRT.

    TRT Protocol
    150mg/wk of Test C
    250iu HCG 3x/wk
    .5mg Adex 2x/wk

    Pre TRT labs (Quest)
    Total test: 314ng/dl range 250-1100
    Free test: 53.6pg/ml range 46-224
    E2: 36pg/ml range <52

    New Labs (LabCorp)
    Total test: 688 ng/dl range 249-836
    Free test: 28.07ng/dl range 5-21
    E2: 54.3pg/ml range 7.6-42.6

    Overall I have been happy with the results. I feel good and have put on about 15 lbs while leaning out some to around 11% body fat. The only side effect I am having is some bacne. I was thinking about upping the Adex to .5mg 3x/wk to bring the E2 down and see if it helps clear up my back. Any thoughts on the dosages/lab results and if you think bringing E2 levels down migh help clear up my back.

    i like this idea...with your e2 being up there a bit...i dont imagine it would bring it too low...maybe u can take .25 on the 3 day of taking arimidex outside your test shot even just to keep from a possible yo yo....sounds like your making EXCELLENT progress/gains bro....kudos..

    keep us posted...IN THIS THREAD!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    yes good progress! I'll be reading your updates...

  4. #4
    EZ E's Avatar
    EZ E is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2009
    Adding .5mg adex/week to see if I notice a difference and if the bacne clears up some.


  5. #5
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    I had bacne bad for about the first six months. I think it is the sudden increase in hormones. I found regular soap on a scrub brush, showering after the gym and loose cotton t-shirts when I lift has made it go away.

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