I've looked through several forums for a possible answer but no luck.

I have a question regarding the mental effects of TRT. When you finally hit the sweet spot and all is in sync for a while, did you get a feeling of change in your inner self? I know that my T level has always been low. I never filled out body wise, I lacked coordination and I suffered from depression and SAD. Very insecure, I guess.

Move forward 2 years. TRT in sync, I hit the gym, I gained about 30 lbs of muscle, and my coordination has improved. Depression fading. What I find odd is that I am willing, if not eager, to attempt more manly things, such as hunting and other outdoor sports, that I would have never attempted in the past for fear of failure or just plain lack of interest.

In short, I feel like i have misses nearly 30 years of one important part of life, and now I feel the desire to catch up and try new things. My wife and daughters give me crazy looks when I try new things but seem to like the change.

The question...is this because of TRT, and did any of you experience this change of disposition?