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  1. #1
    VMAAG's Avatar
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    Well known HRT clinic closed down

    I just learned that a clinic in South Florida that's been around for 9 or more years has suddenly closed down. I don't think I can say the name of the clinic so for now I won't but I can tell you they were in Palm Beach Gardens. Wondering if anyone knows why they closed?

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    i don't think mentioning a legal clinic name is against the rules! especially if its a news item and they are out of business anyway! i would have asked you to PM me the name but you need 50 posts to be able to PM!

  3. #3
    namvet is offline Junior Member
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  4. #4
    VMAAG's Avatar
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    I'll check with the one on one section to see if I can publicly say the name. I'm hoping someone knows why they closed. They were a huge money making operation. I saw that first hand. I interviewed with them in March and blew them all away because of my knowledge and expertise and was there for 3 hours. I thought for sure I had that job, hook line and sinker and then I never heard from them again. What I learned in that interview is that they were biased AGAINST women. I asked them very directly in the interview how many women have they hired in the 9+ years they've been opened and the answer was a big fat ZERO. I didn't think they would also apply that bias towards me since I was SO knowledgable but they did. And now I see I had an angel watching out for me because apparently they did something worng - they were making millions so there's no way they would close voluntarily.

  5. #5
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    Are you talking about the clinic the DEA shut down on the Treasue Coast a couple of weeks ago?

  6. #6
    VMAAG's Avatar
    VMAAG is offline Female Member
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    No not the pharmacy - I know about the pharmacy. This was a big time clinic - doing mostly Testosterone and HGH

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i'm sure its related to the pharmacy bust

  8. #8
    streeter's Avatar
    streeter is offline Associate Member
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    Please PM me the name also. I have used one there that starts with the letter "S"

  9. #9
    frawnz's Avatar
    frawnz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If it's The Health and Rejuvination Center in PBG, that's the clinic associated with the Treasure Coast Clinic as well.

  10. #10
    VMAAG's Avatar
    VMAAG is offline Female Member
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    It's is THARC and also learned that Palm Beach Life Extension also was shut down.

  11. #11
    JD250's Avatar
    JD250 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I used THARC briefly......hope the dea doesn't bust my door down and tear my house apart.

  12. #12
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    I used THARC briefly......hope the dea doesn't bust my door down and tear my house apart.
    It's not a commonly known fact, but to get their dogs to be able to detect drugs better, the DEA gives their dogs steroids .

  13. #13
    JD250's Avatar
    JD250 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    So thats what they do with the steroids they confiscate. I'm really not concerned, everything I have done and have in my possession is 100 % legal, besides its been a while since I dealt with them, although I hope nobody kicks my door in and fires automatic weapons at me for no reason, that IS a legit concern nowadays.

  14. #14
    namvet is offline Junior Member
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    do ya think they shut them all down?what about the one in fl. starting with the letters M

  15. #15
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I wonder if this ties into the new pill law in FL. Maybe the shutdown clinics were trying to circumvent the new law or something.

  16. #16
    streeter's Avatar
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    This is why I have been working so hard at getting a local Doc to take over my care so I don't have to worry about my clinic shutting down and going cold turkey. Pro,s and Cons Clinic let me buy almost as much as I wanted at will. Doc has cut my new script in half and I am weaning myself down to the new script hoping I can manage on the lower dosage.

  17. #17
    JD250's Avatar
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    Namvet, I think you will be fine with that clinic.

  18. #18
    swllce's Avatar
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    I wrote a post about this happening a few months ago.
    The pain management clinics would inevedebly drag the hrt clinics into their mess.To many peapole dead from pill addiction.
    To the weaksuits it's all the same ,if it will win them votes they will ban trt clinics to.
    Where will it leave us?
    I just placed an order today so i will be good a while ,but what about the next 20 years?

  19. #19
    namvet is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks...jd250.... Glad to here that ,

  20. #20
    JD250's Avatar
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    I believe we are in the beginning stages of going mainstream, I dont think it will get worse, rather it will become more accepted as it gains popularity and some of the idiots are weeded out.

    Namvet....I talked to them the other day and they assured me that they have never had anything to do with treasure coast pharmacy and with GOOD reason apparantly. For what its worth.

  21. #21
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    Stop the paranoia! Hording Test...really?

    Illegal medical practices of all types are shutdown routinely across this great land of ours. Yes, some more in one line of business then others; but it's nothing new. If a medical practice is operating legally then there is simply nothing to worry about...nothing. If prescription drugs that are legal when prescribed by a licensed Physician and according to followed medically accepted protocol and there is no law being broken.

    Only illegal medical practices have to worry...unless of course you have one of those as your care provider now that's a different situation of course.

    BUT, you will always have resources for legally practiced TRT care.

    BTW, I totally agree with JD's first statement.
    Last edited by 1; 09-11-2011 at 09:05 PM.

  22. #22
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Stop the paranoia! Hording Test...really?

    Illegal medical practices of all types are shutdown routinely across this great land of ours. Yes, some more in one line of business then others; but it's nothing new. If a medical practice is operating legally then there is simply nothing to worry about...nothing. If prescription drugs that are legal when prescribed by a licensed Physician and according to followed medically accepted protocol and there is no law being broken.

    Only illegal medical practices have to worry...unless of course you have one of those as your care provider now that's a different situation of course.

    BUT, you will always have resources for legally practiced TRT care.

    BTW, I totally agree with JD's first statement.
    who was paranoid? who? who?

  23. #23
    namvet is offline Junior Member
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    maybe we are worrying too much

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by namvet View Post
    maybe we are worrying too much
    That's my point. Unlawful medical practices are shut down frequently. Lawful practices have nothing to worry about.

  25. #25
    VMAAG's Avatar
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    I heard through the grapevine from some friends who are in the know here in al Beach County that they were sending meds to patients outside the country and also sending meds without a doctor consult. And it wasn't only THARC that was closed down there were 2 others as well. And now another one still open is under investigation. I worked for 2 of these clinics (not the ones that were shut down but 2 diff ones) and I saw with my own eyes illegal things going on. It makes it easy for those of us who are doing things the right way.

  26. #26
    tee is offline New Member
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    It was busted and the article says" Thirteen named in federal indictment following pill mill raids." I'd post the link but the wonderful spam software wont let me since I have less than 25 posts.

    Wow, I can sure sleep better at night knowing my hard earned tax dollars are being used in the pursuit of such hardened criminals....

  27. #27
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tee View Post
    Wow, I can sure sleep better at night knowing my hard earned tax dollars are being used in the pursuit of such hardened criminals....
    We that need TRT are dealing with a double-edged sword. Clinics have made our treatment easier to find, but we should be happy when people get in trouble for choosing profit over health. I know clinics get shut down for being scrip mills, and I think that is appropriate. If you "need" your clinic because they will sell you anything you want, above TRT needs, then you have nothing to complain about. You will just need to find another shady operation...but know that they will possibly be shut down too.

  28. #28
    tee is offline New Member
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    I don't need the government "Helping" me anymore than they do. I'm a big boy and I can manage my own health without them stepping in to assist.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by tee View Post
    I don't need the government "Helping" me anymore than they do. I'm a big boy and I can manage my own health without them stepping in to assist.
    Personally, I work with a doctor to manage my health. I don't like the government being involved in my affairs either, but I have no problem with them shutting down people that are pretending to practice medicine, but are actually just selling drugs to anyone that wants them. I don't like all the shady medical marijuana sellers in California either. I would love to see AAS decriminalized, but until then I hope people cheating the system won't cause a backlash that will make it impossible for me to get my TRT dose. I was a frickin' mess without it. Constant pain and muscle cramps. Headaches. Wasn't interested in sex. This actually makes my life better. I just happen to be a long time lifter.

  30. #30
    tee is offline New Member
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    The problem that I see is that they aren't focusing on the hard drug dealers, they are going after the law abiding citizens that are trying to play by their BS rules. Thery are arresting the clients of these HRT clinics, as well as anyone associated with them whether they are doing anything wrong or not. They want the "Safe" arrests. Why go after the Columbian drug lord when they can go after someone that has a legitmate job with a family. The Feds know that he is a safe and easy target. As long as we have politicians, we will have BS laws that serve special interest groups.

    I agree. I need my HRT. If this clinic I was using was giving out scripts that werent needed or doing something terribly wrong, then they deserve what they get. I knew the rep fairly well though and he was so worried about even getting close to a gray area that I seriously doubt he did anything wrong. I believe that he just got swept up in the huge net these guys cast to justify their pitiful existence and make themselves feel like they are real law dogs. If the truth be known, most of them couldn't make a zit on a real cops ass.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by tee View Post
    The problem that I see is that they aren't focusing on the hard drug dealers, they are going after the law abiding citizens that are trying to play by their BS rules. Thery are arresting the clients of these HRT clinics, as well as anyone associated with them whether they are doing anything wrong or not. They want the "Safe" arrests. Why go after the Columbian drug lord when they can go after someone that has a legitmate job with a family. The Feds know that he is a safe and easy target. As long as we have politicians, we will have BS laws that serve special interest groups.

    I agree. I need my HRT. If this clinic I was using was giving out scripts that werent needed or doing something terribly wrong, then they deserve what they get. I knew the rep fairly well though and he was so worried about even getting close to a gray area that I seriously doubt he did anything wrong. I believe that he just got swept up in the huge net these guys cast to justify their pitiful existence and make themselves feel like they are real law dogs. If the truth be known, most of them couldn't make a zit on a real cops ass.
    If you have a script from a doc and follow the laws then you won't be arrested, I haven't heard of everyone involved being arrested, in fact I recieved a call from a doc who was involved but didn't break the laws apparrantly, he is looking to scoop up all the scattered clients he can and keep on going........strictly TRT though, no deca or other AAS.

  32. #32
    VMAAG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tee View Post
    It was busted and the article says" Thirteen named in federal indictment following pill mill raids." I'd post the link but the wonderful spam software wont let me since I have less than 25 posts.

    Wow, I can sure sleep better at night knowing my hard earned tax dollars are being used in the pursuit of such hardened criminals....
    Hi Tee, tried sending you a private mess but couldn't. I got your email. I can help but need a way to connect with you.

  33. #33
    tee is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    If you have a script from a doc and follow the laws then you won't be arrested, I haven't heard of everyone involved being arrested, in fact I recieved a call from a doc who was involved but didn't break the laws apparrantly, he is looking to scoop up all the scattered clients he can and keep on going........strictly TRT though, no deca or other AAS.

    Tell that to the 5 Deputies in Florida that were only clients on the Powermedica list.

  34. #34
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    The article says 13 indicted........out of thousands of people, that's hardly everyone.......I was a client, I've not been arrested, as to the deputies....that's some mighty vague info, yes they were clients but apparently they broke the law somehow, maybe they were very active clients as in resale....I don't know but they don't arrest people with a legit script that are following the law.

  35. #35
    tee is offline New Member
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    That was one clinic that was closed. If you look back through the years, they have closed many of them. They didn't stop with just the employees, but went through client lists, visited many of them at their private residences and even arrested some. I was a client too of this recent clinic bust. I was also a client of Powermedica as well and did speak with the FBI/DEA on my doorstep when they shut them down.

    The deputies were cleared of all wrong doing but were arrested nonetheless. They do, and did arrest them and all they had done was gotten a prescription from the Powermedica clinic. They were charged because the clinic was handing out fradulent scripts which they said meant that the deputies were taking HRT without valid prescriptions. They were suspended and had to fight for their jobs back. All because they were clients of a clinic that was importing HGH from China. When our feds have to stoop this low to find a bad guy, they sure aren't impressing me much.

    P.S. Tell your doc to "Scoop me up" too. I'm tired of going through all these clinics only to find out they want to rape you on prices after you send them all the required paperwork.
    Last edited by tee; 10-19-2011 at 08:16 PM.

  36. #36
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    I can't PM you or I would send you his phone number, prices sounded good, no deca only test, anastrozol, and hcg , wanted to start over with new bloodwork and physical exam, seems legit at first glance, would need to check out his DEA registration and make sure he's in line. I use another clinic but am considering the change, we'll see I guess.

  37. #37
    tee is offline New Member
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    I think most are gun shy with the deca now. Thats unfortunate. I really like that for my old joints.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by tee View Post
    The problem that I see is that they aren't focusing on the hard drug dealers, they are going after the law abiding citizens that are trying to play by their BS rules. Thery are arresting the clients of these HRT clinics, as well as anyone associated with them whether they are doing anything wrong or not. They want the "Safe" arrests. Why go after the Columbian drug lord when they can go after someone that has a legitmate job with a family. The Feds know that he is a safe and easy target. As long as we have politicians, we will have BS laws that serve special interest groups.

    I agree. I need my HRT. If this clinic I was using was giving out scripts that werent needed or doing something terribly wrong, then they deserve what they get. I knew the rep fairly well though and he was so worried about even getting close to a gray area that I seriously doubt he did anything wrong. I believe that he just got swept up in the huge net these guys cast to justify their pitiful existence and make themselves feel like they are real law dogs. If the truth be known, most of them couldn't make a zit on a real cops ass.
    The feds need to arrest all the politicians as they are the biggest lawbreakers of them all. They are all a bunch of pie faced pig fvckers!

  39. #39
    innerg is offline Junior Member
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    I want to open a clinic actually the more and more I learn about what my problems are and how they can be fixed the more I want to own a shop and market it. im drawn to it more and more.

    any of you have advice about this? how does it work if I own it? do I higher out the docs?

  40. #40
    Drmagic is offline Junior Member
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    I get patients from other clinics in my area all the time and wonder how they are still open, passing out growth hormone like candy, men coming in on huge doses of multiple steroids with poor follow up, one in particular has a guy who calls himself a "hormone specialist," and has no medical training. These places do need to be shut down. The new law requires us to see a patient every 3 months if you are prescribing controlled meds, unfortunately testosterone falls under that category. I think we can get away with every 6 months but if the DEA wanted to make a stink about it they could. This is one of the reasons I am so diligent about follow up appointments and lab work. I have patients in other states and countries but still require an annual face to face and more frequent labwork and phone consults. This is just responsible medicine in my opinion. It's also the reason I stick to the basics of cyp/hcg /AI treatment, most other forms are not standard of care so you will be on the DEA radar if you are prescribing that other stuff. I get that people have been used them for years without problems but in a medical office there is no place for it. They now require very specific documentation to be submitted if you are writing for the "supertest" type mixtures. Can't tell you how many incidental things I find from the extensive lab work we do in anti-aging. It's also a reason I keep a small shop, I am the only one that sees patients or writes scripts and I only use a couple reputable pharmacies that I am comfortable with.

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