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  1. #1
    OutLaw8.5 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2011

    some semi non scripted related questions?

    SO I'm having trouble finding doctor that will use hcg .. any thoughts on outsourcing?

    And I also need to purchase some pins as I'm tired of the 22a week for something I'm very capable of doing my self. WHere's some places to do so that You guys recommend?

    I hope I haven't broken any rules by asking these questions.

    IF I have I apologize and please remove my post

    THanks in advance
    Last edited by OutLaw8.5; 09-27-2011 at 05:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Buying the pins is not at all a violation of the rules, go to the board sponsor AR-R for you pins. I don't think they carry HCG ( correct me if I am wrong guys) and posting where to get this would be a rule violation. I notice your screen name is outlaw 8.5, I used to run a lot of east coast 10.5 stuff before it got so damn expensive, your not from the MD area are you?

  3. #3
    OutLaw8.5 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2011
    From Lexington ky. Just sold my Victor headed sbf made 855 on motor... Been 1.19 sixty on the little tires >

    YouTube bowtieless

    WIll be Connelley Mitchell racing outlaw 8.5

  4. #4
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Jun 2010
    You can even get pins from an Amazon vendor if you do Amazon. I have had good luck with Allegro Medical Supplies (online). AR-R has always been good for me, but never bought their syringes. AR-R does not carry HCG at this time...but I wish they would. Once you get at least 50 forum can get information on procuring HCG from other members via PM. Mine came from an overseas pharm. and has worked very well so far in returning my boys to normal (plump) size.

  5. #5
    OutLaw8.5 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2011
    THanks sirupate, appreciate the heads up(s)

    THank-you sir
    Last edited by OutLaw8.5; 09-27-2011 at 05:44 PM.

  6. #6
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Whats up Eric,

    If you have not recieved a source for the HCG yet just go to the AR lounge forum and jump your count up to 50 then PM me and as a fellow racer I will be happy to provide you with a good source for HCG AI;s Serms, Viagra etc. all at great prices

    PS. You might wanna keep your cards a little closer to the table as far as name and email addy etc. In addition to possible attention from the police etc, the scammers will be all over you with deals too good to be true LOL.

  7. #7
    OutLaw8.5 is offline Junior Member
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    TEn four

    You on yellowbullet?!

    I almost didn't put email, but I figured it was easiest way to get response with out a bunch of garbage posts

    I'll edit that asap if I can figure out how from my phone
    Last edited by OutLaw8.5; 09-27-2011 at 05:46 PM.

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