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  1. #1
    Vorcellian is offline New Member
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    Do I need to go on TRT? 21 y/o, but EXTREMELY low test

    I've been feeling pretty crappy for the past month (low/no sex drive, inexplicable fat increase over abs, low motivation to do anything, etc), and decided to get bloodwork done. I wanted the results quickly, so I went through LabCorp/WebMD and not through a doctor. Got blood drawn three days ago, and got the results today.

    Here are the issues:

    Testosterone, Serum: 241 ng/dL (normal range: 249-836)
    Luteinizing Hormone, Serum: 1.6 mIU/ml (normal range: 1.7-8.6)

    Estradiol got tested too, as did FSH, and both were within range, though FSH was on the low end (Estradiol was 22.1 ph/ml with a range of 7.6-42.5, FSH was 3.2 mIU/ml with a range of 1.5-12.4)

    And it definitely makes sense with the symptoms I've been experiencing. However, the reason I wanted to get bloodwork done originally is because I wanted to have baseline numbers in case I wanted to do a cycle in the future, but with these results there's no way I'm touching anabolics at any point soon.

    The thing that's confusing is that I have never cycled anything before. No PH, no AAS, nothing at all. I've been training since I was 15, too, and was actually in the best shape of my life about a month and a half ago... but then everything went to sh*t for no discernible reason at the start of September. I lost motivation to train (even though I still pushed hard), and started gaining fat/bloat while looking noticeably worse in the mirror. No idea what caused it or why, which is what made everything so frustrating.

    So.. any advice or suggestions? I'm want to get an appointment with an endocrinologist ASAP, but that might take anywhere from 4-6 weeks with how things are around here. Anything I can do while I wait? Anything I should try to avoid doing? Any advice at all from the more experienced members? I'm feeling very lost here..

  2. #2
    fabAB912 is offline New Member
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    U got secondary hypogonadism. U need more BW- full blood panel , thyroid panel, FBS(fasting blood sugar),prolactin, LFT. In the mean time use clomid 50 mg/ED till u get to the endo. u too young 4 TRT ,stop thinking about it, it's for life once u get on it, nd handling the cmpilcations, u dont wnt that at dis age. try everything else before , also use tongkat ali(100:1) 400mg/ED- 5 days on 2 days off.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    See your endo. You need to find the root cause and treat it accordingly. I would not self medicate at this point because your guessing. Call your endo back and try to bump up the appointment or get put on the cancellation list. You'll make it through a few weeks. TRT is for life. Your too young. Fix the problem first.

    Welcome to the board. Keep up posted and most of all, good luck!

  4. #4
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vorcellian View Post
    I've been feeling pretty crappy for the past month (low/no sex drive, inexplicable fat increase over abs, low motivation to do anything, etc), and decided to get bloodwork done. I wanted the results quickly, so I went through LabCorp/WebMD and not through a doctor. Got blood drawn three days ago, and got the results today.

    Here are the issues:

    Testosterone, Serum: 241 ng/dL (normal range: 249-836)
    Luteinizing Hormone, Serum: 1.6 mIU/ml (normal range: 1.7-8.6)

    Estradiol got tested too, as did FSH, and both were within range, though FSH was on the low end (Estradiol was 22.1 ph/ml with a range of 7.6-42.5, FSH was 3.2 mIU/ml with a range of 1.5-12.4)

    And it definitely makes sense with the symptoms I've been experiencing. However, the reason I wanted to get bloodwork done originally is because I wanted to have baseline numbers in case I wanted to do a cycle in the future, but with these results there's no way I'm touching anabolics at any point soon.

    The thing that's confusing is that I have never cycled anything before. No PH, no AAS, nothing at all. I've been training since I was 15, too, and was actually in the best shape of my life about a month and a half ago... but then everything went to sh*t for no discernible reason at the start of September. I lost motivation to train (even though I still pushed hard), and started gaining fat/bloat while looking noticeably worse in the mirror. No idea what caused it or why, which is what made everything so frustrating.

    So.. any advice or suggestions? I'm want to get an appointment with an endocrinologist ASAP, but that might take anywhere from 4-6 weeks with how things are around here. Anything I can do while I wait? Anything I should try to avoid doing? Any advice at all from the more experienced members? I'm feeling very lost here..

    Take a break. Cut back your training. Lift less frequently, and "half ass" it for a bit.

    Don't over do your cardio, and don't diet too strict.

    Natural Testosterone production requires you to be healthy, and even natural bodybuilding taken too far will tax your body.

    It puts you into a constant state of stress.

    Lots of "bodybuilding" contest diets were made for use in AAS using bodybuilders, who do not need to worry about natural production of test, as they are injecting it.

    When you lower carbs too much, and lower saturated fats too much, and are eating too clean, combined with over training as well as too much cardio etc..., your natural testosterone production can easily drop.

    Lay off any and all supplements too, besides maybe a whey protien shake.

    Even if you take a daily vitamin, cut it down to EOD. If you take fish oil or other EFA's, cut them back a bit too.

    In simple terms, LOTS of guys in the age 18-24 range overtrain, overdiet and over supplement.

    Unless you got hit in the nads with a baseball bat recently, or came off of an AAS or Prohormone cycle without a PCT, nothing likely changed.

    From reading your post it looks like a young guy who is just over taxing his body.

    Take a break and likely you will feel much better.

    Before you get on the pin for the rest of your life.

  5. #5
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    ^ excellent post!

  6. #6
    bigboy67's Avatar
    bigboy67 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fred40 View Post
    ^ excellent post!
    x2 - You don't want to start on teh TRT path, there IS no end point, its for life

  7. #7
    Vorcellian is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Take a break. Cut back your training. Lift less frequently, and "half ass" it for a bit.

    Don't over do your cardio, and don't diet too strict.

    Natural Testosterone production requires you to be healthy, and even natural bodybuilding taken too far will tax your body.

    It puts you into a constant state of stress.

    Lots of "bodybuilding" contest diets were made for use in AAS using bodybuilders, who do not need to worry about natural production of test, as they are injecting it.

    When you lower carbs too much, and lower saturated fats too much, and are eating too clean, combined with over training as well as too much cardio etc..., your natural testosterone production can easily drop.

    Lay off any and all supplements too, besides maybe a whey protien shake.

    Even if you take a daily vitamin, cut it down to EOD. If you take fish oil or other EFA's, cut them back a bit too.

    In simple terms, LOTS of guys in the age 18-24 range overtrain, overdiet and over supplement.

    Unless you got hit in the nads with a baseball bat recently, or came off of an AAS or Prohormone cycle without a PCT, nothing likely changed.

    From reading your post it looks like a young guy who is just over taxing his body.

    Take a break and likely you will feel much better.

    Before you get on the pin for the rest of your life.
    Thanks man, that's what I've been doing. Took 5 days off last week, and all this week have been deloading (12-15 reps, nothing to failure, and no cardio). Feeling exactly the same still, though.. ie: no sex drive whatsoever. And judging by the mirror, I'm getting fatter in the midsection every day. Super frustrating not to be able to see my abs (even flexed!) after seeing them unflexed only 5 weeks ago.

    Also, I was under the impression that overtraining can only lead to primary hypogonadism, not secondary? And my LH levels show I'm secondary. Plus my nuts are exactly the same size as before.. no shrinkage (not that this means much because the leydig cells, which produce testosterone are tiny)

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Take a break. Cut back your training. Lift less frequently, and "half ass" it for a bit.

    Don't over do your cardio, and don't diet too strict.

    Natural Testosterone production requires you to be healthy, and even natural bodybuilding taken too far will tax your body.

    It puts you into a constant state of stress.

    Lots of "bodybuilding" contest diets were made for use in AAS using bodybuilders, who do not need to worry about natural production of test, as they are injecting it.

    When you lower carbs too much, and lower saturated fats too much, and are eating too clean, combined with over training as well as too much cardio etc..., your natural testosterone production can easily drop.

    Lay off any and all supplements too, besides maybe a whey protien shake.

    Even if you take a daily vitamin, cut it down to EOD. If you take fish oil or other EFA's, cut them back a bit too.

    In simple terms, LOTS of guys in the age 18-24 range overtrain, overdiet and over supplement.

    Unless you got hit in the nads with a baseball bat recently, or came off of an AAS or Prohormone cycle without a PCT, nothing likely changed.

    From reading your post it looks like a young guy who is just over taxing his body.

    Take a break and likely you will feel much better.

    Before you get on the pin for the rest of your life.
    ^^ X2 Excellent post!

  9. #9
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vorcellian View Post
    Thanks man, that's what I've been doing. Took 5 days off last week, and all this week have been deloading (12-15 reps, nothing to failure, and no cardio). Feeling exactly the same still, though.. ie: no sex drive whatsoever. And judging by the mirror, I'm getting fatter in the midsection every day. Super frustrating not to be able to see my abs (even flexed!) after seeing them unflexed only 5 weeks ago.

    Also, I was under the impression that overtraining can only lead to primary hypogonadism, not secondary? And my LH levels show I'm secondary. Plus my nuts are exactly the same size as before.. no shrinkage (not that this means much because the leydig cells, which produce testosterone are tiny)
    Well, if your body is over stressed your LH levels would be low too, obviously that will lead to low T.

    It seems like you are stressing a lot over how your body is looking at the moment, and on the edge of panic.

    That can also cause your T levels to be low.

    Have you had a breakup recently? Even getting dumped by a girl can leave some guys in the pits, and yes your emotions DO effect your Testosterone level, a lot.

    Are you using any stimulant supplements of any kind? There are lots of supplements besides steroids and Prohormones that can shut you down. Can you type up a full list of ALL supplements you have been on over the last 6 months? Any SARMS by any chance? I see you posted over in that section, did you use any of those?

    You have mentioned that you cut back your training intensity, but have you stopped eating too clean? That kills T as well. Your body needs a certain amount of fat and carbs to produce testosterone.

    Obviously your health and sex drive should matter a bit more than a perfect 6 pack year round. Seeing you so worried about your six pack makes me wonder if you are not still in "diet" mode.

    It might take more than a couple weeks to for your level to rise again. Try to get your mind off of it and onto other hobbies or activities that make you feel good.

    If you spend all your time focusing on your problem its like a snowball rolling down hill. Your upset because you feel like you have low T, that depression lowers your T.

    Since you cannot purposely not think about it, you have to instead focus on something else.

  10. #10
    Vorcellian is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Well, if your body is over stressed your LH levels would be low too, obviously that will lead to low T.

    It seems like you are stressing a lot over how your body is looking at the moment, and on the edge of panic.

    That can also cause your T levels to be low.

    Have you had a breakup recently? Even getting dumped by a girl can leave some guys in the pits, and yes your emotions DO effect your Testosterone level, a lot.

    Are you using any stimulant supplements of any kind? There are lots of supplements besides steroids and Prohormones that can shut you down. Can you type up a full list of ALL supplements you have been on over the last 6 months? Any SARMS by any chance? I see you posted over in that section, did you use any of those?

    You have mentioned that you cut back your training intensity, but have you stopped eating too clean? That kills T as well. Your body needs a certain amount of fat and carbs to produce testosterone.

    Obviously your health and sex drive should matter a bit more than a perfect 6 pack year round. Seeing you so worried about your six pack makes me wonder if you are not still in "diet" mode.

    It might take more than a couple weeks to for your level to rise again. Try to get your mind off of it and onto other hobbies or activities that make you feel good.

    If you spend all your time focusing on your problem its like a snowball rolling down hill. Your upset because you feel like you have low T, that depression lowers your T.

    Since you cannot purposely not think about it, you have to instead focus on something else.
    Thanks for the detailed reply bro. Never touched any SARMs, but I was interested in them hence the posts from before. Only supplements I've taken in the past 6 months are:

    -Oxyelite Pro (stimulant/thermogenic, but this was like 4 months before symptoms)
    -Xtend BCAA
    -Vit C 2g/day
    -Omega Ultima (preworkout, started taking it a week before I went in for bloodwork, stopped immediately once BW came back)
    -Animal Flex
    -Potassium (rarely, but for muscle cramps)

    No breakups, nothing emotionally stressful either. Quite the opposite, actually: I was coming back to school after the summer and was very excited to get there.

    And since I've stopped training my diet has been clean, not shitty. And it was never low carb, either: always around 40/40/20. I haven't done any cardio since I got the results.. before, I was doing LISS for 30-40min 4 times a week.

    The thing is, I get such a high from lifting and looking good, that now, being unable to do it, there's nothing positive I can really look to. You know how you feel absolutely awesome after a hard day doing legs, or chest, or any of the major muscle groups? I live for that feeling, and a lot of people around me (ex gf's, family members, even friends) know that I'm usually cranky before I hit the gym for the day, and then feel a lot better after. Right now, though, being forced to take time off is near torture. But at the same time, these last few days I've kind of felt like I've regressed so much that my interest in going back to the gym right now is dwindling... it's bizarre and frustrating, man.

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