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  1. #1
    Titleesq is offline Junior Member
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    Updated BW Posted. All Advice Appreciated....

    BW results from 10/31 blood draw. How do you guys think it looks? Any suggestions/comments will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks so much guys!!!
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    Last edited by Titleesq; 11-08-2011 at 11:31 AM. Reason: Add Attachments

  2. #2
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    Free test is nice. Total test looks good also. Estrogen looks pretty good. Looks like your in shutdown based on LH and FSH numbers. But I am no blood expert. Wait and see if Gdevine chimes. in.

    How do you feel?

  3. #3
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Wow, are you taking any meds for cholesterol or triglyderides? I've never seen such low numbers. If you aren't taking any meds, what do you attribute those low numbers to?

    Don't worry about low LH, FSH. If you are taking testosterone you are going to have low values for those.

    Thyroid is off a bit. Unfortunately, I know nothing about thyroid so can't help you there. I'm sure someone else on here has been through the thyroid mill and understands it enough to comment on.

  4. #4
    Titleesq is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the input guys.

    Prior to starting TRT I had my cholesterol checked and it was 205 with triglycerides at 350. Doc put me on 10mg Crestor and within months it knocked those numbers down very significantly. The numbers are so low in fact that I'm thinking that maybe Quest made a mistake. Is it bad to have cholesterol numbers that are under the reference ranges?

    As far as the LH & FSH, I was under the mistaken assumption that the HCG that I take would restore those to normal levels. I guess not.

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    sorry cant open acrobat from my main puter...maybe i can from my laptop....OR

    you can make a little list hand typed just for me????????????????????????

  6. #6
    Titleesq is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    sorry cant open acrobat from my main puter...maybe i can from my laptop....OR

    you can make a little list hand typed just for me????????????????????????
    Will do JP, I certainly always appreciate your input. It is a BIG list and unfortunately I won't be able to get it up today, but I'll get to it.

    Thanks bro!!!

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleesq View Post
    Will do JP, I certainly always appreciate your input. It is a BIG list and unfortunately I won't be able to get it up today, but I'll get to it.

    Thanks bro!!!
    i thought maybe so cuz of the several attachments ....maybe just a few of them like test, e2, free t....the main ones

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleesq View Post
    Thanks for the input guys.

    Prior to starting TRT I had my cholesterol checked and it was 205 with triglycerides at 350. Doc put me on 10mg Crestor and within months it knocked those numbers down very significantly. The numbers are so low in fact that I'm thinking that maybe Quest made a mistake. Is it bad to have cholesterol numbers that are under the reference ranges?

    As far as the LH & FSH, I was under the mistaken assumption that the HCG that I take would restore those to normal levels. I guess not.
    hCG is an analog of LH so it acts in the absence of LH and to some extent FSH.

  9. #9
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    I am no Doctor so these are just personal observations and any suggestion is just that; a suggestion.

    Keep an eye on your Hematocrit levels as you are nearing the high end of the reference range. You don't want this high on a TRT protocol. Consider giving blood every 90 days or so.

    You Progesterone level is low and is best at mid range.

    E2 at 36 is a bit high; was this a Sensitive assay. Taking an AI? Ideal is is 22.

    Total Test is great BUT Test Free is over the high serum reference range (more below).

    Thyroid looks fantastic!

    IGF-1 is fantastic - Sorry, but no HGH for you pal

    Pregnenolone is low; you need Preg. It's low and you need to back fill your pathways. Are you supplementing DHEA and Preg? If not, go with a transdermal not oral supplement.

    I calculated your Free Testosterone : 26.9 ng/dl = 2.73%. This is fantastic and eliminates concern for the high Test Free assay above. Ideal range here is between 2 & 3%.

    I calculated your Bio Available Testosterone: 617 ng/dl = 62.5%. This is supper ideal!

    Other then slightly elevated E2 and low Preg and Prog (which you can get up) BW looks nice.

  10. #10
    Titleesq is offline Junior Member
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    Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well. It took me a little bit but I was finally able to re-write my test results for easier viewing. I have appreciated all the comments so far, and if anyone has anything to add that would be super.

    THANKS GUYS!!!!!

    CORTISOL, TOTAL, SERUM 13.6 mcg/dL Cortisol (AM): 4.0-22.0 mcg/dL Cortisol (PM): 3.0-17.0 mcg/dL
    ESTRADIOL 36 pg/mL 13 - 54 pg/mL
    PROGESTERONE <0.5 <1.4 ng/mL
    Testosterone ,Total,LCMSMS 988 250-1100 ng/dL
    Testosterone, Free 211 35.0-155.0 pg/mL
    T4, FREE, NON-DIALYSIS 1.1 0.8-1.8 ng/dL
    TSH 0.32 0.40-4.50 mIU/L
    T3, FREE 5.1 2.3-4.2 pg/mL
    PROLACTIN, SERUM 8.6 2.0-18.0 ng/mL
    DHEA SULFATE 322 110-370 mcg/dL
    IGF-I, LC/MS 427 53-331 ng/mL
    CHOLESTEROL 96 125-200 MG/DL
    HDL CHOLESTEROL 39 > or = 40 MG/DL

    This might be TMI, but:

    WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT 6.6 3.8-10.8 Thousand/uL
    RED BLOOD CELL COUNT 4.80 4.20-5.80 Million/uL
    HEMOGLOBIN 15.1 13.2-17.1 g/dL
    HEMATOCRIT 43.9 38.5-50.0 %
    MCV 91 80-100 fL
    MCH 31.5 27-33 pg
    MCHC 34.5 32-36 g/dL
    PLATELET COUNT 246 140-400 Thousand/uL
    RDW 13.8 11.0-15.0 %
    MPV 7.9 7.5-11.5 fL
    ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHILS 3742 1500-***0 cells/uL
    ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES 2251 850-3900 cells/uL
    ABSOLUTE MONOCYTES 495 200-950 cells/uL
    ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHILS 99 15-500 cells/uL
    ABSOLUTE BASOPHILS 13 0-200 cells/uL
    NEUTROPHILS 56.7 %
    LYMPHOCYTES 34.1 %
    MONOCYTES 7.5 %
    BASOPHILS 0.2 %

    SODIUM 140 135-146 mmol/L
    POTASSIUM 4.2 3.5-5.3 mmol/L
    CHLORIDE 103 98-110 mmol/L
    CARBON DIOXIDE 23 21-33 mmol/L
    GLUCOSE 97 n 65-99 MG/DL
    CREATININE 0.74 0.79-1.33 mg/dL
    CALCIUM 9.3 8.6-10.4 MG/DL
    PROTEIN, TOTAL 6.0 6.2-8.3 G/DL
    ALBUMIN 4.2 3.6-5.1 G/DL
    A/G RATIO 2.3 1.0-2.1
    BILIRUBIN, TOTAL 0.6 0.2-1.2 MG/DL
    AST 17 10-40 U/L
    ALT 18 9-60 U/L
    NON-AFRICAN AMERICAN eGFR 116 > OR = 60 mL/min/1.73m2
    AFRICAN AMERICAN eGFR 135 > OR = 60 mL/min/1.73m2

  11. #11
    Titleesq is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    I am no Doctor so these are just personal observations and any suggestion is just that; a suggestion.

    Keep an eye on your Hematocrit levels as you are nearing the high end of the reference range. You don't want this high on a TRT protocol. Consider giving blood every 90 days or so. I will go to the Red Cross website and schedule an appointment. Do they accept blood from people on TRT?

    You Progesterone level is low and is best at mid range.How would you suggest that I rectify this? What product (no creams/gels please), and at what dosage?

    E2 at 36 is a bit high; was this a Sensitive assay. Taking an AI? Ideal is is 22.Yes, I currently take 1.5mg of A-dex split into .5mg dosages on MWF. Should I increase the dosage?

    Total Test is great BUT Test Free is over the high serum reference range (more below).Is this harmful in any way over the long term? Do you think that it is too high and that maybe I should consider cutting back the dosage?

    Thyroid looks fantastic!Does it? I was kind of concerend about the low TSH and the high T3. Are my worries unfounded?

    IGF-1 is fantastic - Sorry, but no HGH for you palLOL. That's obviously NOT natural. I have been pinning 4iu of the pharm grade for a bit.

    Pregnenolone is low; you need Preg. It's low and you need to back fill your pathways. Are you supplementing DHEA and Preg? If not, go with a transdermal not oral supplement. I am taking both. DHEA, 50mg in AM & 50mg in PM. Preg, I am having a memory lapse but I know i only take one pill in AM, and I think it's a 25mg.

    I calculated your Free Testosterone : 26.9 ng/dl = 2.73%. This is fantastic and eliminates concern for the high Test Free assay above. Ideal range here is between 2 & 3%.GREAT bro. Thanks so much. So I guess I should stay where I'm at Test wise then?

    I calculated your Bio Available Testosterone: 617 ng/dl = 62.5%. This is supper ideal!

    Other then slightly elevated E2 and low Preg and Prog (which you can get up) BW looks nice.

    Hey G, MANY thanks as usual for your always valuable and helpful input. You have helped me, and MANY others on this board with your almost encyclopedic knowledge of all things TRT and most importantly your willingness to share that knowledge with others to help them learn and grow in this process......Kudos to you!!!!!

  12. #12
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    testosterone and estrogen numbers look good and never seen higher igf...if feeling good i wouldnt change a thing

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post

    testosterone and estrogen numbers look good and never seen higher igf...if feeling good i wouldnt change a thing
    I'm with JM; your very near the sweet spot.

    Just switch to the transdermal DHEA and Preg. You can get a 15% of both in a cream online. Just double the dosage to get to 30% and that will go to help back fill your pathways.

    Give blood! All men on a TRT protocol should do it and it's a good anyway. You do not want elevated Hematocrit levels; if they get to high your Doc will take you off your TRT protocol as there is really no other option.

    My IGF-1 panel last BW was 299ng/ml (87-238) natural! My Doc was jealous

    Thyroid is great man. Low TSH means your pituitary gland does not have to produce a lot of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone because your Thyroid is doing it's job and high T3 means your converting T4 to T3 in a very nice way. Like to see both of these in the upper part of the reference range.

    Good stuff!

  14. #14
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Titleesq, fantastic looking results!

    GDevine, you da man!

  15. #15
    Titleesq is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the feedback guys. Appreciated as always.....

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