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Thread: HIPPA question

  1. #1
    OutLaw8.5 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2011

    HIPPA question

    As some of you know my doctor sent me a letter saying I couldn't be seen as a patient... Never got a reason that was the truth...

    But I've been two weeks trying to get my records... I can get detailed later if you'd like... But cut to the chase,

    I'm going to pick up my records today.... What all am I entitled to? I know all my blood records, but what about doctors notes etc?

    Thanks in advance
    One step forward, two steps back... Handling it on my own currently

  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    you are entitled to everything that is in writing, and in electronic format.. period, I can't remember the amount they can charge you but it's minimal..

    and if it's written and you request it, and later they try to produce additional information that was "left out" typically the courts will disallow the later information..

    Also depends on if you are requesting the information or if an attorney is.. the attorney will typically get more than you, and anything that they don't want to give him is destroyed.. and will never come to light..

    that's what normally happens..
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  3. #3
    OutLaw8.5 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2011
    Well I was originally told my folder destroyed.. but could email... THEm today today sent off site and they could print them up... THis should contain all their notes and her prescriptions to me as well correct?

    WHat happens if any information isn't in there and has been destroyed?

  4. #4
    mnt51 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    Just like spywizard said. There is an amount of time the medical records must be kept before they are destroyed. It would depend how long ago you last saw the doc. You can threaten to file a HIPPA complaint, look at

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