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Thread: stack

  1. #1
    pugs1 is offline New Member
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    I currently get 300 mg of Cyp bi weekly from my Dr. I am looking to stack it with another test for a 12 week cycle. Can anyone recommend anything? And also after the 12 week cycle can I just go back to the every other week HRT from my doctor? I do not plan on telling my Dr because I am sure he will not approve.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Every other week protocol is not the right injection protocol.

    Weekly is better...twice a week best.

    If you "add" anything to your Physician's protocol it will show up in BW and it will end up biting you in the ass.

    Adding anything on top of what you Physician is prescribing for you may end up screwing up other pathways putting you in a bad space.

    This forum here is not about "adding on top of"...there are other forums here for just that discussion.

  3. #3
    FONZY007's Avatar
    FONZY007 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pugs1
    I currently get 300 mg of Cyp bi weekly from my Dr. I am looking to stack it with another test for a 12 week cycle. Can anyone recommend anything? And also after the 12 week cycle can I just go back to the every other week HRT from my doctor? I do not plan on telling my Dr because I am sure he will not approve.
    My doc put me on the same thing an had my system yo-yoing and broke out with acne and got bloat, I'm now doing an injection every 3.5 days with an AI all good in the hood now.

    No your doctor will not condone your test cycle..

    But on another note, say u want to take 500mg a week for 12 weeks you can and go back down to you hrt amounts but like GD stated it will show up on bw

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by pugs1 View Post
    I currently get 300 mg of Cyp bi weekly from my Dr. I am looking to stack it with another test for a 12 week cycle. Can anyone recommend anything? And also after the 12 week cycle can I just go back to the every other week HRT from my doctor? I do not plan on telling my Dr because I am sure he will not approve.
    stating the obvious huh?

    well, what other kinds of test do you have access to?

    what are your stats and goals? cycle experience?

  5. #5
    pugs1 is offline New Member
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    A lot of the guys from my gym take Sust and they have told me how to cycle with what I am getting now but honesty I do not trust there opinion. That's why I am looking for some input. I am 40 yrs old and have worked out since I was 17 and never messed with any supplements. Last year I found out that my test wad under 300 and I found a Dr to treat me. I am 5'8 and weight 185 at about 18% body fat. Looking to put on about 10 lbs and drop some water/bodyfat. I am thinking about pulling away from the Dr and treat myself. He currently injects me everyother week at 300mg. I would like to do .75 twice a week but can't find any Drs to let me inject myself. If I do treat myself I was thinking about switching from Cyp to Sust at the same mg to see how that works. Also if I Di this myself I would see my regular Dr to do bloodwork to make sure everything is ok.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    cyp is better and you can reach your said goal with your current dose and proper diet if you just started trt and are 18% now

  7. #7
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^agree. Sustanon is not a desirable compound for TRT. Different esters which would make it hard to achieve consistent blood levels.

  8. #8
    pugs1 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the input! I will continue the Drs protocol unless I can find a Dr to give me the script so I can take twice a week instead of once every two weeks

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Pugs - Just have a conversation with your Doctor about half life of your testosterone . Test cyp peaks at about 48 hours after injection and half life about 5 day from injection.

    Do the math on two weeks...

    You are on a roller coaster hitting peak and then trough.

    Ask to go for weekly injections based on half life and ask to do at home yourself; it's very common.

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