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Thread: Low Dose Cialis

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    BillyBob210's Avatar
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    Low Dose Cialis

    I have heard a lot of good benifits of taking a low dose of cialis daily from many of you. I met with my endo yesterday and she gave me a scrip for 90, 5mg doses. I only intend (her recommendation) to take 2.5 mg daily but...... Insurance will only cover 24, 5mg doses for the 90 day period. Good because that is really 48 doses, but not good enough. Anyone know a place to get this scrip filled online for a decent price and the full prescription? Did some searching and it looks way too expesive for me. Maybe a place to get generic without a scrip that sells reliable meds?

    Thanks All.


  2. #2
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    RUI sells "liquid cia" for around 7 cents/mg. Being it's a liquid, easy to dose without having to break apart tablets.

    Although I really question daily cialis, first the half-live is such that every other day should be fine, and second, I seriously wonder whether you might rapidly build up a tolerance and need progressively more.

  3. #3
    BillyBob210's Avatar
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    All good concerns, but some guys here have claimed good heart health (and other benifits) and my endo confirmed this. She says it was originally designed as a daily heart health med and just turned out to be helpful as en ED med.

  4. #4
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Being on HRT I don't have any problems in the wood department now, unless you can have too much. Feel like I'm in my twenties.

  5. #5
    JD250's Avatar
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    It has many good benefits and even if you dont have E.D. issues you will be surprised at what it does to capt. woody.

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    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecdysone View Post
    RUI sells "liquid cia" for around 7 cents/mg. Being it's a liquid, easy to dose without having to break apart tablets.
    Their product definitely works, but I would be hesitant to take any research chemical on a "daily" basis for an extended length of time. It's unlikely these products are being manufactured in a way to insure high quality and/or a reduction of various impurities or heavy metals which could be harmful if ingested over the long-term.
    Last edited by APIs; 01-21-2012 at 09:53 AM.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    It has many good benefits and even if you dont have E.D. issues you will be surprised at what it does to capt. woody.
    Happy to hear your soldier has been promoted to capt.!!
    Last edited by kelkel; 01-21-2012 at 11:06 AM.

  8. #8
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    There are a number of very good and trustworthy online pharmacies that source worldwide. I buy my Tadalafil (Cialis generic) online for the past two years. I buy 60 of the 10 mg and cut them in half...provides four months worth of inventory. Total cost with shipping = $69.00!

    Pretty good deal eh?

    My TRT Doc on the daily use now and is recommending it all his male patience especially those over 40.

    It has recently been approved for the treatment of BPH as well.

    It's a wonderful drug!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecdysone View Post
    RUI sells "liquid cia" for around 7 cents/mg. Being it's a liquid, easy to dose without having to break apart tablets.

    Although I really question daily cialis, first the half-live is such that every other day should be fine, and second, I seriously wonder whether you might rapidly build up a tolerance and need progressively more.

    I've done a ton of research on this drug and never came across any "tolerance" issues. It's a PDE5-I antagonist why would it stop working or be less effective over time and what would the mechanisms be for such a response?

    It was originally designed to be used long term by patients with high blood pressure.

    They are learning more and more everyday about the wonderful benefits of taking a low dose Tadalafil every day.

  10. #10
    JD250's Avatar
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    You know what we really need here, a sticky with different TRT and related drugs listed and under each of those headings needs to be different reputable studies listed and labeled appropriately so that when these subjects come up a new person could easily and quickly access some good information about the drug in question, not just the positive studies but the negative too. Just thinking outloud.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    You know what we really need here, a sticky with different TRT and related drugs listed and under each of those headings needs to be different reputable studies listed and labeled appropriately so that when these subjects come up a new person could easily and quickly access some good information about the drug in question, not just the positive studies but the negative too. Just thinking outloud.
    Good idea!

    Get to work JD

  12. #12
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post

    I've done a ton of research on this drug and never came across any "tolerance" issues. It's a PDE5-I antagonist why would it stop working or be less effective over time and what would the mechanisms be for such a response?
    I think you're right. I let my own experience cloud my advice, and I just hate anecdotal reports (even my own!). My urologist said he's seen a number of tolerance cases, but again, just his experience. Of course you could Goggle the subject and find other urologists that agree, but from what I can tell, there seems to be no evidence of tolerance from better designed clinical studies.

  13. #13
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    Yea, but your experience here greatly enriches the value of this forum my friend

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
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    ^^^without question. Excellent participant!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    There are a number of very good and trustworthy online pharmacies that source worldwide. I buy my Tadalafil (Cialis generic) online for the past two years. I buy 60 of the 10 mg and cut them in half...provides four months worth of inventory. Total cost with shipping = $69.00!

    Pretty good deal eh?

    My TRT Doc on the daily use now and is recommending it all his male patience especially those over 40.

    It has recently been approved for the treatment of BPH as well.

    It's a wonderful drug!
    Hey gdevine, have you noticed lower Blood Pressure while on 5 mgs/daily?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Hey gdevine, have you noticed lower Blood Pressure while on 5 mgs/daily?
    My blood pressure is damn near perfect.

    Not only do I take the 5 mg of Tadalafil I also take 2 mg of an alpha-1 blocker which also can lower symptoms whatsoever.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    My blood pressure is damn near perfect.

    Not only do I take the 5 mg of Tadalafil I also take 2 mg of an alpha-1 blocker which also can lower symptoms whatsoever.
    So what you're saying is it hasnt made a difference to your BP? Reson I'm asking is I curently take Atacand and was wondering if Cialis 5mgs might aid in lowering my BP further. Thanks...

  18. #18
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Now this is interesting, I have been cursed with genetics and have marginally high BP which is controlled with lisinopril (126/72) and cardio/diet. Without the med the top number was consistently 140/150 bottom number always in the 70's. I could tell im not 18 anymore in the "wood" department as I occasionally use levetra for a "guarenteed" result. Also, I have mild BPH. Anyone think this daily use cialis could eliminate the lisinopril and levetra??

  19. #19
    JD250's Avatar
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    Can't speak about heart issues, that would be something to monitor closely but it very well could take care of your other issues.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    Now this is interesting, I have been cursed with genetics and have marginally high BP which is controlled with lisinopril (126/72) and cardio/diet. Without the med the top number was consistently 140/150 bottom number always in the 70's. I could tell im not 18 anymore in the "wood" department as I occasionally use levetra for a "guarenteed" result. Also, I have mild BPH. Anyone think this daily use cialis could eliminate the lisinopril and levetra??
    You might want to ask your Doc to put you on a alpha 1 blocker to low BP. If you do, ask for Doxazosin as it has shown to relax the smooth muscles and can improve erection quality nicely.

    I take 2 mg of Doxazosin along with 5 mg of Tadalafil before bed and morning erections are is the sex

    Both are very good for men in low doses.

  21. #21
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Very intriguing way of lowering BP!

    I have mild hypertension and my doc never mentioned it, but I wonder if it's the concept of using what would be subtherapeutic dosing that makes it work?

    Definitely something I want to carefully experiment with... thanks GD!

  22. #22
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Very good, definetly worth looking into further.

  23. #23
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    Lower blood pressure - Manage BPH - Increased NO Production - Relaxed Smooth Muscle - Optimized Blood Flow - Significantly Better Erection Quality = All Good!

  24. #24
    BillyBob210's Avatar
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    I have noticed a low grade back ache with this dosage. Does this go away in time? BP is good and wood is fantasic!

  25. #25
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Muscle and back pain are quite possible side effects from tadalafil, but they should dissipate in time (that's the one good part of tolerance for this drug).

  26. #26
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    gd, i like your equation, you should have PhD behind your name LOL, in all seriousness, i will speak to my personal Doc about this. If I can get off this BP medicine, increase blod flow and become that 18yr old again under the covers, all good Bro! When i get around to it i'll let this thread know if my Dr is on board, if not, what his reasoning is.

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    Do some research on it and be prepared before your appointment.

    Google it and use

    An educated man is a wise man

    Remember guys, the alpha 1 inhibitor you want to use coadministered with Tadalafil is Doxazosin...important.

  28. #28
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Did u start with the 2mg or work up from 1mg I noticed the pub med literature says they start low and it ranges 1-4 mg

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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    Dr. G
    Did u start with the 2mg or work up from 1mg I noticed the pub med literature says they start low and it ranges 1-4 mg
    Started with 2 mg of Doxazosin with 5 mg of Tadalafil but take it right before I go to sleep and have had no problem whatsoever. The concern, and it rare, is that lowering BP so quickly can cause lightheadedness when one moves from a sitting to standing position (think head rush). It's why it's suggested to titrate the drug. Taking it before bed eliminates that from happening.

    Upside to taking before sleep...morning wood is impressive.

    Normal Doxazosin dosage for BP is 4 mg up to 8 mg. For the purposes of getting a good erection no more then 2 mg is really required but it's okay to test and see where your "zone" is.

    I started taking 5 mg of Tadalafil every 12 hours now and I can get a decent erection on demand and sometimes not on demand LOL

  30. #30
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    good stuff bro

    found that doxazosin is pretty cheap

  31. #31
    keep fightin is offline Associate Member
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    gotta chime in on this, started taking 10 mg Cialis most every day 8 months ago,I like to take it around 8pm. It is fun!, I'm not blind yet,[one of the possible sides] my wife is a very sexy woman so was started strictly for survival .. was not scientific about monitoring bp but was borderline at 140 over 80 most of the time ,4 months into hrt low 120s over low 80s with no significant change in diet exercise,added the cialis and now 120/mid 70s. Obviously just my experience so far with lots of possible variables . morning wood definitely went from zero to hero with hrt alone,Im 56 so the cialis has got me covered in the late evening as well

  32. #32
    PPC is offline Super Knowledgeable ~ Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Started with 2 mg of Doxazosin with 5 mg of Tadalafil but take it right before I go to sleep and have had no problem whatsoever. The concern, and it rare, is that lowering BP so quickly can cause lightheadedness when one moves from a sitting to standing position (think head rush). It's why it's suggested to titrate the drug. Taking it before bed eliminates that from happening.

    Upside to taking before sleep...morning wood is impressive.

    Normal Doxazosin dosage for BP is 4 mg up to 8 mg. For the purposes of getting a good erection no more then 2 mg is really required but it's okay to test and see where your "zone" is.

    I started taking 5 mg of Tadalafil every 12 hours now and I can get a decent erection on demand and sometimes not on demand LOL
    Excellent information you are offering here with the added bonus of your personal experience. Nice.

    My hubby will be starting Dox at the end of February. He's already doing rather well sexually with TRT and daily 5 mg cialis but we enjoy things kicked up a notch. Hopefully we can get a Dox thread started and I'll be sure to chime in with his reaction to it and my wifely perspective.

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    The thing to remember about Doxazosin is just like that of Testosterone ; too much is not a good thing.

    Too much Doxazosin can still help with erection but if it lowers the systolic pressure too much a man may not get rigidity he needs to get a rock hard erection.

    Both Tadalafil and Doxazosin have long half lives so the desired effect can last a full day...maybe more depending upon the man.

    I've seen where men with more sever ED can use 20 mg (even 40 mg daily) of Tadalafil and 4 mg of Doxazosin every day with amazing results. Splitting the doses into smaller doses more frequently over the course of a day (morning, noon, late afternoon, bed time) can provide for a more natural state and eliminate the "on demand" function that some PDE5i's require.

    I've seen where just 2 mg of Doxazosin and 5 mg of Tadalafil taking before bed can have amazing results as well.

    This seems to be pretty much the boundaries to test.

    By splitting the 10 mg of Tadalafil every 12 hours and 2 mg of the Doxazosin before bed I can get a very good erection with not much "excitement" or sometimes just spontaneous erections with no sexual thoughts whatsoever.

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    Here's an ED drug sold in Brazil (Vigamed) that combines both an Alpha I & II blocker and a PDE5i all in one formula.

    From everything I've read it can have a higher success rate than a standard PDE5i alone.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyBob210 View Post
    I have heard a lot of good benifits of taking a low dose of cialis daily from many of you. I met with my endo yesterday and she gave me a scrip for 90, 5mg doses. I only intend (her recommendation) to take 2.5 mg daily but...... Insurance will only cover 24, 5mg doses for the 90 day period. Good because that is really 48 doses, but not good enough. Anyone know a place to get this scrip filled online for a decent price and the full prescription? Did some searching and it looks way too expesive for me. Maybe a place to get generic without a scrip that sells reliable meds?

    Thanks All.

    There are ALOT of generics out there. Many different options,,just look around.

  36. #36
    Userat204 is offline Associate Member
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    Good info. I was having elevated bp, 140-150 over 90-95, which started during AAS use but continued when I would drop back down. 5-10mg cialis worked pretty well to bring me back to normal.

    I got Microzide, which is just a water pill 25mg, and this really put me at perfect bp. So I'm guessing a big part of my issue was diet. I stopped the cialis and stuck with the Microzide, but I'm thinking about going back to the cialis because of other possible benefits. All tadalifil was research chem so I'll eithbgo to the doc or get online just to ensure more accurate dosing.

    Thanks for all the info.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Userat204 View Post
    Good info. I was having elevated bp, 140-150 over 90-95, which started during AAS use but continued when I would drop back down. 5-10mg cialis worked pretty well to bring me back to normal.

    I got Microzide, which is just a water pill 25mg, and this really put me at perfect bp. So I'm guessing a big part of my issue was diet. I stopped the cialis and stuck with the Microzide, but I'm thinking about going back to the cialis because of other possible benefits. All tadalifil was research chem so I'll eithbgo to the doc or get online just to ensure more accurate dosing.

    Thanks for all the info.
    By online from over seas pharmacies.

    Go with generic and save yourself a ton of money.

    Most generics in our country come from over seas pharmaceutical manufacturers anyway so don't be to concerned about India sourced Tadalafil as it's most likely the same product LOL!

  38. #38
    Userat204 is offline Associate Member
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    Very good info, Thanks G, I have a couple places that should work just fine, and I believe one is on India.

  39. #39
    PPC is offline Super Knowledgeable ~ Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Here's an ED drug sold in Brazil (Vigamed) that combines both an Alpha I & II blocker and a PDE5i all in one formula.

    From everything I've read it can have a higher success rate than a standard PDE5i alone.
    Interesting, do you have any first hand experience with the product? Or have you tried combining an alpha 2 blocker like yohimbine with an alpha 1? It seems to me there would be more variables to juggle combining alpha 1's and 2's than with the cialis/dox combo.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Most generics in our country come from over seas pharmaceutical manufacturers anyway so don't be to concerned about India sourced Tadalafil as it's most likely the same product LOL!
    A lot of generics are made overseas, but overseas firms that are making our Generics "legally" are approved & inspected by the FDA to do so . That is not the case for all Generic producers in India or other countries. If they're not approved by the FDA, you dont know what you could be getting quality wise. Having said this, Generic Cialis is not yet approved in the U.S. as it's still under patent. Therefore, there are no FDA approved sources of Generic Cialis & no paper trail exists to assure you of getting a quality product from overseas. Truth is, there are many sub-standard factories overseas that are making these drugs just for the on-line pharmacy market. Many times these on-line pharmacies don't inform you the name of the firm producing it & they just ship you the tablets. IMO, I'd be leery of this. If you know the actual producer's name it may be of benefit to google their name & see what info pops up. If you view anything negative or no info at all, it might be wise to search for a different source.
    Last edited by APIs; 01-25-2012 at 10:30 AM.

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