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  1. #1
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    On TRT at 19 Years Old?

    In this past August I discovered I had pretty abnormally low testosterone levels . I was feeling depressed and tired and had low libido and was actually seeing a therapist at the time before I got blood work through an endocrinologist. The endo also sent me for 2 pituitary scans, with and without contrast. In the scans they thought they saw a possible microadenoma but they weren't sure. My doc sent me to get my prolactin tested because he said these type of growths generally cause an increase in prolactin but my prolactin came back normal.

    My question to you guys is do you think its possible that I'm just a late bloomer and my testosterone will kick in eventually? I'm 19 but I have no facial hair and have been on hgh in the past because I never hit a growth spurt. Im now 6 ft 150lbs. My father was also a very late bloomer and from what he tells me he didnt start growing facial hair till like 22?

    I have seen 3 endos and none of them seem to know wtf they are really doing. One prescribed me androgel and never tested any other hormones beyond total test, free test, lh, fsh. The second dr was the one that sent me to get my prolactin tested. The third one is now prescribing me injections and androgel and at least tested my estrogen and progesterone but only tested my total testosterone not my free testosterone. I know this post is a little long and all over the place but I tried to sum it up as best I can. Below ill post my first labs taken in August. Also do you guys have any advice on the type of doctor I should be seeing? Would a hrt clinic be more effective or should I stick to endos?



    Testosterone Serum 280, Ref 280-800 NG/DL
    Free Testosterone 4.5, Ref 7.2-24 Pg/Ml
    TSH 2.190, Ref .450-4.500 UIU/ML
    LH 2.6, Ref 1.7-8.6 MIU/ML
    FSH 5.8, Ref 1.5-12.4 MIU/ML

  2. #2
    Userat204 is offline Associate Member
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    Well it can be difficult, especially with someone your age. I really didn't shave until after high school, but my test levels were just fine. Yes your TT and Free T look low, but what was your E2? Lh is on the low end but stil in range, and fsh doesn't really look bad but there are a number of things to consider.

    Andro gel is not effective from what I have seen, it tends to correlate with aromatization. What is the current protocol you are on? Best to continue to educate yourself, spend some time with one doc, unless he's a complete moron, but give the doc a chance as these things aren't figured out in one visit. If you are educated on the subject you will be able to better understand his choice and maybe discuss possible options.

    One thing to keep in mind, is estro cause growth plates to close, using T and androgel without the use of an ai may lead to aromatase and estro conversion. These are things you would need to discuss with a doc.

    As far as an Hrt clinic, almost all are cash only and aren't willing to work with someone your age for many reasons.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes, you could be a late bloomer. of course, just a guess

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Injections and Agel? Both? What is the logic there? Was the E2 test a sensitive assay? If so, what was it. You need to post exactly what your protocol is so we can get a better grasp of your situation as well as complete BW if possible. As stated above, T levels are low and so is your LH. I don't understand your comment "they think they saw a microadenoma." You need to find out if they did or they didn't. If not sure you need to follow up on this. You should not be left in the dark, and that's coming from the proud owner of a microadenoma.

    The type of doctor you should be seeing is one that understands TRT and you can talk openly to. The title of endo/euro really doesn't matter. Read all the stickies. Recommended BW is in there along with excellent reading on HCG /Preg by gdevine and what it can do for you. Study up and visit your doctor with a list of questions and follow up questions.

  5. #5
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    As far as the microadenoma is concerned they first sent me for an MRI without contrast and they couldnt tell from that scan so they sent me for one with contrast and that one was equally unclear. I saw a neurologist who told me that a microadenoma this tiny most likely wouldnt even be able to cause these problems and that rescanning to try and get a clearer image wouldnt work. He said that I should monitor it and get rescanned in a year.

    The first doctor I saw started me on androgel 1.62% and at a dose of 3 pumps managed to get my labs to the following. This doctor never tested my estrogen.


    Testosterone Serum 699, (280-800) ng/dl
    FREE Testosterone 13.8, (7.2-24) PG/ML

    The doctor I am currently seeing put my on testosterone cypionate at a dose of 300mg injected every 2 weeks in addition to the androgel im currently taking. I dont know why Im on both my only guess could be he thinks it helps decrease the roller coaster ride some people feel on injections alone? He tried to drew my blood the same day but there was an issue with insurance and as a result he faxed my a blood work script and told me to wait two weeks get the blood drawn and go back to see him for results. When I saw him my testosterone was extremely low and he said it was probably a lab error. Also I got the labs faxed to me and it seems that my ast (sgot) liver function was high and my bun/creatinine ratio was high. I dont know if this is related but its something he didnt even mention during my appointment. The labs are below.


    Testosterone Serum 197 ng/dl
    Estrogens, total 62, adult male: (40-115)
    FSH .5, (1.5-12.4) miu/ml
    LH .1, (1.7-8.6) miu/ml
    Prolactin 10.6, (4.0-15.2) ng/ml
    Progesterone .7, (.2-1.4) ng/ml
    Ast (sgot) 53, (0-40) IU/L
    ALT (sgft) 20, (0-55) IU/L
    BUN/Creatinine Ratio 23, (8-19)

    The doc told me to just wait 6 weeks on my current protocol and then get my labs done again.

    I know this is a long and kind of all over the place post but I tried to simplify it as best I can and I appreciate any and all feedback from you guys.
    Last edited by username1235; 01-25-2012 at 10:21 PM.

  6. #6
    username1235 is offline New Member
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  7. #7
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    Also what is a sensitive assay? Ive tried to google it but I couldnt seem to find anything explaining it. I'm also guessing the total estrogens test my doc prescribed didnt do much for me? When I go back in a few weeks im bringing the list provided under finding a hrt doc.
    Last edited by username1235; 02-04-2012 at 12:26 PM.

  8. #8
    username1235 is offline New Member
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  9. #9
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    I recently switched from 3 pumps of androgel 1.62% to 300mg test cyp every 2 weeks. I know it says above that I am taking both but after contacting my doctor I got off the gel as it is pointless. I was wondering which method of trt automatizes more the gel or the shots? I noticed after the switch that my nipples got puffy and tender and I felt a lump under my right nipple. I had some adex on hand so Ive been taking 1mg a day for the past 4 days cause I'm scared shittless of gyno . The puffiness seemed to reduce but I still have a very tiny lump under my right nipple. Any chance that will go away? Also Im 19 years old and Its looking like ill be on trt for the rest of my life. Does anyone know the long term health effects of taking an AI like Adex cause its looking like Im going to need it.

    Thanks for any advice

  10. #10
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    IM will convert to E2 at a much greater ratio than subdermal (gels)...and your seeing symptoms of elevated E2 as a result.

    1 mg per day is way way too're going to crash! You need BW done (E2 Sensitive Assay) to determine...that said, with the amount of AI you've been taking it won't do you much good now.

    You really need to inject every week not every two weeks...think half life.

    If you were injecting 150 mg a week you could probably get by with 1 to 1.5 mg of AI per week till BW determines optimal dosage.

    Better is to do two injections per week at 75 mg with .5 mg AI 24 hours from injection and I am will to bet your E2 will stabilize in the 20's.

  11. #11
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    I'm going back to the doctor in 3 weeks for blood work and I will ask for a E2 sensitive assay test done. Btw what does sensitive assay actually mean? Do you suggest in the meantime I stay on my current protocol and just lower the AI dose? Should I come of the AI completely like a week before my blood test to see what my E2 levels are with out it or it doesn't really matter?

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