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  1. #1
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011

    Ok So Now What ??? (HRT Aus)

    So last week i had blood work done and test levels were 5.2 / 11-40 ... just spoke to the receptionist and she said this weeks test cam in at 6.1 / 11-40 ..

    Soooo what happens now ? Im in Australia so i have no idea what stupid shit they do in the way of HRT here ..
    As far as my biggest Qs are ill right them below and if anyone can fill me in that would be a lot better then siting here wounding ..

    Can i choice what treatment i have ?
    EX: if I'm going on hrt id rather have 1 shot a week if they will let me or fortnight at the most .. that way ill take 1ml or less in the shoulder were I'm pretty desensitized, instead of what Ive herd they have been doing and thats using Reandron 1000 which is 4-5ml in the ass ever 6 to 12 weeks.. FUK NO !!! my gluts are really sensitive to shots i wouldn't be able to walk for a week ...

    I really don't want patches or creams or gel's .. that all seems a bit gay ..

    Are they allowed to give you a prescription for test to take home and inject your self ?

    The answer to this Q? will probably determine the answer to the one above.
    My doctor only works 3 days a week and is about to retire soon and getting app's with him is almost impossible these days theirs no way he will want me going into him once a week or once a fortnight to shoot me up with test .. so ...

    How often am i going to need blood tests done ?

    Dose any one think ill need anti E treatments with HRT like Arimidex ?

    I'm off to read all the stickies again for the 3rd time and go though a heap of Qs posted in this section and see what else i can learn .. but if anyones got any input especially from any one on HRT in AUS .. i would be most grateful ..

    Cheers Gym_

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    well if you read the stickies you should have gotten answers for most of four questions! i don't know what they offer in Aus, but if you had the choice yes self administrate (not self medicating). you can also try SQ, read the post GD posted regarding SQ with Dr. Crisler. your typical protocol should consist of,

    1. test 100-200 each week, preferably split into two shots a week.
    2. Adex (AI) generally 1 mg per 100 mgs test, but need blood work to see where your e2 is now and do blood work 4 weeks later to see where you levels are then adjust as necessary.
    3. hCG IMHO is a must, again read GD's post regarding hCG!
    3. Diet and Exercise is a must with TRT, otherwise TRT won't be optimum!

    Keep us posted what you decide!

  3. #3
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Thanks Bass .. i do recall reading most of that thou Australia is sometimes like a different planet .. so I'm not sure if the 1st one applies so that then throws off everything else ..

    Its got me a bit concerned to say the lest..

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by Gym_ View Post
    Thanks Bass .. i do recall reading most of that thou Australia is sometimes like a different planet .. so I'm not sure if the 1st one applies so that then throws off everything else ..

    Its got me a bit concerned to say the lest..
    move to US!

  5. #5
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Yeah no thanks LOL... Ive been offered that before and it doesn't really appeal to me ...

    There would be some Australian Government number for health that i could ring and get the answers i need or some type of health group .. there always is ... but I'm stuffed if i can find them ATM .. ill keep surfing, see what i can come up with ..

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