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  1. #1
    lcmedcalf is offline New Member
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    Question about HRT

    Ok, I looked through the other questions and did not see this one. Im 32 and thinking I may not be at my optimal T levels. I would like to put on extra mass, every clinic Ive talked to will not mention extra mass when they are recommending test. I figured this was due to regs and they are not trying to cause problems for there-selves. I would'nt usually be willing to drop 300 for a blood test and 900 for a 16 week cycle, but will these places in FL possibly prescribe me enough Test ineluctable to make some decent gains? At least using them, I know Ill have no legal problems.

  2. #2
    muscleport is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lcmedcalf
    Ok, I looked through the other questions and did not see this one. Im 32 and thinking I may not be at my optimal T levels. I would like to put on extra mass, every clinic Ive talked to will not mention extra mass when they are recommending test. I figured this was due to regs and they are not trying to cause problems for there-selves. I would'nt usually be willing to drop 300 for a blood test and 900 for a 16 week cycle, but will these places in FL possibly prescribe me enough Test ineluctable to make some decent gains? At least using them, I know Ill have no legal problems.
    You don't have to mention that as a goal, some subjective goals, like well-being, libido, "regular" strength all could be used as a legitimate reason.

  3. #3
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    Unless you get prescribed HRT and save it up untill you have enough for a cycle i dont believe they will give you as much as you want, altho if you do have low test levels bringing them up to a normal level will help you increase muscle mass etc, you can always get on HRT and then find a source of some extra test for yourself and add it in. If you already have low test levels just doing 1 cycle and coming off is going to be worse for you in the long run.

  4. #4
    lcmedcalf is offline New Member
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    Idk what my test levels are yet. Im getting tested next week. But, I think these guys will work with me. Thank you for the idea of "saving up" Big Ron.

  5. #5
    lcmedcalf is offline New Member
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    I hate the expense though.

  6. #6
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Testosterone therapy is not something you cycle. Wanting to gain extra "mass" is not what TRT is about.

    You will probably find more luck in another place because it sounds like you just want to do a cycle of anabolics and avoid breaking the law.

  7. #7
    lcmedcalf is offline New Member
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    Yes, hrt. No breaking the law if I can. plus, I really have not found a good source that Im comfortable with.

  8. #8
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    Yeah it dosnt sound like HRT is for you mate...

  9. #9
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    wrong section!

  10. #10
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    agree with bass due to your sole objective

    however being in your 30's it couldnt hurt to have your bloodwork done

    and clinics usually prescribe 200mg of test weekly...depending on your prior/recent aas history if any, if you are low T then 200mg can yield DECENT gains, yes..maybe a lil better than decent depending on the definition...who knows you may not go back

  11. #11
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    ^^^^ JPK correct, clinics go 200 per week, not trying to encourage you to do something for "other reasons" but to answer your question directly, clinics are LEGALLY aloud to prescibe you 6 months of medication at once. At least thats what I have been told and have been doing. My reasons are dif than yours, I purely do not want to get caught if my place goes under scrambling to find a new place when I'm on empty with the Meds (been there done that). I keep a 10mil vial on reserve then when my existing one is done, I re-order. This way if they go under, I have 10 weeks to get set back up.

  12. #12
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    So do you have any symptoms of low T? I guess you could abuse the system to legally do a cycle, but why not do it cheaper and just do a cycle? Have you been training a long time? Like others said this needs to be in the steroids section because they will help you determine if you are ready for a cycle. On the other hand if you legitimately want to go on HRT for life than this is the forum for you, and the goal is to figure out at what doses makes you feel the best health wise, and stabilize at normal testosterone levels for someone in their 20s, in which case I would say get tested and find out if this is what you need. And then of course stick with it. If you want to do a blast later or include other compounds that is up to you. But either you are cheating the system or should do a steroid cycle, in which case move to other forum, or else if you want to restore your test to youthful levels then this is the place for you, but so far sounds like the former.

  13. #13
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Thought he stated he wanted to stay LEGAL, NO?

  14. #14
    lcmedcalf is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the responses. JPK stated it best. Im getting blood work done Tuesday and will wait and see what results I get.

  15. #15
    Imatk is offline New Member
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    If you get your results back and you do have low test then you will likely benefit from HRT as far as building muscle mass, but really that's not what it's designed to do.

    I was basically ready to jump off a damn bridge and HRT has helped me IMMENSELY with my depression. So much so that I'm down to taking 5mg of the antidepressant I was on (was previously at 25).

    So it's not really a legal avenue to doing steroids ... at least as far as I know

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