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  1. #1
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A dozen reasons NOT to use HCG

    I use HCG as I think many who read this forum do also. However, we should should all realize that there are certain risks.

    Off the top of my head, here are a simple dozen (I'm sure there are more):

    1. Very few mainstream docs will prescribe it for TRT use.
    2, Most of the HCG manufacturers do not list TRT as an approved use.
    3. Those that do, have limits placed on how long it could be used.
    4. Dosages that are typically used are not FDA approved.
    5. There are very few studies showing the efficacy of HCG for TRT.
    6. There are no long-terms studies demonstrating the safety of HCG use in men.

    Because many guys use the product prepared from human urine, they run the following risks:

    7. Manyl HCG preps contain prion proteins (cause Mad Cow Disease)
    8. HCG preps vary tremendously in purity of the intact HCG molecule: most are contaminated to various degrees by lesser molecular weight fragments
    9. Auto-immune reactions to urine contaminants are a real possibility, especially after long-term use.
    10. Biochemically, HCG is the wrong product to use in men: LH/FSH are the correct ones.
    11. HMG is a better choice than HCG
    12. Frequent injections of any foreign substance into the body should be avoided.

  2. #2
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've been on TRT for three years and never used HCG in my life....

  3. #3
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    Not one of those listed would stop me from using it.

    You want to see the list of what happens to men with HPTA suppression???

    Risk reward...true for any drug we take.

  4. #4
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
    JAMIE07652 is offline Associate Member
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    What is hmg ?

  5. #5
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Well apparently there was a problem with that Indian pharmacy's HCG so maybe there is some credence to the whole contamination thing! Not try to start a shitstorm at all, that's just where my mind went when I read about that place pulling all their HCG!

    I don't use HCG, for the record, but I would probably try it if my doctor was willing and my well-being was low despite good T levels.

  6. #6
    warchild's Avatar
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    hcg is synthetic

  7. #7
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    hcg is synthetic
    Depends on the brand.

    Taken from wikipedia.

    Like other gonadotropins, hCG can be extracted from urine or by genetic modification. Pregnyl, Follutein, Profasi, Choragon and Novarel use the former method, derived from the urine of pregnant women. Ovidrel, on the other hand, is a product of recombinant DNA. hCG is produced from the syncytiotrophoblast cell layer.

  8. #8
    APIs's Avatar
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    Avoiding newbies @ gym...
    I like my gonads working thank you, plus I'm more fearful of my daily table salt intake than taking HCG . I can maybe see the fear from foreign producers, that's why I limit my overseas med purchases to only simple compounds. I'll pay the $150 for U.S. produced HCG ex CVS any day. In my opion; pay-shit, get-shit.

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    just when i finally get some hcg after 6 years without and i read this

    bronzer i dont remember seein you post in the hrt section although ive seen you post...thats interesting...wish you'd share more especially now that you stated the 3 year trt

  10. #10
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    jpkman where did you get the HCG ? if you got it from a USA manufacturer I would not sweat it.

    My personal opinion is... well, anything produced in india/china you always have to be wary of it's contents. I mean... how often do we hear about bad drugs or other chemical poisoning going on over there? Lead paint toys to drugs... it really runs the gamut.

    Again I am not trying to fear-monger but I'm just raising awareness. We tend shit on the FDA all day long but at least when we buy overpriced drugs in the USA we usually can be sure it's what it says it is and generally not directly harmful.

  11. #11
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    Let it be known that many of the generic drugs purchased here in the US are sourced from foreign lands.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the hCG we buy here at compounding pharmacies comes from India.

  12. #12
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I agree there are risks to taking any medication. A lot of the things on the list were generalizations that I would love to have more info on. There are also a few things that are listed as dangers, but really are just a reality of business. So, not necessarily disagreeing with anything in my comment below.

    1. Very few mainstream docs will prescribe it for TRT use.
    Currently, most docs think low Test levels are a natural part of aging and should not be treated. I am already going against what most docs think by doing any form of TRT. Plus, there are many things that docs where not a fan of in the past that turned out to be important medical breakthroughs. That is a slowly moving industry.

    2. Most of the HCG manufacturers do not list TRT as an approved use.
    Because anyone can make it, and there are no proprietary technologies or intellectual property protections for anyone that spends millions getting a new use approved by the FDA.

    3. Those that do, have limits placed on how long it could be used.
    This, I did not know. Is it because they say the mega doses used for fertility shouldn't be done long term, or do they specifically say that our doses are something that shouldn't be done for long?

    4. Dosages that are typically used are not FDA approved.
    See number two above. There will be no FDA approval for our use of HCG ever. It is not financially viable.

    5. There are very few studies showing the efficacy of HCG for TRT.
    I take HCG for the sole purpose of stopping testicular atrophy. I don't think its efficacy is in doubt by anyone for that specific it?

    6. There are no long-terms studies demonstrating the safety of HCG use in men.
    I haven't seen any either. Don't know if they are out there or not. I know there probably won't be any paid for by the drug companies since it is non-proprietary and our use is off label.

    Because many guys use the product prepared from human urine, they run the following risks:

    7. Manyl HCG preps contain prion proteins (cause Mad Cow Disease)
    Are you talking about pharm grade products, or everything on the market? I did find this: "No prion diseases have been transmitted through urine yet, the authors of the study say, but it is theoretically possible." I read the conclusions of the study and it says intramuscular injection is a relatively efficient route of transmission of human prion disease...but non of use do IM injections of HCG.

    8. HCG preps vary tremendously in purity of the intact HCG molecule: most are contaminated to various degrees by lesser molecular weight fragments.
    Is this is true in all HCG from American pharmacies? Is this a danger, or does it make it less effective?

    9. Auto-immune reactions to urine contaminants are a real possibility, especially after long-term use.
    You say it is a "possibility" as apposed to a known issue. I did a Google search and didn't find much on this. Any links?

    10. Biochemically, HCG is the wrong product to use in men: LH/FSH are the correct ones.
    Who says this? I would like to know more. I read up on them...and it is all Greek to me. I would rely on doctors to tell me which is better. Is LH/FSH widely available? Would we take it directly, or would we use HMG to increase production?

    11. HMG is a better choice than HCG
    I assume because it stimulates FSH/LH production? Note: it is made from urine, per danger numbers seven and nine.

    12. Frequent injections of any foreign substance into the body should be avoided.
    Is the problem that they are injected (as apposed to swallowed or topical)? Should they be avoided because of possible infection or some other injection-specific issue? Does that mean creams and patches are better? Isn't this a risk/benefit equation like anything else? For example, injecting B12 seems like a worse risk/benefit choice than a diabetic that needs insulin several times a day.

    Please keep in mind that my questions are legitimate interest...not disapproval or a challenge.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 02-27-2012 at 03:14 PM.

  13. #13
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hrt View Post
    jpkman where did you get the HCG ? if you got it from a USA manufacturer I would not sweat it.

    My personal opinion is... well, anything produced in india/china you always have to be wary of it's contents. I mean... how often do we hear about bad drugs or other chemical poisoning going on over there? Lead paint toys to drugs... it really runs the gamut.

    Again I am not trying to fear-monger but I'm just raising awareness. We tend shit on the FDA all day long but at least when we buy overpriced drugs in the USA we usually can be sure it's what it says it is and generally not directly harmful.
    it IS from india ...i've used other products with no problems but wow..yeh theres no doubt i would use fda products regardless of price if i could help it...dayam
    but thanks

  14. #14
    Herman Munster's Avatar
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    WTF? I just today recieved a package of HCG from that company that recently pulled HCG from their list. This product arrived from India, now you all have me nervous.

  15. #15
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine
    Let it be known that many of the generic drugs purchased here in the US are sourced from foreign lands.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the hCG we buy here at compounding pharmacies comes from India.
    Like my test, it's says Watson pharma but than says from India lol... I get it from my local
    Rite aid

  16. #16
    BigBadWolf's Avatar
    BigBadWolf is offline Member
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    I ordered mine from India but it was made in Switzerland I'm I going to die? Lol

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    Like my test, it's says Watson pharma but than says from India lol... I get it from my local
    Rite aid
    See my post above regarding generic drugs and over seas pharma's...very common.

  18. #18
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    So i do have a question then, do you need HCG if you don't have any testicular shrinkage, to be very honest i been on T E since Oct 17 and my testicles have not shrunk one bit?

  19. #19
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    WOW...i thought you read all the stickies yannick

  20. #20
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herman Munster View Post
    WTF? I just today recieved a package of HCG from that company that recently pulled HCG from their list. This product arrived from India, now you all have me nervous.
    You should call/email (don't know what they use) and find out why it was pulled.

    I can't imagine there was an imminent health danger because they did not release any sort of recall or warning. But again I don't deal with them so I'm just going on what has not been said.

  21. #21
    flatscat's Avatar
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    I agree that at least on the surface hmg looks really good. It is just so hard to get. And you think getting an rx for hcg is hard, try asking for hmg!

  22. #22
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I just wanted add a couple notes in response.

    HMG would theoretically be what we should be using because unlike HCG , which only tricks the HPTA into producing LH, HMG elicits both a FSH and a LH response. Not that we necessarily want or need normal sperm production, but the idea is by taking care of both better balances the inhibitory effect of injected, supplemental test.

    But yes, JV is correct that HMG produced from human urine has the same risk for prion protein contamination.

    Here's the main thing with HCG produced by extracting it from women's urine and trying to purifying it. During the manufacturing process a goodly portion of the intact HCG molecule is degraded into smaller subunits. Women's urine also contains these smaller subunits to some extent. When manufacturers assay their HCG they typically only measure "HCG-reacting" substances and don't overly concern themselves with small subunit or or that matter other contaminants from the urine.

    Like it or not, you're injecting all this stuff each time you take a HCG dose (unless you're using recombinant grade HCG).

    Not being 'chicken little' here, just pointing out that there are risks and like hrt mentions, it good to know your source.

  23. #23
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    I opened this thread expecting to find at least 1 LEGITIMATE reason to not use HCG , but I didn't even find 1 .........

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecdysone View Post
    I just wanted add a couple notes in response.

    HMG would theoretically be what we should be using because unlike HCG, which only tricks the HPTA into producing LH, HMG elicits both a FSH and a LH response. Not that we necessarily want or need normal sperm production, but the idea is by taking care of both better balances the inhibitory effect of injected, supplemental test.
    hCG is an LH analog; it does not "trick the HPTA" nor the Pituitary into producing LH.

    Does HMG act like LHRH and how does it act on the Pituitary gland?

  25. #25
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    WOW...i thought you read all the stickies yannick
    I am trying to make sense of all this TRT stuff, and i am having a hard time, from incompetent medical doctor to having to use a product or not.

  26. #26
    jamotech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    I opened this thread expecting to find at least 1 LEGITIMATE reason to not use HCG, but I didn't even find 1 .........

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    hCG is an LH analog; it does not "trick the HPTA" nor the Pituitary into producing LH.

    Does HMG act like LHRH and how does it act on the Pituitary gland?
    True, did a little research on some fertility sites GD, seems like HMG has some variations. Some manufactures make is containing FSH analog only, some have FSH and LH analog.
    Either way, a mimic still.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    hCG is an LH analog; it does not "trick the HPTA" nor the Pituitary into producing LH.

    Does HMG act like LHRH and how does it act on the Pituitary gland?
    The LH analog will "trick the testes"

  29. #29
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    My testes have been duped!

  30. #30
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    hCG is an LH analog; it does not "trick the HPTA" nor the Pituitary into producing LH.

    Does HMG act like LHRH and how does it act on the Pituitary gland?
    Glad you caught that GD ... That was my exact thoughts.

    HMG is similar to HCG, as it is an analog peptide, but as you know it mimics both LH and FSH. It's not a SERM, so it should have the same effect on the HPTA as HCG, which would be suppression at best.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkeykong View Post
    I ordered mine from India but it was made in Switzerland I'm I going to die? Lol
    Absolutely hysterical HK! To lighten it up a bit I'm now stopping my HCG usage as my wifes been "pissing" all over me for years now!

  32. #32
    TED66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    So i do have a question then, do you need HCG if you don't have any testicular shrinkage, to be very honest i been on T E since Oct 17 and my testicles have not shrunk one bit?
    yea mine havent really either and i have ran well above 1500 total test. i guess we are lucky . good luck on gettin an answer on your question though.

  33. #33
    doc w's Avatar
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    My testicles used to be huge. Now they are just average

  34. #34
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TED66 View Post
    yea mine havent really either and i have ran well above 1500 total test. i guess we are lucky . good luck on gettin an answer on your question though.
    Well miss Erika Campbell here will make my testicles inflate pretty big lol, your avatar is great bro, she is a hottie. You know what i am going to do what i always did, freaken trial and error on myself. I got everything on hand, and i can get HCG if i need it.

    I am almost 40 years old don't plan to have kids one day, my test are big, they have not shrunk so far. So for now all is good, also since i lowered my T dosage everything is getting in check.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Absolutely hysterical HK! To lighten it up a bit I'm now stopping my HCG usage as my wifes been "pissing" all over me for years now!
    Ok, this had me on the floor LMAO!

    Funny shit kel

  36. #36
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    1,916 you have one substantiated claim or any empirical evidence to back any of this up........can you point to ONE person that has had ANY health problem that can be related to HCG .

    BTW.....40,000 people die every year in the US in car wrecks, just sayin, you might want to walk to work tomorrow.

    India is not known for bad medicine and lead paint chips and the like...sheeeeesh.....that's China, Indian pharma companies make a great deal of the meds we take here in the states.

  37. #37
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    [QUOTE=kelkel;To lighten it up a bit I'm now stopping my HCG usage as my wifes been "pissing" all over me for years now![/QUOTE]

    You know though, if she's pregnant then it's at least 10X more potent!

  38. #38
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    can you point to ONE person that has had ANY health problem that can be related to HCG.
    The ones I'm talking about just die off quietly, long before they have a chance to post on this forum!

  39. #39
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    I opened this thread expecting to find at least 1 LEGITIMATE reason to not use HCG, but I didn't even find 1 .........

    Well, SORRY! How about the fact that it's women who produce it and yet men who inject it!

    Next thing you'll say is that you've allowed your estradiol to rise off the charts so you are more atuned with your body.
    Last edited by ecdysone; 02-27-2012 at 08:41 PM.

  40. #40
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecdysone View Post
    The ones I'm talking about just die off quietly, long before they have a chance to post on this forum!
    So there are people that indeed dying from this? Knowing how the media is anti-AAS in every respect, I would presume that even one (1) substantiated case of fatality derived from HCG would have triggered a backlash in the media to put the consumer on alert, especially with the diet craze phenomena that is currently associated with HCG.

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