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  1. #1
    fjr02 is offline Junior Member
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    IM delivery method question

    When I picked up my first batch prescribed gear yesterday, I was given 1" 22g pins for quad inj.
    In my previous life I always did gluts with a 1.5", BUT I never withdrew to see if I had hit a vein.

    So a few questions...
    (1) Can use a 1" for gluts, or do I need to get some 1.5" 23g pins to supplement my quads 1" pins, as I rotate inj locations?
    (2) I'm not sure I can effectively check to see if I hit a vein in my glut, what are the repercussions if I go into a vein?

    For me, he gluts certainly hurt a lot less then the quads.


  2. #2
    Mr Bill's Avatar
    Mr Bill is offline Junior Member
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    I use a 1" 25g for glutes and quads. I do my quads and wife does my glutes for me because I can't asspirate when doing glutes. Drop down to the 25g and pain will be less for the quad shot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I like BD 27G 1 1/4 in like butter

  4. #4
    Mr Bill's Avatar
    Mr Bill is offline Junior Member
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    I will have to try the 27g on the next go round.

    I remember when I got my first shot at the doctors office I saw the nurse loading the the test and I got the sweats. I didn't know she was going to to change the 11/2" 18g over to a 25g LOL!

  5. #5
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    I also use 25g 1" on my quads. Relatively painless.

  6. #6
    sirupate is offline Member
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    25ga. worked well for me on quads, but 27ga. sounds even better. You should aspirate on your glutes (and quads), but unless you are really flexible, I don't know how you do that on glutes. I have read the consequences of injecting directly into a blood vessel are most unpleasant, but I can't remember just what they are. Severe coughing/lung problems for a few minutes I think.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If your hitting upper-outer glutes you should be able to aspirate . Maybe your too far in? IDK. I use 25ga 1" now and recently started doing delts which I found to be very easy and painless. Quads scare the crap out of me still. I will be getting a new script for 27's next week though.

  8. #8
    Herman Munster's Avatar
    Herman Munster is offline Junior Member
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    25ga 1", mid outer quads and delts, mix in a SubQ because it is simple and I have a bijillion insulin needles. I cant reach my glutes w/ enough confidence to inject.

  9. #9
    fjr02 is offline Junior Member
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    OK, 22's are just too freakin' large.
    I'll order 25's

    And 1" works in the glutes - not a necessary 1.5"


  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    You have to judge that. Depends on butt size/fat, etc. I don't like to look at 1.5" harpoons personally.

  11. #11
    fjr02 is offline Junior Member
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    I agree.

    Yesterday in the office, they made me harpoon myself in the quad with 1.5cc using a 1.5" 22g.

    I really had to turn my brain off and let the momentum of my hand dropping toward my thigh carry me through that one.

    I think I am going to order some higher gauge pins - as in right now. LOL

  12. #12
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    Man a 22g 1.5. To the quad that sucks!! I use a 1 inch 25 g for delts,quads and glutes.Delts are the best for me by far.

    I started doing sub Q 3 shots ago and really like it.

    Oh I forgot to add one time doing a injection in my glute I aspairated and the cylinder filled with blood! I know it might not ever happen again but then again it could...So always aspiarate because I hear it's not fun when oil gets into the blood/ lungs.Pain,coughing and lots of fear!
    Last edited by J DIESEL3; 03-02-2012 at 03:25 PM. Reason: Add on at end

  13. #13
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    22g isn't that bad, takes a good amount of pressure, but as far as pain goes it depends on where I am going with it, if it feels really painful and I move a bit before pushing its not so bad. I just got some 25g needles, and found a painful spot and went with it anyways, hurt worse than the 22g honestly but I was in a hurry pinning before work and it took longer than I thought to draw.

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