Hello all,

I have bottom range levels of LH, FSH and testosterone , so I suspect secondary hypogonadism. I have been struggling with low testosterone issues consciously for three years now, probably at least for five years without knowing. I do not have a knowledgeable doctor, but at least I have found one who takes me seriously and is willing to issue treatment. He wanted to let me try testosterone right away, but I convinced him to let me try HCG monotherapy first.

I tried clomiphene therapy in the past with some success (LH rose and testosterone as well, but not much), but eventually my previous doctor cut me off fearing I might develop cancer. With the effects wearing off, I did not argue. I had the opportunity to try it one more time along with DHEA at the beginning of this year, but ended up feeling worse after two weeks, so I quit.

Now, after two weeks of HCG monotherapy (500 IU Monday, Wednesday, Friday), I still do not feel any relief. I am aware that the full effects probably will take some time to materialize, but I thought I would at least notice a change by now if it were working?

The truth is that TRT is the last thing I would voluntarily want, but seeing that I probably need it, I don`t want to postpone it any longer. I have accepted it. I feel that I have wasted the last three years of my life chasing dead ends and trying to find solutions that does not work, while at the same time missing out on what life have to offer. I`m tired of being tired.

I plan on taking bloodwork on the 18th, which would be 2 1/2 weeks after starting treatment. By then, there should be changes in bloodwork, right?

If I don`t feel any changes by the 18th, I think I will ask my doctor to get a prescription of Nebido on that day and inject right away.


Thanks in advance,
