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  1. #1
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    Sleep Apnea anyone?

    Just had a sleep study done last night as a last ditch effort to not have to give blood weekly to get my RBC, hematocrit and hemoglobin down. Looks like I have sleep apnea and will be going back next week to do another test with the cpap to test pressure needed to maintain proper breathing.

    I read sleep apnea could decrease test along with a whole slew of other problems. Anyone have sleep apnea and/or been treated for it?

    Will be interesting to see how my energy levels are after treatment.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i always wanted to do a study but even with insurance before i didnt /couldnt shell out 500 for the copay

    from what i've seen the cpap is worth every penny

    good luck with it bro

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes. I have it. haven't picked up the machine yet.

    since i have a hard time with quality sleep, it will be interesting to see how the machine improves my overall vitality, and because growth occurs when resting, to see if any impact on gains?

    ....we shall see!

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    yes. I have it. haven't picked up the machine yet.

    since i have a hard time with quality sleep, it will be interesting to see how the machine improves my overall vitality, and because growth occurs when resting, to see if any impact on gains?

    ....we shall see!
    i think you will be more than happy bro

    keep us posted as well

    u can do the darth vader voice with the wife in the middle of the night

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    i think you will be more than happy bro

    keep us posted as well

    u can do the darth vader voice with the wife in the middle of the night
    I have tried the machine once when i had a cold, so took it off due to coughing.

    but it is a lot of hardware strapped to the face. it is liightweight

    i also tested it and was able to find a comfortable position laying on my side.

  6. #6
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    I did the sleep study and was diagnosed to have the most severe sleep apnea, I forget the scale they use, but it was rated an 18 or something, I stopped breathing over 30x per hr, and my oxygen lvs fell into the 70's. I did the cpac machine study and felt like a big pile of shit, not having insurance i did not get the machine which they say takes some getting used to.

  7. #7
    Squirrel88 is offline New Member
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    I was right there behind you, Ironbeck. When I went in they told me that I woke up around 12-15 times per hour and mine is set on 16. It's done wonders to help me sleep. now I actually am more alert during the day and dream while I am asleep.

  8. #8
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    I did the sleep study and was diagnosed to have the most severe sleep apnea, I forget the scale they use, but it was rated an 18 or something, I stopped breathing over 30x per hr, and my oxygen lvs fell into the 70's. I did the cpac machine study and felt like a big pile of shit, not having insurance i did not get the machine which they say takes some getting used to.
    I woke up so many times during that sleep study. They have all these wires attached to you and the bed sucked. Ill post my results when I get them back from the ENT. He said I have a slight deviation of the septum so not sure if he wants to do surgery for that.

    The sleep study doc said drop 20 lbs and you may be fine haha. Ill slap him next time, calling me a fatty to my face, does he not know I have T-cyp rage!?!! Anyways I know that I had sleep apnea even when I was 30lbs less so will still be a problem. Im working on the weight tho.

  9. #9
    bk13332 is offline New Member
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    Prior to starting TRT my Endo wanted me to be tested for Sleep Apnea, which I just did last week. I do have, “Mild” apnea and am scheduled for the cpac next month. The Endo won’t start TRT until she sees test results after I have been treating the apnea as she believes it can have that much of a negative impact on T levels. I am hoping to try one of the mouth guard type devices made by a dentist before I commit to the cpac (just looks like a major pain in the ass)

    GFA I'm glad I didnt have to do the study at the sleep clinic I only had to wear a device at home but it still sucked...

  10. #10
    DeadlyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    yes. I have it. haven't picked up the machine yet.

    since i have a hard time with quality sleep, it will be interesting to see how the machine improves my overall vitality, and because growth occurs when resting, to see if any impact on gains?

    ....we shall see!
    yes keep us posted TR,I'm looking into one of these machines myself.

  11. #11
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by GFA View Post
    I woke up so many times during that sleep study. They have all these wires attached to you and the bed sucked. Ill post my results when I get them back from the ENT. He said I have a slight deviation of the septum so not sure if he wants to do surgery for that.

    The sleep study doc said drop 20 lbs and you may be fine haha. Ill slap him next time, calling me a fatty to my face, does he not know I have T-cyp rage!?!! Anyways I know that I had sleep apnea even when I was 30lbs less so will still be a problem. Im working on the weight tho.
    I chuckled.

    Quote Originally Posted by GFA View Post
    Just had a sleep study done last night as a last ditch effort to not have to give blood weekly to get my RBC, hematocrit and hemoglobin down. Looks like I have sleep apnea and will be going back next week to do another test with the cpap to test pressure needed to maintain proper breathing.

    I read sleep apnea could decrease test along with a whole slew of other problems. Anyone have sleep apnea and/or been treated for it?

    Will be interesting to see how my energy levels are after treatment.
    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    Do you supplement with hCG in your TRT protocol? Long term suppression of LH can cause a decrease in prengenolone which will result in a lack of progesterone. Progesterone acts as a natural diuretic and will help prevent intracellular sodium and water uptake, which in turn may prevent high blood pressure and edema in and around the lungs, soft tissue in the larynx and pharynx as well as nasal passages (which could be a probable cause of obstructive sleep apnea).

    Therefore it's very important to lower your diet from too much sodium intake, if this were the case, however it's always best to do blood work first to determine what's going on with your hormonal levels. Also, I am assuming you exercise almost daily?
    Quote from this thread.

    Did they tell you what type of Sleep Apnea you have? Obstructive or CNS?

  12. #12
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    I'm gonna try that mouth piece thing...

  13. #13
    Squirrel88 is offline New Member
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    I have the 'Resmed Swift Fx' and l love it. Not too much headgear to strap on at night.

  14. #14
    Oldhighlander's Avatar
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    I have mild obstructive.I have had a machine for a few years.You get used to the head gear after awhile.Only problem is is it hasn't given me the rest that I expected.I still sleep walk thru the day like a zombie.I have been told from a lot of guys from the highland games community that it made a world of difference for them.I am going in for another test to see if they can get the pressure right and a mask that fits so I can reap the full benefit.Hope you guys get your issues straightened out cuz I can tell you from experience that not enough quality sleep SUCKS!

  15. #15
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    Sometimes it feels like I have been up for weeks, Discovering AAS has lead to a clean diet, which in turn has helped with my energy lvs. I was at the point where I had to actually nap at lunch and try to nap any weekend time I could get off, just so I could rejuvenate a little, I was not able to feel anywhere near normal..walking zombie if you will. Plus I really belive its causing mild brain damage when my oxygen lvs drop into the 70's.really sux!!!

  16. #16
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    i always wanted to do a study but even with insurance before i didnt /couldnt shell out 500 for the copay

    from what i've seen the cpap is worth every penny

    good luck with it bro
    Some companies that sell cpap supplies will give you a take home test, and thats good enough to determine if you want to buy your own machine online for cheap.

    I have sleep apnea. Been using a cpap for a month now or so. Its been constant adjusting to pressure and such to get used to it. Did the second study to get the pressure, and then it wasn't enough, started at 8, went to 9 then 10, down to 9.4, and now at 9.6. Doing a take home oxygen monitoring to make sure its working right. Some nights I can tell it really helps, but my apnea isn't extremely severe. But I dunno if its a combination of that or starting creatine again but i've been doing great with my work outs past few weeks. But i also upped calories, so can't narrow it down. Even lowered test dose and thought that would have a negative impact but so far so good.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GFA View Post
    I woke up so many times during that sleep study. They have all these wires attached to you and the bed sucked. Ill post my results when I get them back from the ENT. He said I have a slight deviation of the septum so not sure if he wants to do surgery for that.

    The sleep study doc said drop 20 lbs and you may be fine haha. Ill slap him next time, calling me a fatty to my face, does he not know I have T-cyp rage!?!! Anyways I know that I had sleep apnea even when I was 30lbs less so will still be a problem. Im working on the weight tho.
    Most people I talk to about apnea think only heavy people get it, and insinuate if I lost some weight I wouldn't have to. But I don't buy it. Then again even excessive inflammation can cause it. I know skinny people who got surgery to fix it and open things up.

  18. #18
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    I have it, sleep better with it

    My pressure is set at 17

    Only thing that bothers me is that my full face makes my nose itch a lot

    Even when I was in shape had trouble sleeping, knew I had it for the last 4 years

  19. #19
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    @oscar, not sure what type I have yet, going back wed for follow up study with cpap machine to find flow requirements. They wouldnt give me any info. Said the doc would have to tell me. Its annoying how everyone treats us like kids and we dont know our asses from our elbows.

    3 words, IN TER WEBS!!!! Many of us can read and like to self educate.

  20. #20
    APIs's Avatar
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    My Doc has been pushing me to do a sleep study. I know I have SA, but it's definintely related to my weight. Any time I approach 270 in wieght it gets really bad...

  21. #21
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    I am going in for the study in two weeks

  22. #22
    bodyrokk is offline New Member
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    i took the sleep study and have apnea ,but i have very severe asthma and couldnt breathe with all that air goin down my throat..also didnt have problems until i started trt i found out that test injections increases sleep apnea..i just use an oxygen machine at night and it helps alot with breathing..

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GFA View Post
    Just had a sleep study done last night as a last ditch effort to not have to give blood weekly to get my RBC, hematocrit and hemoglobin down. Looks like I have sleep apnea and will be going back next week to do another test with the cpap to test pressure needed to maintain proper breathing.

    I read sleep apnea could decrease test along with a whole slew of other problems. Anyone have sleep apnea and/or been treated for it?

    Will be interesting to see how my energy levels are after treatment.
    are you on any NSAIDs?

  24. #24
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    Doc just called said I have obstructive SA. Over 100 incidents where I stopped breathing.

    Going back on wed for the cpap study.

    @bass, no I do not.

    I only take test, ldex .25mg week and Hcg 2x a week as well as a bunch of multis and baby aspirin.

  25. #25
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GFA View Post
    Doc just called said I have obstructive SA. Over 100 incidents where I stopped breathing.

    Going back on wed for the cpap study.

    @bass, no I do not.

    I only take test, ldex .25mg week and Hcg 2x a week as well as a bunch of multis and baby aspirin.
    thats a lot bro

    good luck with the machine and fix

  26. #26
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    that really suck bro, good luck with the test and please keep us posted, i am sure they get to bottom of it and fix you up.

  27. #27
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    Doc said it was moderate. I asked if I stopped being a fatty would it help. He said probably not.

  28. #28
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    Btw sitting in a docs office now, trying to get script for phentermine. A friend gave me one a week ago an holy shit talk about powerful.

    I'll start a weight loss log if I get it

  29. #29
    Squirrel88 is offline New Member
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    Phentermine is pretty good. It's an amphetamine. I have been on a one pill a day dosage now for about 5 months. I am about to stop, since I no longer fill the affects fo them anymore.

  30. #30
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel88 View Post
    Phentermine is pretty good. It's an amphetamine. I have been on a one pill a day dosage now for about 5 months. I am about to stop, since I no longer fill the affects fo them anymore.
    Yes its pretty powerful. The doc gave me a 21 day supply and in 3 weeks I go back in. (he actually gave me the bottle so I didnt have to go to pharmacy to get it!)

    It completely crushes my appetite and gives me a high at the same time. Pretty wild.

    I figure Ill try it for 2 months and then take a break from it. Looking to drop 30-40 lbs.

  31. #31
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    Great GFA, get yourself fixed.. I had 93 incidents an hour but having trouble with the stupid masks cuz I'm a side and stomach sleeper

  32. #32
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    I apologize if it seems like I am hijacking this thread.If that's the case please say so and I will start a new thread.I said in an earlier post that I had a slight case of obstructive sleep apnea.I just got a copy of the report in the mail and it says my biggest issue is restless leg syndrome .It mentioned no caffeine and to correct any vitamin deficiencies which I am working on.I looked up med for this condition and am not thrilled with what I found .Anyone else have he same issues and if so what did you do about it?

  33. #33
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    @oldhigh, My mother in law has RLS. She is completely addicted to the meds. We went on vacation with her once and she didnt have it, she went nuts trying to get the script filled by us.

    Did my follow up study last night with the cpap machine. It was actually pretty comfortable and the noise level was really low. Takes a little getting used to with the air blowing right into your nose and a little difficult to breath out but you get used to it. They are going to order the machine and Ill pick it up when it arrives. Should be interesting to see what impact it has on my RBCs if any.

    Not sure if the ENT will want to still do surgery on my deviated septum. Its only a slight deviation. We will see. If so, Ill ask him to trim a little off the top Small bump there haha.

    For those interested.

    Day 3 of Phentermine

    This stuff is really crazy. I only ate 800 cals by 6pm yesterday and forced myself to eat. Chowed down another 800 cals just because.

    Also gives me this weird high feeling. Going in for a follow up visit in 3 weeks with the doc. Figure 3 months I will be done cutting. Ill post weight loss progress soon. Im going on vacation next week so Ill bring the phen to keep my hunger down

    Goal is to reach 170-175 lbs, started at 214.

  34. #34
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    GFA thanks for the info.Didn't really like the idea of the meds at all and your info confirms that.Good luck with your issues.I recently lost 64 lbs and the wife says my snoring has dramatically reduced.Look into vitamin deficiencies it might help.

  35. #35
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    As far as I can tell CPAP works, somehow removed it early on last night, wife says I was trying to hump her. Anyways, woke up in a lot of pain all over because I didn't have it on during the night. And lately I haven't had that with the cpap, so its kind of interesting.

  36. #36
    MrManGuy84 is offline New Member
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    Just chipping in on this...

    I was diagnosed with apnea about a year ago. Been on the machine about 9 months. Mine was relatively mild compared to some people. I was having about 12-30 events per hour. Still enough to mess you up pretty good.

    Since using the machine I no longer wake up with headaches and I can make it through the day without a nap.

    Unfortunately my T is still low, and associated symptoms have not improved. But I have read it can make a difference.

    Losing weight can help with apnea. In my case I lost 40 pounds and I needed a little less pressure, but still definitely need the machine.

    I have a study in front of me regarding apnea and testosterone , but the pdf is too big to post.

    Basically the takeaway is that in patients whose apnea was severe, they went from an average of 14.4 total T to about 17.0 after 3 months of treatment. Their Free didn't go up.

    Here's the info for the study if you want to try to find it yourself (we should really allow larger attatchments. What I've got is only 1,004 KB).

    Neuroendocrine Dysfunction in Sleep Apnea: Reversal
    by Continuous Positive Airways Pressure Therapy*

    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
    Copyright © 1989 by The Endocrine Society

    Vol. 68, No. 2
    Printed in U.S.A.
    Last edited by MrManGuy84; 06-21-2012 at 05:59 PM.

  37. #37
    aronjrsmil is offline Associate Member
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    Once had a sleep study done that cost 1800 usd out of my own pocket....the results said I had "significant apnea"...later the doctor said this test was bs and I should take theirs, which later proved that I had narcolepsy... oh and that was after an ekg and mri, all out of my own pocket. That very very very was expensive!

  38. #38
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    I have had sleep apnea since I was a child, never have been significantly overweight my whole life(due to work)< I even had sinus surgery to fix deviated septum/ did no good at all............If any one has any information for assistance in obtaining a cpap machine pls pm me. I'm tired of being tired!!!!

  39. #39
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    Did you try Seems you can buy them pretty easy. Not sure what your budget is but they dont seem too expensive.

  40. #40
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    you can get them plenty cheap, and use the free take home oxygen tests to dial it in if you have to.

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