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Thread: Any regrets?

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    dan991's Avatar
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    Any regrets?

    Hi all... newbie here... but spent a ton of time reading and learning. I'm considering TRT/HRT for anti-aging purposes... mostly cause I feel like crap and after 3 years of hitting the gym... I'm tired of getting nowhere but frustrated.

    I found a TRT/HRT/Anti-Aging doc close to my house... and I'm up in the air what I want to do. I haven't done the blood work yet but I have a pretty strong feeling that my levels will be low primarily due to body fat and lack of energy. I'm 34 and I feel like I'm 60. I have a 4 day a week routine, and ride a mountain bike to the gym 6 miles each way for cardio. So... I've put in my work and I'm getting nowhere.

    I've spent some time on this forum reading misc. threads, and I don't think there are very many threads I haven't read. One thing I noticed is that a lot of the folks on here that want to go back after some time on TRT can't get their boys to restart and then are stuck on TRT indefinitely. Although I don't know yet what my levels are going to be; my first thought is that I want to try the TRT if my levels show that I qualify for it... but I also don't exactly know today if I want to be on TRT for life. I figured I'd try it for a year possibly and see how I feel, look, etc... but then I may want to come off TRT and my biggest fear is that once I start; no turning back because my boys won't restart. I know... there are ways to help prevent that issue from occurring... but nothing is guaranteed.

    I don't know if I want to have kids (more) later down the road, if I should just face the fact that I'm getting old and no matter how much cardio I do I'm going to carry some BF... etc. I just don't want to put myself in a position down the road that I may very well be on TRT indefinitely with no option to stop if I want. I've seen a few threads where people were going to come off, suffered for a few months, boys wouldn't restart, back on... etc.

    So: Here's my question... and I haven't seen this yet in a thread... Does anyone on this forum who is on TRT regret starting on it? Similar situation possibly and now you're kicking yourself for it?

    Stats: 34 years old, 5'8, 164 lbs. BF is up there but mostly in the belly region.... 10 years of being the gym... all natty no cycles ever. Eat clean with an occasional cheat here and there.

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
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    LOL, 5' 8" at 164 and you call yourself fat! and 34 old! geeeez.... Welcome here Dan, first of all do be hard on yourself, secondly being on TRT is a good thing especially if your natural T is low. thirdly you can have kids while being on TRT. and yes TRT if for life and in most cases is irreversible, but then again why reverse it just to go back to the way you feel now?! it doesn't make sense! you question was asked here before by another member and i believe all of us on TRT had no regrets, and none of us wanted to go back feeling like 80 year old.

    Warning: careful dealing with clinics, they will prescribe tons of shit that you don't need, and will put you on high doses which is far from what you need. to start with you will need,

    1. testosterone weekly injection or split to twice a week
    2. AI (Anastrozole)
    3. hCG injections

    make sure they start with low doses and ramp up based on blood work. if you decide to start TRT, start another thread and post the entire blood work with ranges so we can help guide you as well. best of luck to you bro.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    on for 2.5 years and no regrets.

  4. #4
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Couldnt of said it better^^^^^^^^^ Get the blood work done and see where you are? As to regrets, must admit, I dont care for shoving a needle in my ass every week, much less twice a week, HcG shots no big deal. I'm 10 yrs older than you however, so yes, make sure your at peace with it if you do it because very well may be no turning back. I was uniformed by my original clinic, so now I'm stuck.
    Best of luck, would love to see your numbers when they come in

  5. #5
    dan991's Avatar
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    LOL... yea, 5'8 164.... I take my shirt off and its almost funny the way I'm shaped. I have a ectomorph type body... and love handles, lol. I'm one of those people that have a six pack, top 3 visible, the other 3 hiding under a belly. My bone structure is crazy... my wheels are laughable. My ankles are smaller than most people's wrists, lol. I'm genetically challenged, have tons of strength but the muscle mass just isn't there, lol. I've tried everything to ditch the belly fat.. isn't working. 12 miles of riding to the gym, 4 days a week, 1 hour of cardio on leg day, and I actually eat clean..... still have the love handles. You're talking to a guy that wears a 28 waist and has a belly hanging over... lol Thus, I have a feeling that my T levels are low; especially when I feel like my motivation is gone on pretty much most things. I've been living life for the last several years and my daily routine is miserable: gym, work, home, TV, to bed at 10:00, repeat x 7 days a week. No motivation to do anything really... Divorced, single, and don't care to go out "looking" for women, sex, etc....

    I've investigated a few docs, spoke with a few clinics. The few that I've spoken to I"m not impressed with yet. Something about a "consultant" who is based in a different state, that sends me to Labcorp and has a doc review my results whom will mail me my script (no insurance accepted) and charges top dollar... just doesn't sit right with me. I've ran into a few of those and I have yet to go do the blood work. I finally found a local doc who is 2 miles down the road. Its a mens health clinic... I can go there for TRT/HRT but also when I have sore throat and get looked at. Its not just a TRT clinic... they also practice regular general medicine as a family doctor; however is a men's only clinic. I haven't been there yet to visit the doc or do anything... I'm still up in the air if I want to make the appointment or if I should just accept nature as it is and deal with my belly as the bad cards genetics dealt me, lol.

    As far as why stop TRT later.... I don't know... just concerned I won't have that option and I'm worried that once I open this door I'm trapped in a room with no options. I don't like being in a position with no options.

  6. #6
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    My biggest issue is the belly fat I'm carrying that I can't get rid of, and the lack of mass I *should* have put on in the last decade, and more than anything my lack of motivation to honestly get laid. I'm not slouch when it comes to the gym, cardio, etc. I've tried everything when it comes to cutting up... everything. HIT, various cutting techniques, mass building diets, cutting diets, etc. I've spent a decade in the gym, bulk in the winter, cut in the summer, various routines, and the longest period I have taken off in 10 years is 4 months. My weight fluctuates by 10 pounds tops. I eat 5-6 clean meals a day. Tried all the GNC crap... been there done that... I'm limited by genetics is my best guess at this point. A decade of the gym... still have chicken legs... can't put on mass no matter how much/what I try. I can run 60 miles a day and I still have a "FUPA" as my friend calls my single fat roll that hangs over my size 28 jeans....

  7. #7
    dan991's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    Couldnt of said it better^^^^^^^^^ Get the blood work done and see where you are? As to regrets, must admit, I dont care for shoving a needle in my ass every week, much less twice a week, HcG shots no big deal. I'm 10 yrs older than you however, so yes, make sure your at peace with it if you do it because very well may be no turning back. I was uniformed by my original clinic, so now I'm stuck.
    Best of luck, would love to see your numbers when they come in
    That's what I'm scared of.... Yea... I can research, attempt to make educated decisions, attempt to learn myself as much as possible.... but even so... could be setting myself up to be in a locked room with no options. That is what worries me most. Back in the day prior to HRT/TRT options... people just went without. Wondering if sometimes going without is a better option.... and if I do start HRT/TRT if I'll be kicking myself 10 years from now for doing it. Its like shooting in the dark. Everything has its +/-... I'm just worried that 10 years from now I'll have more -'s than +'s and end up regretting it. Don't know exactly why I would... but there's always the possiblity.

  8. #8
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    LOL... yea, 5'8 164.... I take my shirt off and its almost funny the way I'm shaped. I have a ectomorph type body... and love handles, lol. I'm one of those people that have a six pack, top 3 visible, the other 3 hiding under a belly. My bone structure is crazy... my wheels are laughable. My ankles are smaller than most people's wrists, lol. I'm genetically challenged, have tons of strength but the muscle mass just isn't there, lol. I've tried everything to ditch the belly fat.. isn't working. 12 miles of riding to the gym, 4 days a week, 1 hour of cardio on leg day, and I actually eat clean..... still have the love handles. You're talking to a guy that wears a 28 waist and has a belly hanging over... lol Thus, I have a feeling that my T levels are low; especially when I feel like my motivation is gone on pretty much most things. I've been living life for the last several years and my daily routine is miserable: gym, work, home, TV, to bed at 10:00, repeat x 7 days a week. No motivation to do anything really... Divorced, single, and don't care to go out "looking" for women, sex, etc....

    I've investigated a few docs, spoke with a few clinics. The few that I've spoken to I"m not impressed with yet. Something about a "consultant" who is based in a different state, that sends me to Labcorp and has a doc review my results whom will mail me my script (no insurance accepted) and charges top dollar... just doesn't sit right with me. I've ran into a few of those and I have yet to go do the blood work. I finally found a local doc who is 2 miles down the road. Its a mens health clinic... I can go there for TRT/HRT but also when I have sore throat and get looked at. Its not just a TRT clinic... they also practice regular general medicine as a family doctor; however is a men's only clinic. I haven't been there yet to visit the doc or do anything... I'm still up in the air if I want to make the appointment or if I should just accept nature as it is and deal with my belly as the bad cards genetics dealt me, lol.

    As far as why stop TRT later.... I don't know... just concerned I won't have that option and I'm worried that once I open this door I'm trapped in a room with no options. I don't like being in a position with no options.
    i hear you bro, thats fear not regret. we all have that fear.

  9. #9
    Renholder is offline Associate Member
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    Without an assessment of your blood work and lifestyle, you are WAY ahead of yourself here. The symptoms associated with low testosterone fit other conditions as well and it could be problems with your thyroid, hemachromatosis, etc.

    I would imagine that the only reason anyone would regret going on TRT is if they did not get a proper diagnosis or made efforts to naturally improve their situation by lifestyle changes and natural herbs. If one need TRT for a good quality of life, I think one would have far more regrets not going on it SOONER.

  10. #10
    dan991's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renholder View Post
    Without an assessment of your blood work and lifestyle, you are WAY ahead of yourself here. The symptoms associated with low testosterone fit other conditions as well and it could be problems with your thyroid, hemachromatosis, etc.

    I would imagine that the only reason anyone would regret going on TRT is if they did not get a proper diagnosis or made efforts to naturally improve their situation by lifestyle changes and natural herbs. If one need TRT for a good quality of life, I think one would have far more regrets not going on it SOONER.
    I hear you there... I"m at that point that an assessment is required- just not sure if I want to even know the results, lol. I don't know if my lifestyle (i.e. eat, fitness, etc.) can improve much more. In fact, I'd hate to see how I'd be if I didn't ride a bike to the gym every day, skip the cardio, and not work out 4 days a week. I'm pretty sure I'd be one of those people with a big hard belly sticking out..... somewhat scary. That's what concerns me most... I actually work out like I'm some of the guys on here doing cycles... and the pay off never came after a decade. Definitely going to get the bloodwork done... just second guessing myself and wondering if I'm opening a door I don't want to.

    Let me explain my overall mentality on "medicine" in general... I'm the type person that if a doc told me I had cancer..... forget the chemo, radiation, and all that jazz.... I'm going to sell everything I own, do everything I ever wanted to do... and buy a Ferrari. Then, when I know I'm at my end and the end is coming quick... I'm going to get in that Ferrari.... find a place in the middle of nowhere... and put the peddle to the floor all the way to 200 mph right into a brick wall. As long as nobody else is around or there is any possibility of anyone else getting hurt... don't care; mission accomplished successfully. Why? I've met enough people in my life that have gone through hell with cancer and in the end... they wished they'd bought the Ferrari and lived their lives instead of in/out of hospitals laying in bed feeling like crap because of chemo. That's not for me...

  11. #11
    Renholder is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    I hear you there... I"m at that point that an assessment is required- just not sure if I want to even know the results, lol. I don't know if my lifestyle (i.e. eat, fitness, etc.) can improve much more. In fact, I'd hate to see how I'd be if I didn't ride a bike to the gym every day, skip the cardio, and not work out 4 days a week. I'm pretty sure I'd be one of those people with a big hard belly sticking out..... somewhat scary. That's what concerns me most... I actually work out like I'm some of the guys on here doing cycles... and the pay off never came after a decade. Definitely going to get the bloodwork done... just second guessing myself and wondering if I'm opening a door I don't want to.

    Let me explain my overall mentality on "medicine" in general... I'm the type person that if a doc told me I had cancer..... forget the chemo, radiation, and all that jazz.... I'm going to sell everything I own, do everything I ever wanted to do... and buy a Ferrari. Then, when I know I'm at my end and the end is coming quick... I'm going to get in that Ferrari.... find a place in the middle of nowhere... and put the peddle to the floor all the way to 200 mph right into a brick wall. As long as nobody else is around or there is any possibility of anyone else getting hurt... don't care; mission accomplished successfully. Why? I've met enough people in my life that have gone through hell with cancer and in the end... they wished they'd bought the Ferrari and lived their lives instead of in/out of hospitals laying in bed feeling like crap because of chemo. That's not for me...
    When I said an assessment of lifestyle, I also meant the possibillity of over training, which sounds plausible if you are in fact training like you are on a cycle.

    Low testosterone will probably not kill you like cancer, although really low levels are detrimental to your overall health, but it may kill your love for life and your passions in life. It will make your life a struggle. I understand your hesitations and I spent three years avoiding TRT myself trying to find natural solutions, before I started two months ago.

    Sure, it sucks being on treatment for life (most likely), but if the alternative is feeling like shit, it is an easy choice for me.

    Suck it up and get the blood work done. What if it`s iron overload? The treatment is very easy, but if you wait too long, the effects of organ damage is most likely not reversible.

  12. #12
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    First, welcome to the board. You'll find tons of support here.

    Second - I feel your pain. I worked out many years ago but for the better part of 13 years, I allowed myself to become a lazy 255lb fat ass. I've only relatively recently (3.5 years ago) got back into the game on a serious level, but feel the same frustration as you in that I'm not making the gains I believe I should be, and struggle with bodyfat no matter how 'good' I am. I'm a couple years older than you and am also exploring TRT as an option (have a consultation with a doc next week) for this as well as my feeling crappy in general.

    I'm at a point where I kind of just want to quit and give up the lifestyle, simply because I don't feel the reward is worth the effort. In fact, the reward is almost non-existent. Anyway, I digress. My point is that I feel where you're coming from and will be watching your thread as we sound very similar and are in the same 'phase' of our TRT career.

    Best of luck to you!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post

    First, welcome to the board. You'll find tons of support here.

    Second - I feel your pain. I worked out many years ago but for the better part of 13 years, I allowed myself to become a lazy 255lb fat ass. I've only relatively recently (3.5 years ago) got back into the game on a serious level, but feel the same frustration as you in that I'm not making the gains I believe I should be, and struggle with bodyfat no matter how 'good' I am. I'm a couple years older than you and am also exploring TRT as an option (have a consultation with a doc next week) for this as well as my feeling crappy in general.

    I'm at a point where I kind of just want to quit and give up the lifestyle, simply because I don't feel the reward is worth the effort. In fact, the reward is almost non-existent. Anyway, I digress. My point is that I feel where you're coming from and will be watching your thread as we sound very similar and are in the same 'phase' of our TRT career.

    Best of luck to you!
    You hit the nail on the head!!!! 10 years worth of the gym, protein powders, eating clean, 5-6 meals a day, every "miracle" supplement to hit GNC shelves since creatine was first introduced.... and reflecting back.... I'm not so sure it was even worth it. Sure... healthy lifestyle.... live longer... all that jazz.... where's my 6 pack I've spent a decade busting my ass for? I have a body builders frame... minus the muscle mass and with a complementary love handles, lol. My motivation to drink another protein shake is at its lowest.... lol.... Just made my doctors appointment.

    Best of luck to you also... should be interesting...

  14. #14
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    Sorry to hear what you're going through brother. But you gotta look at the glass half full. Don't dread these blood tests; look at them as an opportunity to finally get the answers to what's causing your concerns and frustrations! Maybe you have a low T problem, maybe you have a thyroid problem, maybe you have insufficient levels of this or that. All are treatable, and will make you feel a lot better and will help you overcome some of these bodytype obstacles you describe.

    Also, just food for thought, if you're worried about infertility, there's always the sperm banking option. My friend has Lupus and was concerned about this so he went to a sperm storage facility and made some reserves while he was still fertile. Turns out he didn't need it and they just had a baby boy! But that may be something that would take the weight off your shoulders regarding TRT if you turn out to need it?

  15. #15
    EZ E's Avatar
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    Agree with what everyone has said. Get the bloodwork before you decide on a course of action. Once you get it, post it and you will get some good advise based on the facts.

    Good luck and no regrets here.

  16. #16
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    No regrets here with 2.5 years in. Life actually keeps improving and I feel that TRT is a big part of it combined with hard work of course. Finding a good Doctor is essential. Good luck...

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    LOL... yea, 5'8 164.... I take my shirt off and its almost funny the way I'm shaped. I have a ectomorph type body... and love handles, lol. I'm one of those people that have a six pack, top 3 visible, the other 3 hiding under a belly. My bone structure is crazy... my wheels are laughable. My ankles are smaller than most people's wrists, lol. I'm genetically challenged, have tons of strength but the muscle mass just isn't there, lol. I've tried everything to ditch the belly fat.. isn't working. 12 miles of riding to the gym, 4 days a week, 1 hour of cardio on leg day, and I actually eat clean..... still have the love handles. You're talking to a guy that wears a 28 waist and has a belly hanging over... lol Thus, I have a feeling that my T levels are low; especially when I feel like my motivation is gone on pretty much most things. I've been living life for the last several years and my daily routine is miserable: gym, work, home, TV, to bed at 10:00, repeat x 7 days a week. No motivation to do anything really... Divorced, single, and don't care to go out "looking" for women, sex, etc....

    I've investigated a few docs, spoke with a few clinics. The few that I've spoken to I"m not impressed with yet. Something about a "consultant" who is based in a different state, that sends me to Labcorp and has a doc review my results whom will mail me my script (no insurance accepted) and charges top dollar... just doesn't sit right with me. I've ran into a few of those and I have yet to go do the blood work. I finally found a local doc who is 2 miles down the road. Its a mens health clinic... I can go there for TRT/HRT but also when I have sore throat and get looked at. Its not just a TRT clinic... they also practice regular general medicine as a family doctor; however is a men's only clinic. I haven't been there yet to visit the doc or do anything... I'm still up in the air if I want to make the appointment or if I should just accept nature as it is and deal with my belly as the bad cards genetics dealt me, lol.

    As far as why stop TRT later.... I don't know... just concerned I won't have that option and I'm worried that once I open this door I'm trapped in a room with no options. I don't like being in a position with no options.
    Above in bold. Stop that. Find a reason to get out there, dammit.

    As all stated above. BW, BW, BW. Get a complete set of BW to include everything so you have good baselines to make an informed decision and rule out all the hyperbole. Find the root of the problem and attack it. Like Ren stated, it may not be testosterone related. Your throwing darts right now without the BW.

    Get it done and post it up. We'll all help you along the way. And I have no regrets about TRT but I was kinda forced into it via a tumor thing. Thank god this treatment exists!

  18. #18
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    Sorry for the delayed responses... had to go to the gym and it takes a while because I ride my bike there (why I don't know doesn't seem to be doing much of anything but taking longer than driving lol).

    I schedule an appointment with the doc for Friday morning to start somewhere. I guess my biggest concern in all this is that:

    A. There's more wrong than my test level.... and do I really wanna know about it and end up at a Ferrari dealer Tuesday morning.

    B. When I think about my boys shrinking... I picture my dog. I had his nuts cut off and didn't know they offer prosthetic nuts.... so he walks around with an empty sack and it looks terrible to the point that I feel sorry for him (already changed vets for not telling me they had fake nuts to put in there).

    C. I'll want to stop for some reason one day and won't ever be able to...the no turning back factor. Couldn't tell you what might make me want stop... never know what cards come you're way in life.

    Nonetheless.. BW on Friday morning.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Above in bold. Stop that. Find a reason to get out there, dammit.
    Yea.. I don't know what it is.... going on 6 months of not getting laid and don't even seem to care really to be honest. I've even had chances and turned it down.. seriously. Hell, I went out one night with a buddy and this girl was hitting on me so hard that my buddy was like "are you fvcking dumb" because I didn't even notice and blew her off, lol. Then I went to Vegas with this girl; I played the "you're drunk and its probably not a good idea" card as an excuse.. but reflecting back... I was dumb then too... Don't know what it is... no motivation or want...

  20. #20
    curioususer is offline Junior Member
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    no regret at all!!! My sex drive has gone through the roof since 2 weeks of test cyp. injections. However, my strength remained the same.

  21. #21
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Listen Bro, life is full of regrets and "what ifs" a guy needs to be smart and make educated decisions obviously, but you cant live life looking at worse case scenerio, most of the time it doesnt happen until we die. I would encourage you to get the bw done, keep an open mind and if you are truely a canadate for TRT, your life will probably change significantly for the better. As stated many time above, once on TRT is much better than NO TRT. Yea, looking back I probably screwed myself by trusting a sales person at a clinic, beleiving what I wanted to hear, but guess what my T levels avg 800-1200. It does make a difference! As for life, think of diabetics, how many time DAILY do the need to inject???? Once a week not so bad.

  22. #22
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Personally, I started about a month ago and I am convinced this is the way to go if you need it. My test was low (apparently hereditary), and I would rather at least give myself the shot of a happy rest of my life instead of always wondering "what if I did TRT instead". Testosterone is essential for a male, so, if you are low, then you need it. No regrets here - I want my libido, mood, and energy level to go through the roof, and low T was in the way.

    The main goal here in my mind would be to focus on your well-being... if your well-being were intact, then you wouldn't be posting about this. TRT for me is mainly centered around well-being - any strength gains, etc., are just icing on the cake.

    Regarding the body image, I would lose the focus on a six pack. Instead, I would focus on gaining strength. However, if you are worried about bodyfat and can't shake it, then I would look at sprint training, tabata, HIIT, etc. That type of workout once or twice a week (I wouldn't do more than twice) on top of heavy weight lifting and right eating should peel the fat right off. Don't do any long distance cardio or any cardio over 40 - 45 minutes or so. I used to just get on a treadmill, jog five minutes, and then alternate minutes of sprinting and slow jog for the next 15 minutes, then jog/walk another five minutes. I lost a ton of weight that way.

    How's your sleep? Are you getting 7 - 8 hours a night? How is your stress level with work, bills, friends, women, etc.?

    The only workout supplements I ever use are protein shakes on weight lifting days. However, vitamins are a different deal. I take 25mg zinc picolinate, 2000mg fish oil, 1000mg vitamin C, and a multivitamin. Theanine Serene at night plus another 2000mg fish oil and sometimes melatonin. I would also consider looking into rhodiola rosea. That's a natural herb that you can cycle and it helps with energy, mood, etc., pretty quickly (not necessarily the first time you take it, but within a week or so). I take 500 mg in the morning and it makes a big difference. Don't take the Theanine Serene or rhodiola rosea if you are on any other medications without checking with your doctor... they can run interference on anti-depressants and mood stabilizers.

    Of course everyone is different, and YMMV. However, the main thing is to focus on your well being and the rest will follow suit. I also wouldn't rule out therapy... sometimes it helps to talk your issues through with someone as you start to enter middle age.

    Best of luck... I'm in a struggle like you are. 36 years old and planning TRT for the rest of my life. The only other options that I can see are low energy, no libido, emotional instability, etc. etc. If you need TRT (and BW will answer this), I think you only have one option.
    Last edited by ZenFitness; 07-05-2012 at 08:53 AM.

  23. #23
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
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    Regrets , yes I have one . I spent too long waiting to be tested !!!!

  24. #24
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    My only regret, as I have stated before, is not finding this site BEFORE my first injection. These guys are awesome and full of knowledge. Be straight with them and they will help anyway they can.


  25. #25
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    My gyno got a little worse but overall it's not like I have C cups. It sucks, but it's probably worth it. I can get the gyno cut out (although expensive) but I cant get years back of my life living with low T... so thats the tradeoff.

  26. #26
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    Okay... so I got my BW back.... Everything is normal except testosterone . Range 348-1197 and I came back at 502 and that is on supplements (GNC test boosters). So, since it isn't an exact science if those GNC test boosters (Cellucore P3 Extreme) even raise test levels, I've come off the GNC stuff and going to re-test in 2 weeks to get a baseline reading that is more accurate.

  27. #27
    Renholder is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Okay... so I got my BW back.... Everything is normal except testosterone. Range 348-1197 and I came back at 502 and that is on supplements (GNC test boosters). So, since it isn't an exact science if those GNC test boosters (Cellucore P3 Extreme) even raise test levels, I've come off the GNC stuff and going to re-test in 2 weeks to get a baseline reading that is more accurate.
    Everything is normal according to your doctor, yes?

    With those kind of levels (not very low), I would at least try to see if lifestyle changes and possibly some natural boosters could give you a little boost.

    Read The Primal Blueprint.

    You don`t mention much about lifestyle or diet. Maybe you`re overtraining and undereating (with the wrong foods)?

  28. #28
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    Dan begin vit D supplementation if your not already. About the best thing you can take to increase your free Test.

  29. #29
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    Everything is normal in respects to CBC, Metabolic Panel, PSA, etc. Test serum came back at 502 on natural test boosters.

    As far as diet, its clean. I eat 5-6 times a day, balanced meals, high protein intake, lower carb diet for now. In the gym 4 days a week, cardio, etc. BF right now is about 20% but I sleep like crap, and I'm always tired.

    Doc is wondering how much impact that natural test booster is having. Not sure if it is actually doing anything or if 502 is where I am with or without it. For all he knows that stuff could be raising me 150 points. He's seen pro hormones mess with results so since its up in the air- re-testing BW in 2 weeks and I stopped taking every supplement (but protein) last week around the time I posted this thread.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Okay... so I got my BW back.... Everything is normal except testosterone. Range 348-1197 and I came back at 502 and that is on supplements (GNC test boosters). So, since it isn't an exact science if those GNC test boosters (Cellucore P3 Extreme) even raise test levels, I've come off the GNC stuff and going to re-test in 2 weeks to get a baseline reading that is more accurate.
    can you post your entire blood work with ranges? just because everything looks in range it doesn't mean its perfect, post your BW so we can see what else you can do to boost up your natural production.

  31. #31
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    Ugh... that's a lot of work, lol. I don't have a scanner. Anything specific or all of it?

  32. #32
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    TSH, t3, t4, FSH and LH, testosterone free, ast and alt, cholesterol, e2, shbg... it would be best of you post everything, take a photo and attached it. make sure you mask all your personal information.

  33. #33
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    Okay, I'll do that tonight when I get home.

  34. #34
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    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Just out of curiosity.. is there any benefit to staying on supplements like creatine when you are on TRT or is it not a good idea? I gotta place an order for supplements... wondering if I should wait till after my new BW results.

  35. #35
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    when i get done reading the paragraphs i'll chime in

    best of luck

    bass and kel nice new avies

  36. #36
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    no regrets. been on trt for 5yrs. only will be bummed if i cant have at least 1 kid.

  37. #37
    Renholder is offline Associate Member
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    The bloodwork you get done in 2 weeks will be interesting and yes, you need to post everything here if you want accurate feedback.

    There is more to lifestyle changes than eating clean 5-6 times per day. 4 days a week in the gym may be too much for certain people, depending of course on how hard you train. Excessive cardio is not good.

    Regarding the natural test booster, I`m not sure what exactly it is you`re taking, but not all of them work. I`ve read a lot of good stuff about Tongkat Ali and Maca and had very positive experience with Tongkat Ali myself. I would consider trying them at a later time depending on what your next test results say.

    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Everything is normal in respects to CBC, Metabolic Panel, PSA, etc. Test serum came back at 502 on natural test boosters.

    As far as diet, its clean. I eat 5-6 times a day, balanced meals, high protein intake, lower carb diet for now. In the gym 4 days a week, cardio, etc. BF right now is about 20% but I sleep like crap, and I'm always tired.

    Doc is wondering how much impact that natural test booster is having. Not sure if it is actually doing anything or if 502 is where I am with or without it. For all he knows that stuff could be raising me 150 points. He's seen pro hormones mess with results so since its up in the air- re-testing BW in 2 weeks and I stopped taking every supplement (but protein) last week around the time I posted this thread.

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