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Thread: Hcg

  1. #1
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
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    If one where to ask how to find a good site to buy hcg ( there seems to be 1000 of them ) would he be breaking rule #2 of this sites rules ? The gray area that's make me ask this question is hcg isn't an steroid , the test I get from Walgreens , my guy won't issue me hcg ... Thx boys

  2. #2
    jacobk91 is offline Junior Member
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    hcg is a controlled substance, so yes.

  3. #3
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
    JAMIE07652 is offline Associate Member
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    Lucky for me it was just a question on my part , thx

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    i have a script from a doctor and been looking to buy hCG , like the ones i used to get from my clinic, 5000 iu dry powder, no luck! the only place i can get it is a compounding pharmacy at 5000 iu mixed. but if you don't have a script you can get it online from India. maybe GD and others can help you.

  5. #5
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
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    Thx bass ..

  6. #6
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Good luck...just because its not a steroid does not mean you can't get bunk sheet....You should feel and see nut dropage after just a couple injections.

  7. #7
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
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    Iron , I feel the same way , there are so many sites to get hcg , most are from The weight loss camp ...

  8. #8
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
    JAMIE07652 is offline Associate Member
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    Admin posted the rules over here on our side of the site ? I missed what caused this ... Hcg isnt a steroid ? Just saying ....

  9. #9
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    Jamie - IM me your personal email address. I have an online over seas pharmacy that is 100% legit and reliable as hell...they will help you.


  10. #10
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
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    Thx bro

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    It can also be purchased at a US based research chemical company that sells peptides.

  13. #13
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Can anyone pm me with a reputable research company or pharmacy. Im on week 3 of compounding cream right now and the wife wants kids. Ive got to move on this fairly quickly and my doc thinks it is unnecessary. She says test won't lower sperm significantly. My wife already has ovulation issues I don't need to add to the problem.

  14. #14
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasondd1 View Post
    Can anyone pm me with a reputable research company or pharmacy. Im on week 3 of compounding cream right now and the wife wants kids. Ive got to move on this fairly quickly and my doc thinks it is unnecessary. She says test won't lower sperm significantly. My wife already has ovulation issues I don't need to add to the problem.
    The test isn't going to kill all your sperm right away. suckers live for a while. but i can understand your concern and would recommend getting on it right away. My first doc wouldn't give me hcg either, so I got a new doc, his thinking was I would come off testosterone when I wanted more kids, but seriously who wants to feel like trash for that long, it can take 6 months to get pregnant depending on things, and if your wife has ovulation issues it doesn't help. get your post count up to where you can pm, and do what gdevine offered to the op.

  15. #15
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    How many posts do i need?

  16. #16
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasondd1
    How many posts do i need?
    50 posts

  17. #17
    Renholder is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    You should feel and see nut dropage after just a couple injections.
    Interestingly, my testicular size did not change at all on HCG monotherapy, but my testosterone doubled, so it was obvious that it was working.

  18. #18
    Bigwigz is offline New Member
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    This is my first post but as a follow up to the original question can we ask about the validity of brands? For some back story I have been suffering from low LH levels since I did a poorly planned and even worse excicuted cycle 8 years ago. If asking brand names is against the rules I will start on my path to my 50 posts. Thanks in advance.

  19. #19
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    OK my Doc prescribed me some HCG and I picked it up. I am not sure how much I should pin, I have never done it. The pharmacist sold me a bunch of insulin pins. Since I am on daily compounding cream I told the Doc I wanted 100 iu's a day, she said ok. Now how much is that? I am confused? The package of 1.5 liquid vials says 12Ml HCG 250 units/ML INJ SOL for 1 month. Instructions says inject .4 ML Subcutaneously. I injected 10 units on the insulin syringe, which is like the 2nd mark. How many iu's what that be? Also the pharmacy charged my $120 for the HCG. I know that is high. Does anyone know of better price online pharmacy's? My Doc says she has a couple that is much cheaper. Do the online places all come in powder form and then need to be reconstituted with bacteriastic water? I have found some research sites that have the powder for 100000 iu powder for $60. That would last me 100 days if I wanted to push my luck on it not going bad that long. Im guessing anything bought at an online pharmacy would need to be reconstituted?

    Unless i am crazy it looks like she actually perscribed 250 units and not 100? Confused? Please help!

  20. #20
    jasc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasondd1
    OK my Doc prescribed me some HCG and I picked it up. I am not sure how much I should pin, I have never done it. The pharmacist sold me a bunch of insulin pins. Since I am on daily compounding cream I told the Doc I wanted 100 iu's a day, she said ok. Now how much is that? I am confused? The package of 1.5 liquid vials says 12Ml HCG 250 units/ML INJ SOL for 1 month. Instructions says inject .4 ML Subcutaneously. I injected 10 units on the insulin syringe, which is like the 2nd mark. How many iu's what that be? Also the pharmacy charged my $120 for the HCG. I know that is high. Does anyone know of better price online pharmacy's? My Doc says she has a couple that is much cheaper. Do the online places all come in powder form and then need to be reconstituted with bacteriastic water? I have found some research sites that have the powder for 100000 iu powder for $60. That would last me 100 days if I wanted to push my luck on it not going bad that long. Im guessing anything bought at an online pharmacy would need to be reconstituted?

    Unless i am crazy it looks like she actually perscribed 250 units and not 100? Confused? Please help!
    By your description, your vial is 250iu per ml. So by doing 10 units thats 25iu. 100units = 1 ml

    Daily injections are really not necessary. Every 3 days is sufficient and common protocol. However 1 ml is a lot to pin sub-q so daily is best for now IMO. After this is gone I'd try to get the unconstituted (powder) hcg so you can control the iu's per ml.

  21. #21
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    By your description, your vial is 250iu per ml. So by doing 10 units thats 25iu. 100units = 1 ml

    Daily injections are really not necessary. Every 3 days is sufficient and common protocol. However 1 ml is a lot to pin sub-q so daily is best for now IMO. After this is gone I'd try to get the unconstituted (powder) hcg so you can control the iu's per ml.
    Isnt 100iu equalling 40 units the same from the HCG sticky?

    From sticky "When using an insulin syringe, each unit (line) on the scale of the syringe equals 25IU's of hCG. 250IU’s of hCG is then 10 units on the side of the insulin syringe."

    Also any need in buying more than one 18g needle? The pharmacy had me buy 100 insulin pins and a disposal container. Can I use a slin pin more than once? Also im guesing I should by a 30ml of bacteriastic water and use 4 ml at a time if using 10000iu powder?

  22. #22
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    bump and not to be a puss but man does HCG burn as it goes in. Is that normal, or do I need to grow a pair? Irony huh

  23. #23
    bass's Avatar
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    Yes 10 lines = 250 iu

    No Do not reuse syringes.

    Yes 4ml water in 10,000 iu vial will give you 250 iu at the 10 line mark on the syringe.

    Let the alcohol dry before injecting.

  24. #24
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    oh snap I wasn't even using alcohol. so alcohol swab the needle and injection spot? I guess i knew that but did not think it was that big of a deal. I bet you guys freaking hate newbs like me.

  25. #25
    bass's Avatar
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    not at all, but i am surprised no one instructed you! yes to avoid contamination and infections you must clean the injections site with alcohol and wipe the rubber stopper on your vial with clean alcohol swab. see this video,

  26. #26
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    OK thanks but I am still confused. I am doing 100 iu every day and it comes out to .4 ml, or .4 cc, or 40 units. Pretty much the same amounts from the sticky.

    "Use a larger bore (i.e., 18g) needle, and transfer your bacteriostatic water into the vial with the freeze dried hCG powder. You want to inject until you have added a total of 4ml's of solution."

    "When using an insulin syringe, each unit (line) on the scale of the syringe equals 25IU's of hCG. 250IU’s of hCG is then 10 units on the side of the insulin syringe."

    According to the above 40 units equals 40 cc equals.4 ml. That seems to be the same for mine which is. Mine says:
    "12Ml HCG 250 units/ML INJ SOL for 1 month. Instructions says inject .4 ML Subcutaneously."

    If all of this is correct how can I get 100 injections of 100iu out of 10,000 iu powder and only 4 ml of bacteriostatic water. Is my math like messed up or is .4ml x 100 not 40 ml? I know I am missing something easy so be nice. As Bill Clinton says my arithmetic isn't so good.

    Also like I said don't want to be puss but damn that hcg burns going in.

  27. #27
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    hCG should not burn; I've been on it for years and less times I didn't let the alcohol dry it never has burned.

    Is your hCG pharmaceutical grade?

  28. #28
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    hCG should not burn; I've been on it for years and less times I didn't let the alcohol dry it never has burned.

    Is your hCG pharmaceutical grade?
    I hope so. My pharmacist charged me $120 for 12Ml HCG 250 units/ML INJ SOL for 1 month. Instructions says inject .4 ML Subcutaneously. It is suppose to be a 1 month supply of 100iu a day. The needle doesn't hurt but the liquid going in does.

  29. #29
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    hCG is a water based peptide it shouldn't burn.

    Consult with your pharamacy.

  30. #30
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I have had HCG burn in the past but its been a while...maybe its a virgin flesh deal...or maybe it was just dirty HGH as all mine has come out of India? Who knows.

  31. #31
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Im thinking it might be a combination of being 4 ml or 40 units and maybe he used sterile water instead of bacteriostatic water.

    Oh and I get the whole 10,000 iu thing now. If I do go 10,000 iu's powder and 4 ml solution then my 100 iu would be 4 units versus the 40 units I am doing now. I don't know why I could not wrap my head around that? Anyway thanks guys

  32. #32
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    Bacteriostatic water should always be used and nothing else.

    If it was reconstituted wrong or incorrectly it may point to the problem.

    Overseas hCG should be okay for the most part...hell, it's the same stuff most compounding pharmacies use here LOL!

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