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  1. #1
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Thyroid labs... Feeling really anxious and think it's from Armour thyroid..

    I'm am on 60mg of Armour thyroid and my anxiety keeps increasing...

    labs before armour

    Tsh 4.502 (.350- 4.000 miu/l)

    T4 free 1.26 (.89- 1.76 ng/dl)

    T3 free 2.97 (2.30-4.20 pg/ml)

    After starting amour these tests were taken in the afternoon

    Tsh .953 (.350- 4.000 miu/l)

    T4free 1.11 (.89-1.76 ng/dl)

    T3 free 4.22 (2.30-4.20 pg/ml)

    I know my tsh looks very improved, but I feel really anxious...Don't really have energy, i'm just extremely nervous...It seems like my anxiety is just getting worse and worse... Any thoughts or info are welcomed!
    Last edited by Hackamaniac; 08-11-2012 at 03:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I'm up to 120mg armor and not feeling much different at all. Your T4 still looks down a bit. How are your adrenals?

  3. #3
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    I'm up to 120mg armor and not feeling much different at all. Your T4 still looks down a bit. How are your adrenals?

    How long you been on Armour??.... I didn't feel it at first and the last month i'm so damn anxious.... Seems like it's worst as the day goes on..I don't know much about adrenals to be honest...What kind of test is needed for that???.....I wouldn't doubt if something was wrong, I fight major fatigue all the time.

  4. #4
    go2failure is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hackamaniac View Post
    How long you been on Armour??.... I didn't feel it at first and the last month i'm so damn anxious.... Seems like it's worst as the day goes on..I don't know much about adrenals to be honest...What kind of test is needed for that???.....I wouldn't doubt if something was wrong, I fight major fatigue all the time.
    Adrenals, thyroid, testicles, and pituitary all work together. What he is saying is your adrenals may be fatigued/exhausted and it would behoove you to run a salivary cortisol test to check them out. If you are not producing enough cortisol, you arent shuttling that T3 in the cells properly and of course, not capable of feeling better at all. You should also get a RT3, Iron, B-12, and Selenium all checked. I would also advise you to visit the site.

  5. #5
    Allaaro is offline Associate Member
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    You could try discussing using T3 and T4 with your doctor individually and not with armor. Maybe your body doesn't like the armor ratios/medication overall.

    This could let you target optimal ranges easier and I think it a way better method than using armor...although its a bit more of a pain in the ass for the doctor.

    Outside of that, it could be something else causing the problems. How's your sleep been?

  6. #6
    xtitan1's Avatar
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    I respectfully disagree with switching to synthetic t4 plus t3.

    Your ft4 and ft3 were actually decent before us tarted any medication. At the same time, however, ur tsh was high. That strikes me as odd. I would want to see ur RT3 number here to shed some more light. Perhaps although ur ft3 was high it didn't matter because ur rt3 was also high hence the high tsh. Remember that tsh really isnt useful for monitoring treatment. What's important is mid to high range ft4 and ft3 with an ft3/rt3 ratio greater than twenty.

    Your ft3 is now out of range high and this could be the cause of ur feelings of heart racing? Or as others suggested it could be adrenals out of whack.
    Last edited by xtitan1; 08-12-2012 at 12:49 AM.

  7. #7
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Now your TSH is at the bottom of the scale maybe adjust the dose of the Armor to bring is back up to the middle around 2.0

  8. #8
    MRNJ1992's Avatar
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    I took armour thyroid for years but couldnt get it any more in usa. Now on synthroid . Are you sweaty, clammy etc? Seems to me you need to up the dose. When I dont take enough of my thyroid meds Im very lethargic.

  9. #9
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Go2failure.... I've had b12 checked and I had low iron saturation.. I also only had an am cortisol lab.... I will ask my doctor if one of them will check my reverse t3 and do a saliva cortisol test...Pretty sure selenium is in my multi....Thanks for your help.

    Allaro - I'll talk to my doctor and se what he says..Thanks

    Xtitan1 My hearts not really racing, i'm just really jittery feeling.... I use to get a lil anxious before starting armour, but now am anxious all the time, even while just sitting at home.. Hope I can talk my doctor into checking rt3. Thanks

    fit2bbold- I'm thinking i do need to cut back on my armour...I hate feeling like this... Thanks for chiming in..

    MrNJ1992- Mainly been anxious along with fatigue, it's a strange feeling... No way am i going up on my dose, that would only make it worse.. Thanks for chiming in.

    I cut back to 45mg this morning and will stay on that for now and will contact my doctor tomorrow........If anyone else has any more ideas or comments, they are still appreciated...Thanks for everyone suggestions.

  10. #10
    xtitan1's Avatar
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    Good luck brother. Make sure to write back and give us an update after a while about whether this has fixed the problem.

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