A lot of you guys taking HGH? I just got my blood work back.

IGF-I, ECL 160 ng/mL 53-331 Range

So the doctor is saying optimal is 300-350. And he is willing to write a script, downside is the cost, and no insurance coverage.

What would you guys do? Money is tight, but this expensive candy is tempting, I know I shouldn't consider it that but it kind of is, and I know it is a long term commitment. Anyways, my response I asked the nurse to talk to him about alternative treatments with HGH peptides etc, cause I know some doctors will use it as a cheaper method, and if he is comfortable doing this I will do so under his supervision, otherwise I would wait on treatment of hgh. Or then again I could do it on my own, but much rather have his expertise if he has any on it.