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  1. #1
    AmPump is offline New Member
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    Surgery Advice Needed

    Tore the tendon that connects the bicep to my forearm in my dominant arm a few weeks ago. Doctor wants to opperate ASAP but he wants me off test. The bicep has moved away from my elbow about 2+ inches.

    I'm current taking 100 cc's of 200-test twice per week by prescription and have been taking this dose for two weeks. Prior to that I was at 1/2 that dose twice per week since July (about 2 months) and at 1/4 the does the previous 2 months. Doc says I will suffer from depression when I go off. I took something for depression 10+ years ago and i'm not looking foward to feeling that way any time soon. Nor do I think I can handle not lifting heavy weight for 6 months. Need advice.

    Anyone living with a severed lower bicep tendon? How bad is it to not go under the knife?

    Any advice on how to beat the depression? The doc gave me lexi_pro samples and vii_bryd. Read the side effects and not sure either sounds good.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    I hope you mean 100 mg not 100 cc, that is a ton of oil to be injecting. I don't think you really need to go off test for surgery, unless you have thick blood that could complicate a surgery.

  3. #3
    capetown's Avatar
    capetown is offline Senior Member
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    I tore both of mine. You have to make ur mind up because the longer you wait the less chance the u are going to have 100 percent recovery. The doctor wanted me on the table no longer than 72 hrs after i tore them. If u do decide to get it done, you are pretty much putting urself out of commission for 6 months. They will cut ur tendon. Reattach it to a button they place in ur elbow. From that point ur arm will be at 90 degrees because The tendon was cut shorter to have a clean knot. Next 6 months will be stretching ur tendon until ur arm us straight.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    didn't conseco say in his last video that lexipro was probably the leading cause for (can't remember his name)'s suicide?

    you may consider tb500 to help with the healing?

  5. #5
    LevMyshkin's Avatar
    LevMyshkin is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    didn't conseco say in his last video that lexipro was probably the leading cause for (can't remember his name)'s suicide?

    you may consider tb500 to help with the healing?
    Taylor Hooten was the kid's name. They lived a few miles away from me here in D/FW.

    Personally, I'd stay as far away from Lexi as possible. Can't give out psychiatric advice, but I have experience with bupopion and it worked wonders for me. Plus, it doesn't kill your libido the way that most other anti-depressants can. In most people it raises sex drive a bit (sure did for me.) And most people end up losing about 5-10 lbs while taking it. Go fig. It's also sold as a stop smoking aid. If/when you decide to stop it, it's one of the easiest treatments for MDD to come off of. Just make sure you get the XL version - it's a once/day deal.

    Plus, keep in mind that anti-depressant therapy is oftentimes a guessing game until they get the correct treatment dialed in for you.
    Last edited by LevMyshkin; 09-08-2012 at 09:53 AM.

  6. #6
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Just had back surgery on a prescribed HRT dose of Test gave all my meds and dosages including HRT. They asked if I need any of this dispensed while I was there...

  7. #7
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Going off TRT would be stupid and counter-productive. Just drop the dose to 100mg weekly and go in for your surgery. It isn't going to hurt anything.

  8. #8
    jamotech's Avatar
    jamotech is offline Member
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    +1, had surgery at 100mg wk, no problems.

  9. #9
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think you are referring to a distal bicep tear which is a complete rupture of the bicep tendon at the elbow region. I had the same injury about 5 years ago. You MUST do the surgery & Your doc is right that it must be re-attached right away for the best results so don't delay. Your arm will never be normal again without surgery. Dont worry, mine came out fine although with a nasty scar. Be sure to take it easy for a few months Post-op and make sure you go to physical therapy and complete all the visits! No matter how dumb you think the excercises are, just do them with the Physical Therapist. The excercises are aimed at irritating the injury sight which promotes healing. Take my word for it. It's a tough recovery, but if you do it right you'll get back to normal. I wasnt able to lift hard for about almost a year, but it came back eventually. Good luck...
    Last edited by APIs; 09-08-2012 at 07:26 PM.

  10. #10
    AmPump is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the advice! Much appreciated. I'm leaning toward the surgury now and just reducing my dosage and I'm going to ask my doc about the bupopion. Capetown and APIs did you get full extension back? The doc said I probably will not be fully able to straighten my right arm after surgury unless he uses a dead guy's tendon but if so, I'll never regain full strength. Either way its a losing trade. Just curious if either of you had cadaber tendon added.

    I can't be off lifting for 6 months to a year! I'll go crazy. Today at the gym I worked both triceps and only my left bicep with single arm sets only (cables and dumbells). I didn't get a great pump but at least I'm thinking I can focus on legs and my left upper body for the next few months. I'm even working through some ways I think I can work my right shoulder with out bending my elbow. I'm picturing myself losing some minor size on my left size and having the right arm and right chest of a high school kid 6 months from now. But at least that's only half as depressing as not lifting at all.

  11. #11
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    Yes I got full extension & strength back. Took time though. My suregon just re-attached my own tendon by anchoring it back into the bone. If he's suggesting the extra piece of cadaber tendon, then go with it IMO. You'd definitely want the full extension. You're lucky this is available to you as your arm would never be the same without it. Get the surgery & be patient with the recovery...

  12. #12
    capetown's Avatar
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    I ruptured both my biceps at the same time. Plus my right bi was torn from my elbow and my shoulder. I didnt have much choice but to have the surgery done. 6 month 90 degree cast then 6 month of physiotherapy. Arms are 100 percent but i try to recognize my limits now when using any weight with my arms locked. I can still hear and feel the ripping as they came off.

  13. #13
    capetown's Avatar
    capetown is offline Senior Member
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    APIs, are u more aware now when u have a lot of stress on ur bicep?

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