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  1. #41
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Are you talking about a short ester? or long, like they are above (for TRT)? Regardless, I would think an immediate reaction is all in your head.
    Johnny, I'm talking about cypionate . I even felt better for 3 days after this, my fatigue was gone and everything. Until I went to the gym and my heartrate went up like crazy and I ended up having an anxiety attack. Everything went from awesome to terrible in like 3 days. After that I switched to 50mg 2x a week and I haven't really felt any changes other than libido increase (which I'm not complaining about). I'm on my 5th week since I started TRT.

  2. #42
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by juice2012 View Post
    I definitely felt a "rush" after my first injection. I felt a lot of energy, appetite increased, and as soon as I walked through the door at home I immediately started banging my girlfriend. Everything felt different that first night it was awesome.
    in your head mate, I've frontloaded as much as 1.2grms before and felt nothing, I've never heard of any AAS creating a 'rush'

  3. #43
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    in your head mate, I've frontloaded as much as 1.2grms before and felt nothing, I've never heard of any AAS creating a 'rush'
    Seems like a lot of people want to think it's like an octane boost, or some sort of energy zap.

  4. #44
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    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I was AMPED after my first injection...but it was nerves. And happiness that I didn't die. That first shot was crazy, but now I have done hundreds of them and it is like, meh.

  5. #45
    LevMyshkin's Avatar
    LevMyshkin is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Depends how low your test is to be honest. I know afew who have felt amazing after a few days after their first injection. Normally it will take s few wks before you feel the full benefit if your hrt.
    I agree with this statement. When I began, my test was at "castration" level (190 ng/dl; normal rage 350 - 1000) and my clinic started me at 100 mg/week. It wasn't a major shift, but it did take a while for us to get me dialed in. The second week, though, it felt like warm honey being poured over my head about 48 hours post-injection.

    I've gotten to the point where I can't wait to get stuck.

  6. #46
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Hah maybe I'm crazy. The placebo effect is very powerful though.

  7. #47
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I was as low as 108 (350 - 1100) and never felt any kind of immediate effect from t cyp. For me it has been a slow process. I am also hypothyroid so maybe that plays into the equation.

  8. #48
    freshmaker is offline Junior Member
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    I was in the mid 100's. Started trt 8 mos ago. I dose 75mg twice a week and I still get a rush about 18 hours later. If I dose 100mg I get major league euphoria for about 36 to 48 hours, but then I'm exhausted for about 2 days.

    Placebo? Well, maybe, but i doubt it. It took about 4 weeks of shots before I started feeling the effects due to the half life of test cyp.

    I can duplicate the rush any time. It's.... incredible.

    Blood work shows I'm at the top of the ranges with e2 stable at a desirable range.

  9. #49
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one!

  10. #50
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    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Just goes to show everyone is different.

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