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  1. #1
    TraceMYD's Avatar
    TraceMYD is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2012

    Im not allowed to donate blood, any free options?

    I Went to go donate some blood today at a blood donation promotion
    And they told me I couldn't because I take proscar.

    Anyone else have this problem that they can't donate because
    Of certain medications you take?

    I'm not going to do the whole self bleeding thing at home, that's
    just too crazy for me.

    Anyone know of any free options or can a doc write a rx to get it
    Done at a hospital?


  2. #2
    capetown's Avatar
    capetown is offline Senior Member
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    Great White North
    Hows you iron?

  3. #3
    TraceMYD's Avatar
    TraceMYD is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by capetown View Post
    Hows you iron?
    I'm not sure, I don't see it listed on my BW

  4. #4
    Texkota's Avatar
    Texkota is offline New Member
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    I can't donate because I did a tour in the middle east in the early 90s. Apparently Mad Cow was rampant at the time in the ME, so I've been banned for life.

    A Dr can write an RX for you to donate blood, the blood is subsequently destroyed instead of being put into the bank.

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    One of our members recently posted that certain blood drives do it for free if you have a script. just search this section for blood drive or donating blood and you'll find more info.

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