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Thread: help

  1. #1
    caira1074 is offline Junior Member
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    what is the protocol for coming off of trt been on for about two years ordered some clomid and nolva from the company on this site hope they are legit. im taking 200 mg test cyp shots weekly. when do i start this restart program and how much of each of the pct do i use. 38 year old male 5'10 190 lbs 12% bodyfat i think i was wrongly diagnosed so i want to try a restart and i notice nobody gives a clear answer they just try to ask why someone would want to do this, dont ask why just what is the protocol thats all i want thanks for the help i have nothing to loose cause i can always go back on injections. y numbers before trt were total 500 and free 12.5 was not educated just listened to the dr my bad. Was on paxil at the time and think that was the issue wth sex drive not low t. i have one bottle of each mentioned above ordered is this enough and i have no access to hcg .
    Last edited by caira1074; 09-15-2012 at 01:51 PM.

  2. #2
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    restarting after 2y would be a long hard road thats if you would ever get back to normal levels .. i tried it and my nat levels dropped even more than before . my be stick with trt ????

  3. #3
    caira1074 is offline Junior Member
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    if i can go back on what will it hurt

  4. #4
    caira1074 is offline Junior Member
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    what did you try that was unsuccesful

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Caira - You need to find a Physician who understands TRT in men and have him restart you...if you can. It's hit and miss at this point and many variables...were you taking HCG during this time frame?

  6. #6
    caira1074 is offline Junior Member
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    no i wasnt and iam wondering why it is so hit and miss, its not like its terminal cancer im only 38 years old, in great shape always have been. and why not try clomid and nolva. The human body is going to go back to normal i do believe in this . I didnt have an issue just misdiagnosed. I just need a protocol or iam going to do 50 of clomid and 20 of nolva for 6 weeks, 10 days after my last injections i will start this program. thought i could get some help here

  7. #7
    Mario L is offline Associate Member
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    You should read up in the PCT forum.

  8. #8
    caira1074 is offline Junior Member
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    im only have access to these pcts through the banner on this website are they legit research chemicals

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mario L View Post
    You should read up in the PCT forum.


    OP - Read about HPTA shutdown/suppression under long term sex hormone use and you will come to understand how difficult it can be to re-start if HPTA was not kept intact with the use of HCG .

    You probably need a skilled Physician at this point to see if you can be re-started.

  10. #10
    caira1074 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for your responses gdevine, iam only coming to this forum for help and some understanding thats all, this all in the long run started with my lack of knowledge in the beginning. i dont know of any physicians so unfortunately i will have to go it alone. and with some guidance from here and believing that if the body senses high t it shut down and if it senses low t it will produce. iam just trying to help it a little with the pct. i just know i come to this site for some help and some peace of mind knowing that there are other people that have gone through similar situations.

  11. #11
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Just curious but what would be the protocol if he had been on HCG the whole time? Im also curious about coming of and trying to see if the body can restart itself. I don't really mind being on trt for ever but obviously would rather not if possible. Just curious if there is a protocol to see if possible.

  12. #12
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Caira, I presume you got on TRT to begin with because your testosterone levels were low, which probably meant you were semi-suppressed to begin with. Regardless, as stated above, the longer you go, the harder it will be. Even if your HPTA was completely functional at the start, the odds would diminish greatly after being suppressed for only 6 months. I've heard of some cases at 1 year, but 2 years is going to be a tough task. Like trying to restart the heart, there's only so long you can go before it just isn't going to work.

  13. #13
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Would being on HCG the whole time help the odds any?

  14. #14
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    GD and Vette are spot on. I understand you were misdiagnosed and like to get off TRT but to be honest after 2 years is highly unlikely. The first thing most of us were told was, TRT is for life. I'd take GD's suggestion and find a knowledgeable doctor and have him treat you accordingly. Best of luck to you bro.

  15. #15
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasondd1 View Post
    Would being on HCG the whole time help the odds any?
    Zero help from HCG . If anything, HCG will just amplify the suppression even more. HCG provides the LH signal to the testicles, which is normally the function of the HPTA. Working on a negative feedback loop, the brain picks up on elevated testosterone levels , which then signals a reduction of LH production within the HPTA. As long as testosterone levels are increased, the HPTA sees it as "normal", thus regulating the signal needed to produce more testosterone. It will simply just get to a point where it goes dormant and "lights out."

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