I have been on TRT for 3 yrs, have gone from the patch to gells without my labs really improving, my Dr put me on Depot Test 200mg/ml every two weeks, which did the trick, buy my numbers really drop off by the end of week 2, so he changed it to 100mg every week. After a couple weeks of in office injection training, he has me doing them at home. I rotate sights between both glutes and both upper thighs. The wife does the glutes and I do the thighs. The actual injection is no problem, almost no pain at all. 24 hrs later it starts to hurt, by 48 hrs it can be hard to bend my leg, 72 hrs later the pain is all but gone. Glutes arent nearly as bad as the thigh. Dr says it will get better over time but its been two months and the thighs are still hurting pretty bad

How long will it take to get better?