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  1. #1
    telboyuk is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Newbie looking for advice

    hello all and happy new year.

    By way of introduction I am male, aged 63. British in UK.
    Height 1.80m weight 89 kgs. Med build (waist 40") BMI approx 27.
    Not now a fit person by any means

    Have a heart condition, called Atrial Fibrillation, for which I take a daily beta blocker (bisoprolol), warfarin, statin, and ramipril.
    This does not stop the fibrillation but does keep heart rate down to normal levels.
    I have also had a couple of heart stents fitted 6 years ago, so poss a bit of blockage going on.

    Other than that I am pretty normal, albeit a bit overweight.
    I realise that the above conditions as well as my age can cause tiredness, but over the last couple of years I have noticed a real drop in my muscle
    strength and at the same time muscle from my arms and legs has been lost leaving, presume related. I have almost permanent brain fog, no libido, no erections. I also have (osteopenia) early onset osteoporosis, bone density scan done in 2011.
    I guess I generally feel OK, but not sure what OK really is any more.
    As a consequence of these symptoms a year ago whilst on holiday in europe I had a testosterone /estrogen (e2) test done privately. The results of that was Total test=3.0ng/ml and estrogen was 29.59pg/ml
    When back in UK I mentioned it to GP who dismissed it as being OK, regardless of symptoms.
    Now back in europe for a while again I have again had a testosterone blood test done, this time I had a free testosterone test done as well.
    So now a year after the first my results were: Total test = 2.88ng/ml
    Free test = 3.20pg/ml
    At the same time I had a PSA done which was 1.4, just as a marker (incidently it was 0.50 back in 2007)
    Following on from the recent bloods I have added a FSH, LH and Estrogen (e2) test, for which I am now waiting the results. (next monday)
    My questions would be at this stage, is there anything else I should be looking for? I guess I am trying to arm myself with all of the information I might need when talking to my GP back in UK when I return there in April.

    Thanks for any advice

  2. #2
    telboyuk is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    just received extra blood tests:
    FSH = 11.80 mUI/ml..........lab range 1.40 - 18.00
    LH = 4.20 mUI/ml..........lab range 1.50- 9.30
    Total Estradiol(e2) = 32.51 pg/ml...........lab range 0- 41.00

    These all appear to be in range of lab used.
    What would be anyones advice regarding what to do next?

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