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  1. #1
    Steve N is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013

    new to all of this TRT 2 Questions with Cypionate

    56 year old Male
    6 foot Tall 228 lbs 24% body fat

    I have been feeling off for the past year. All of the normal lower sex drive, tired,unable to focus.
    So this year I took a better look at my bi yearly blood work.
    CBC was all in range
    Urinalysis in range
    CMP in range EXCEPT AS BELOW:

    CREAT 1.1 mg/dl .05-1.03
    CALCIUM 9 mg/dl 7-12
    GLUCOSE 103 mg/dl 70-126
    CO2 26 mmol/l 21-33

    CHOL 223 mg/dl 0-200 HIGH
    TRIG 288 mg/dl 0-150 HIGH
    HDL 29.9 mg/dl 40-60 CRITICAL LOW
    LDL 155 mg/dl 0-100 HIGH

    TSH 3.140 u/ml .0270-4.200
    TOTAL PSA 1.20 ng/ml 0.00-4.00
    TESTOSTERONE 3.51 ng/ml 2.80-8.00
    FREE T4 14 poml/l 1-70
    T3 TOTAL 2 nmol/l 0-9
    T4 TOTAL 87 6-320

    I asked my DR about the possibility of low T Living Here in Florida the TV commercials are on hourly
    He quickly said I was in range and ended the conversation.

    I started to do some research and found 2 HRT Clinics That seem willing to provide the following I am leaning toward this one listed. the 2nd one uses cream. Which I am not interested in.
    20 week cycle? (I am not sure if this is called a cycle or not)
    Test Cypionate 200mg/l 1ml per week injection
    Anastrozole .05 mg per week tablet
    Tamoxifen 10 mg per week tablet
    B-12 Cyana 1 ml per week injection 1000 mcg per week
    HCG 250 Units 2x per week injection

    Post Cycle 2 weeks after the last TEST Injection
    HCG 1000 Units a day for 10 days
    Clomiphene 50 mg 2x per day 15 days

    My Questions 1 How will TRT effect on LIPID
    Being on the lower end of the T scale will this Cycle Help if it included better diet and some exercise.
    And will this continue for ever 24 weeks on start again 24 weeks on

    Thanks Steve n
    Last edited by Steve N; 01-06-2013 at 02:06 PM.

  2. #2
    OLDANDWEAK's Avatar
    OLDANDWEAK is offline Junior Member
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    I am no expert, but can tell you that TRT is not a cycle. It is for life. Once you start it you will shut down your natural production of test, and if you come off of it after 20 weeks you will hit bottom. You could restart your system, but it will be back to where you are now or worse. If I were you I would get my diet in order, get some regular exercise, take a daily dose of vitamin D and after several weeks have your bloodwork redone. You may be able to get to an acceptable level that makes you feel better without adding test to the mix. Agasin I am no expert though and I am sure there will be some very knowledgeable members with different answers.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve N View Post
    56 year old Male
    6 foot Tall 228 lbs 24% body fat

    I have been feeling off for the past year. All of the normal lower sex drive, tired,unable to focus.
    So this year I took a better look at my bi yearly blood work.
    CBC was all in range
    Urinalysis in range
    CMP in range EXCEPT AS BELOW:

    CREAT 1.1 mg/dl .05-1.03
    CALCIUM 9 mg/dl 7-12
    GLUCOSE 103 mg/dl 70-126
    CO2 26 mmol/l 21-33

    CHOL 223 mg/dl 0-200 HIGH
    TRIG 288 mg/dl 0-150 HIGH
    HDL 29.9 mg/dl 40-60 CRITICAL LOW
    LDL 155 mg/dl 0-100 HIGH

    Lipids are horrible as you know. Examine diet and lifestyle here as well as possible a non-statin (in my opinion) to help address this issue.

    TSH 3.140 u/ml .0270-4.200
    TOTAL PSA 1.20 ng/ml 0.00-4.00
    TESTOSTERONE 3.51 ng/ml 2.80-8.00
    FREE T4 14 poml/l 1-70
    T3 TOTAL 2 nmol/l 0-9
    T4 TOTAL 87 6-320

    High TSH is an indicator of hypothyroid. Know that TSH increases when T4 drops. TSH ranges vary but a more modern scale is 03 - 3.0. Further, hypothyroid will give all the same symptoms as low T. And you do have low T, which can be caused by the aforementioned hypothyroid and a combination of just an age related decline in T production

    I asked my DR about the possibility of low T Living Here in Florida the TV commercials are on hourly
    He quickly said I was in range and ended the conversation.

    I started to do some research and found 2 HRT Clinics That seem willing to provide the following I am leaning toward this one listed. the 2nd one uses cream. Which I am not interested in.
    20 week cycle? (I am not sure if this is called a cycle or not)
    Test Cypionate 200mg/l 1ml per week injection
    Anastrozole .05 mg per week tablet
    Tamoxifen 10 mg per week tablet
    B-12 Cyana 1 ml per week injection 1000 mcg per week
    HCG 250 Units 2x per week injection

    Post Cycle 2 weeks after the last TEST Injection
    HCG 1000 Units a day for 10 days
    Clomiphene 50 mg 2x per day 15 days

    My Questions 1 How will TRT effect on LIPID
    Being on the lower end of the T scale will this Cycle Help if it included better diet and some exercise.
    And will this continue for ever 24 weeks on start again 24 weeks on

    Thanks Steve n

    What these clinics are offering you, like OLD said, is a cycle not TRT. Not even close. It is not what you need. You need a competent doc to review your thyroid and pull more BW for complete thyroid testing. BW examples btw are in the Finding A Doc Sticky thread at the top of the forum. There are several there that are crucial such as LH/FSH, E2, Cortisol, SHBG that all can play a part in a proper diagnosis of your condition. OLD also mentioned Vit D3. It is arguably the most important vitamin, actually a hormone, a person can take. It will increase your Free T level. Just about everyone is low.

    If you have more BW post it up please. Step one is a better doc and proper treatment. Fix your thyroid first and lets see what happens to your T levels. Then if still not satisfactory TRT may be your option. Just fix the issues first, don't just band aid them please.


  4. #4
    Steve N is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply I do take a over 50 multiple vitamin but will get some extra D

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Steve - Where do you live in FLA? I live in South Florida and my Doc is one of the best in the HRT vertical and I can tell you he'd never prescribe what you listed above.

    You need further diagnosis for sure.

    Also, you have Thyroid issues and it looks like your borderline Hypothyroidism.

    You should know, having Hypothyroidism will cause Secondary Hypogonadism (Low T).

    You need a good Doc and not a clinic.

    You can email me from my profile page as well...I will help you find the right care.


  6. #6
    Steve N is offline New Member
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    Thanks KelKel

    There is a little more to the story. In 2009 I had a blood Clot in my lung 7 days in the intensive care unit and Hundreds of Thousands of Insurance dollars latter no real reason why.
    I was on blood thinner for a couple years and it (the Clot) has cleared.
    Through out these years my blood was checked extensively monthly complete panels with no real problems.(that I was told about)
    I had a team of hematologists Never determined any cause or any other Issues.
    At that time I was on Lipit** which had lowered my cholesterol to a high but (in range) level.
    when I had the Clot I was taken off all medicate*** and supplements. and veggies limited something about keeping my blood thin enough.
    That I believe was the beginning of where I am at now.
    My lipids were normal or at least lower then. liver was determined to be fatty ( I do drink a few beers a week but nothing hard)

    So now I am happy to be here and just trying to shed a few of the extra pounds and feel a little better.
    I live in both Florida and New Jersey and it extremely hard to find a good Dr.
    I am grateful for your input and added this in hopes it may help shed some light.
    Thanks Again SN

  7. #7
    Steve N is offline New Member
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    Hay GD I also live in South Florida Cape Coral. I Travel around most of the State. So I can travel almost any where to see the right Dr.
    I as a new member can not see profile pages yet 45 days villamarlin
    with less than 25 posts I also get limited with what words I can post. at

  8. #8
    Steve N is offline New Member
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    GD You might be right on I just googled Hypothyroidism both my mother and grandmother had Thyroid Operations I think mom is 75 grand mom 96
    The symptoms seem to fit. Thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve N View Post
    Hay GD I also live in South Florida Cape Coral. I Travel around most of the State. So I can travel almost any where to see the right Dr.
    I as a new member can not see profile pages yet 45 days villamarlin
    with less than 25 posts I also get limited with what words I can post. at
    What's your gmail address?

  10. #10
    Steve N is offline New Member
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    villamarlin at gmail

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve N View Post
    villamarlin at gmail
    Check your in box, Steve.

  12. #12
    flaoldman is offline New Member
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    I live in south Florida. PINELLAS county area. I need a good trt Dr. My urologist is clueless and says I do not need hcg nor anything like that.

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