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Thread: Fertility

  1. #1
    Nate02 is offline Associate Member
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    For those that do not know me, I am a 20 year about to begin TRT for pituitary issues. Through my research, I have came to understand conflicting opinions on this. Is an effective PCT a 100% guarantee that fertility will return after TRT? Assuming PCT was to begin around the normal age of starting a family i.e. 25-30? Or would it be a good idea to visit a sperm bank now? Even if it is 95% sure, I would rather err on the side of caution and visit a sperm bank.

  2. #2
    mkt_cycle's Avatar
    mkt_cycle is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah dude, definitely get it checked and look into storing it as well. I'm currently trying to regain my fertility after 5 years of TRT (there's a thread here with my story). If I had known the situation I'd be in, I would have for sure, without a doubt gotten it check and stored before I started. Considering how easy of a procedure it is (jacking off in a cup), there's no reason not to do it. Good luck with everything.

  3. #3
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkt_cycle
    Yeah dude, definitely get it checked and look into storing it as well. I'm currently trying to regain my fertility after 5 years of TRT (there's a thread here with my story). If I had known the situation I'd be in, I would have for sure, without a doubt gotten it check and stored before I started. Considering how easy of a procedure it is (jacking off in a cup), there's no reason not to do it. Good luck with everything.
    What did you do for 'PCT' when you came off of TRT, and for how long have you been trying to conceive since?

  4. #4
    mkt_cycle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    What did you do for 'PCT' when you came off of TRT, and for how long have you been trying to conceive since?
    I've just begun the process. I stopped cold turkey a month ago after my sperm analysis showed 0. I'm seeing a urologist next week to hopefully get some Clomid and/or HCG .

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkt_cycle

    I've just begun the process. I stopped cold turkey a month ago after my sperm analysis showed 0. I'm seeing a urologist next week to hopefully get some Clomid and/or HCG.
    Gotcha. Sperm count zero...ouch. I'm awaiting semen analysis test results myself. Just out of curiosity - why no HCG as part of your TRT protocol? Did you experience testicular pain and/or atrophy?

    OP - sorry for the hijack.

  6. #6
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    This is the OP's thread so lets stay on point.

    If you have Pituitary issues that are causing your hypogonadism than I would believe you would have had fertility problems anyway.

    Did you get a sperm count before you started your TRT.

    I think it's a good idea to go to a sperm bank and store some; nice to have an insurance policy.

  7. #7
    Nate02 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkt_cycle View Post
    Yeah dude, definitely get it checked and look into storing it as well. I'm currently trying to regain my fertility after 5 years of TRT (there's a thread here with my story). If I had known the situation I'd be in, I would have for sure, without a doubt gotten it check and stored before I started. Considering how easy of a procedure it is (jacking off in a cup), there's no reason not to do it. Good luck with everything.
    I am sorry that it has been rough for you. I sincerely hope it gets better. How old are you?

    I want to, but it is so expensive to keep!

    Quote Originally Posted by mkt_cycle View Post
    I've just begun the process. I stopped cold turkey a month ago after my sperm analysis showed 0. I'm seeing a urologist next week to hopefully get some Clomid and/or HCG.
    I hope things go well for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    This is the OP's thread so lets stay on point.

    If you have Pituitary issues that are causing your hypogonadism than I would believe you would have had fertility problems anyway.
    Well that's an issue Generally, how do people solve fertility problems similar to mine?

    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Did you get a sperm count before you started your TRT.
    I haven't got a sperm count. Nor even approached the subject. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    I think it's a good idea to go to a sperm bank and store some; nice to have an insurance policy.
    I want to, but as I mentioned above it is so expensive that it is painful.
    Question: If I was to go on TRT for the next few years or so (I am 20 now), how would my chances be to restore fertility? This assuming I had a good restoration protocol, that is. I am considering taking my chances, as I have come to understand young men have strong success with this. What do you think?

  8. #8
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Question: If I was to go on TRT for the next few years or so (I am 20 now), how would my chances be to restore fertility? This assuming I had a good restoration protocol, that is. I am considering taking my chances, as I have come to understand young men have strong success with this. What do you think?
    If you want a 100% certainty answer, you can't get it. If anyone tells you there is no shot that TRT can mess up your fertility then they are ignorant or lying or both.

    The chances are heavily in your favor, however, that your fertility will be similar to what you had before going on TRT though. TRT is always about weighing the pro's vs con's and comes down to a personal decision.

  9. #9
    mkt_cycle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nate02 View Post
    I am sorry that it has been rough for you. I sincerely hope it gets better. How old are you?
    Thanks, it's early but I'm optimistic. I'm 35.

    Check around your area for some fertility clinics and call for the price of a sperm analysis. I'm in Chicago and was able to find one for around $50. Your doctor might also be able to recommend somewhere.

  10. #10
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    my sperm ananlysis was like 150$, shiasters!. but anyway my sperm count was like 7million and i should have 60 million. Also only 6% of my 7mill were "active". They say anything less than 15% "active" of the the 60mill is fertility problem, so yeah, it affects sperm count but i dont care i hate kids, especially babies. So PC right?lol
    I wanted a vasectomy anyway, kids arent my thing, fun to play with from ages2-4 but other than that yuck.
    I wouldnt do any sperm u really want to have a baby with freezer burnt sperm? How good will they be after being there for years and years? I wouldnt do it. Could be setting yourself up for a hard life of taking care of a disabled child. Baby could end up being retarded or deformed. I would just adopt. Seriously.
    Best hcg every 6 months and stay away from deca , tren and other 19-nors. And when trying to concieve again run hcg AND clomid. That's what i would do.
    Personal decision. Think hard about it.

  11. #11
    APIs's Avatar
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    ^^^LOL, never wanted kids myself either. No offense meant, but the advice above is wrong on so many levels....

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