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  1. #1
    Brand is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013

    Low test, using clomid now , need help with blood work and advice on trt

    Hello, I just joined today as a new member.

    Age 40
    This is the blood work from my GP.

    Testosterone total 213
    Testosterone free 2.7 pg/ml

    fsh 4.8 miu/ml
    LH 4.6 miu/ml

    prolactin 9.4 ng/ml

    free t4 1.22 ng/dl
    tsh 0.51

    glucose 144

    I am currently taking clomid .25 ED but have not seen any difference, only been a week.
    I do not have estrodial #s.

    I have extreme fatique and all the sypmtoms of low test.

    I do not have much hopes from this clomid, anybody know how long it takes to feel the difference?

    Any Advice?


  2. #2
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Aug 2012
    I just finished week 3 of clomid .25 eod and I feel better. My estradiol was way low(8) and my joints hurt all the time. They feel much better now. No other sides. My test was 320 then did test cream for 3 months and raised it to 409 and crashed my estradiol so I am trying this. I will retest in another 3-4 weeks and go from there. 1 week is too soon to see results imo, especially if you were so crashed.

  3. #3
    Boscogto is offline New Member
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    Sep 2012
    I tried clomid at higher dosages for a raised my T levels some.....but never really felt perceptively better and once I began to taper so did my levels and any minor perceived benefits.

    Not a clomid fan personally.....typically it's just used to jump start your system and at 40 plus that's a sketchy plan

  4. #4
    Brand is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013
    I've just got a script for 10ml test cypionate for self injection, I do not know if I am primary or secondary, nor do I know what is the cause of the low testosterone .
    I am hesistant to get on hrt so I am going to see an endo before I start injecting next week.
    At 217 test-t, I don't think I have any other options except injections.

    Can anybody comment on my blood work:?

  5. #5
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Aug 2012
    I would give clomid a try personally. It may not work and if not after 4-6 weeks you get on test no problem. But if it does work it will be the easiest way to fix your problem. Google clomid trt alternative there is several studies with great long term results and quick results.

  6. #6
    Brand is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013

    Any other benefits you feel from clomid?

    These are my symptoms, severe irritabiility, depression, anxiety, insomnia.
    I believe this is due do to low testosterone , and I been like this for about a year.

  7. #7
    Boscogto is offline New Member
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    Sep 2012
    Dude you need a lot more diagnosis prior to jumping on the TRT bandwagon Search out a good doc and figure out what the cause is etc.

  8. #8
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Aug 2012
    I had all of those, before going on 65 mg test compounding cream. I was on that for 3 months and went from 320-409. Just from that slight increase i felt much better but obviously that was not enough so i went back to the Dr and we looked at my blood work and saw that the estradiol level was way too low. I talked her into trying clomid, she never prescribes it. But after telling her the multiple studies on it she decided to give it a try. Clomid also raises estradiol levels on its own which for me is a plus. She has also prescribed a new test cream of 200 mg test plus some estraiol, and progesterone just in case this doesn't work. 3 weeks in and i feel much better then before trying the cream, about the same as when i was on test cream. Although my joints are noticeably better.

    BTW I had terrible sleep problems before and my Dr told me it was most likely from lowered progesterone levels. I would go to sleep fine but wake up 3 hours later with my mind running and my body to wound up to go back to sleep. I would have progesterone levels checked, you can get compounding creams for it cheap.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brand View Post

    Any other benefits you feel from clomid?

    These are my symptoms, severe irritabiility, depression, anxiety, insomnia.
    I believe this is due do to low testosterone, and I been like this for about a year.

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