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Thread: Small testicles

  1. #1
    RajaSultan's Avatar
    RajaSultan is offline Associate Member
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    i m 12 and wat is this?

    Small testicles

    IOnly people who know about it answer if u r not sure dent bother clickin reply

    Ok so I wanted to know that having small testicles mean very low test level production I think that is the cause of my gyno and my testicles never grew big and I never took any kinds of steroids as far as I know so should I go to a doctor and somehow ask him to give me something that will boost my test levels?!?

  2. #2
    krugerr's Avatar
    krugerr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Testicle size is an independant thing, much like the size of your penis. Its individual.

    If you have gyno, and your testes never grew, I would seriously recommend visiting your doctor. No one here can safely suggest self medication without blood-test results and knowing a lot more about you.
    Visit your doctor, see what he says, keep us posted!


  3. #3
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    I'm amazed anybody is still responding to you. You ask the same questions in various threads and have had hundreds of replies from people you choose to ignore.

    Even if your doctor is not a TRT specialist he will at least be able to sanction a blood test that checks your testosterone and estradiol levels. Go an see him and get it done.

    Stop posting in the steroid q&a asking about cycles.

    Revisit your thread in the nutrition forum and reply to my post.

    There are no magic pills or potions. You need to eat right and lift right regardless of whether or not you take exogenous testosterone.

    Do some hard work for yourself and you will get help. If not people are just gonna ignore you.


  4. #4
    krugerr's Avatar
    krugerr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    I'm amazed anybody is still responding to you. You ask the same questions in various threads and have had hundreds of replies from people you choose to ignore.

    I hadnt realised he was doing that... My bad!

  5. #5
    RajaSultan's Avatar
    RajaSultan is offline Associate Member
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    i m 12 and wat is this?
    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    I'm amazed anybody is still responding to you. You ask the same questions in various threads and have had hundreds of replies from people you choose to ignore.

    Even if your doctor is not a TRT specialist he will at least be able to sanction a blood test that checks your testosterone and estradiol levels. Go an see him and get it done.

    Stop posting in the steroid q&a asking about cycles.

    Revisit your thread in the nutrition forum and reply to my post.

    There are no magic pills or potions. You need to eat right and lift right regardless of whether or not you take exogenous testosterone.

    Do some hard work for yourself and you will get help. If not people are just gonna ignore you.


    Bro I m not ignoring I m getting as much info as I can before I visit a doctor the last time I told a doctor he just made me keep on visiting him asking me other questions about my eyesight and saying my gyno is not serious it pissed me off cuz he was unhelpful and they were ripping my money off me each visit $100 Hong Kong dollars
    And I found a new doc so before visiting him I will show him some stuff I hav been researching about and make him help me instead of ripping me off like day unhelpful kunt and this was my last post about stuff so DW

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