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  1. #1
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Reverse Vasectomy and Fertility

    I visited the Urologist today to talk about a reverse vasectomy and fertility for obvious reasons

    I have been on TRT for about 5 years.
    I had a vasectomy about 10 years ago and am considering a reversal. He said lets first see if we can get things working before the reversal because it works better that way and you have a better chance of the reversal not causing as secondary blockage.

    He wants me to start HCG right away and come back in 3 months to talk more about options and see how I'm feeling but if I start to feel bad at any time to come in right away. He said he wants me to stop TRT because 90%+ men become sterile and yes he realizes a lot of people think the opposite but claims it's proven even recently that it's above 90% especially after 3+ years???

    He thinks after 6 months on HCG it would be a good time to do an extraction to see if there are any live kicking swimmers and if they are active to go ahead with the reversal. He said it could take up to a year even and we may have to do HCG and Clomid combined but likes HCG better due to no worries about estrogen as there are with clomid. That's what he said...

    He said that if I start feeling bad and the HCG and or Clomid dont help he will consider a TRT/HCG/Clomid combination along with some other options we would discuss at that time.

    I was asked to do blood-work today but he said I could wait if we wanted to talk about things first. He still sent me on my way with a 3mo prescription of HCG and Clomid and said he would put down for insurance purposed it's for TRT for now. So far I like this guy and he seems to be willing to work with me/us on what we decide. I may keep him for TRT even if we dont do the reversal. My Endo wanted nothing to do with HCG and at least this guy says he has most of his TRT patients on it especially for fertility reasons.

    I was also going to wait for the blood-work since I just had some done by private labs last week mid cycle to see where I was at and would rather do it when I know things are a little more normal so as to not freak the doctor out. Good thing too. I just got my results back and it was just a tad high. Total Testosterone was 1415, range 349 - 1197. Free Testosterone was 53, range 7.2 - 24 Only problem was my Estrogen was high also even though I have been pretty good and using my liquidstane from AR-R 2.5mg EOD as well as Prami almost every day.

    Cycle was 200mg test E
    400mg Tren E
    500mg Mast E

    Looks like I need to kick up the liquid stan to ED?
    Yeah I know the cholesterol is BAD. I was not keeping up on my Crestor as I should and I believe AI can also elevate it.

    I will re post all the blood levels in a while after typing them out.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 01-16-2013 at 04:47 AM.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    OK here are my full results. I'm also re testing on Feb 18th if not sooner once I think my levels are back to normal. I think I am going to lower my TRT down to 100mg week for 2 or 3 weeks before testing to get to baseline around 400+ and then consider Dropping TRT as the doctor suggested for the reversal if we decide to go with it.

    Here are my mid cycle full results.

    Cycle is:
    Test 200mg week
    Tren 400mg week
    Mast 500mg week

    Test............................Results........... ............Range
    WBC..............................4.6.............. ............4.0 -10.5
    RBC...............................5.57............ ............4.14 -5.80
    Hemoglobin....................15.7................ .......12.6 -17.7
    Hematocrit......................48.8.............. .........37.5 -51.0
    MCV...............................88.............. ............70 -97
    MCHC.............................32.2............. ..........31.5 -35.7
    RDW............................17.0.......HIGH.... .....12.3 -15.4
    Platelets.........................349............. ............140 -415
    Neutrophils.....................72................ ...........40 - 74
    Lymphs..........................19................ ...........14 -46
    Monocytes........................6................ .............4 -13
    Eos..................................3............ .................0-7
    Basos...............................0............. ................0-3
    Neutrophis (Absolute)........3.3..........................1.8-7.8
    Lymphs (Absolute).............0.9........................ ..0.7-4.5
    Monocytes (Absolute).........0.3..........................0. 1-1.0
    Eos (Absolute)...................0.1.................. ........0.0-0.4
    Baso Absolute)...................0.0................... .......0.0-0.2
    Immature Granulocytes........0............................. 0-2
    Immature Grans (Abs)..........0.0..........................0.0-0.1
    Comp. Metabolic Panel
    Glucose, Serum.....................92...................... ....65-99
    BUN......................................13....... ...................6-24
    Creatine Serum......................1.28.....High.......... .0.76-1.27
    eGFR If NonAfricn Am................65..........................>59
    eGFR If Africn Am......................75........................ ..>59
    BUN/Creatine Ratio....................10....................... .....9-20

    Sodium Serum...........................138............... ..........134-144
    Potassium Serum........................4.5.................. ........3.5-5.2
    Chloride Serum...........................100............... .........97-108
    Carbon Dioxide Total....................21....................... ..20-32
    Calcium Serum.............................8.9............. ............8.7-10.2
    Protein Total Serum......................6.4.................... .....6.0-8.5
    Albumin Serum.............................4.0............. ............3.5-5.5
    Globulin Total................................2.4.......... ..............1.5-4.5
    A/G Ratio......................................1.7.... ....................1.1-2.5
    Bilirubin Total.................................1.1......... ...............0.0-1.2
    Alkaline Phosphate S.......................26........................ .25-150
    AST (SGOT).................................49.......Hi gh............0-40
    ALT (SGPT)....................................36...... ....................0-44
    Lipid Panel
    Cholesterol Total..........................305......High...... ......100-199
    Triglycerides.................................215. .....High............0-149
    HDL Cholesterol.............................9......... .Low............>39
    VLDL Cholesterol Cal......................43.........High.......... ..5-40
    LDL Cholesterol Calc......................253........High......... ...0-99

    Thyroid Panel with TSH
    TSH............................................... .1.580........................0.450-4.500
    Thyroxine (T4)..................................5.3......... ..................4.5-12
    T3 Uptake.......................................43... ......High............24-39
    Testosterone Free and total
    Testosterone Serum.......................1415.......High....... ...348-1197
    Testosterone Free..............................53........High.. .......7.2-24
    T4 Free (Direct)....................................1.59.. ....................0.82-1-77
    DHEA Sulfate.......................................169. 8.....................44.3-331.0
    Prostate Specific Ag...............................0.8.............. .........0.0-4.0
    Insulin -Like Growth Factor 1....................133.....................59-201
    Estradiol Sensite...................................379..... ..High.......3-70
    Triiodothyronine Free...............................3.1............ ..........2.0-4.4

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Any comments or suggestions with the given information?

  4. #4
    38onTRT's Avatar
    38onTRT is offline Associate Member
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    Did he mention what dosages you are to take for the hCG ? I'd say at least 1000iu ED to get you going again.. Especially if you are on Tren ...?

    My best advice in order to get you on the right track for coming totally off and getting back to normal would be to eat as CLEAN as you can... Clean meaning going for the whole "Paleo" type of eating... No grains, sugars white carbs, pasta etc.. It will help get your body back to normal much faster than if you didnt.. You would be REALLY surprised by what happens to your body when you eat this type of "diet" long term...

    Are you currently cycling with those compounds? If you are, drop them and stay on the Test until you see fit to drop it.. The Tren is going to be your bodies biggest obstacle to ditch since its such a powerful Androgen..

    I would at least get some A-Dex or Aromasin to get your E back down.. A-Dex will do it fast! 379 is crazy high!

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    If I decide to go through with things I would most dedinarly drop everything to get the baseline normal.

  6. #6
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    The tren and mast has done a number on your lipids huh. I'm assuming they go back to ref range off cycle and with the crestor?

    Strange your e is that high on 25mg stane eod.....curious how ed dosing would effect that.

    Good luck with the "kickstart" and reversal!

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    The tren and mast has done a number on your lipids huh. I'm assuming they go back to ref range off cycle and with the crestor?

    Strange your e is that high on 25mg stane eod.....curious how ed dosing would effect that.

    Good luck with the "kickstart" and reversal!
    Yes I'm sure they did not help the cholesterol at all but also I do not think I was very good for the week prior to the test in only took my Crestor maybe 2 *

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    You could tell the woman there's a simpler solution to vasectomy reversal. Twice a day, have her put her mouth to the "garden hose" and try to suck those little swimmers out. It'll take time and perserverence, but if she's patient, I'll back you up by saying it could be successful.

    Hope that helps! =)

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Wow HCG is getting expensive. The only pharmacy I fond local that can get it it's almost 200 for 10,000 iu and the prescriptions for 2000 iu 3x a week. That adds up quick.

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