It's not a major mistake but I thought I had an extra week worth of test and come to find out I don't. That said, I put in my new order but won't have it until Wed. or Thursday (Today is Saturday in case this thread goes on for days). I inject Saturday mornings and Tuesday evenings of 100mg/Test C. Today was my last shot with my current prescription and I only had about 1/2 the dose. Since my prescription won't be available until Wed. or Thurs. and I have a lower dosage now should I:

a.) Just take it when it comes in and again on Saturday
b.) If it comes in on Wed. should I change my schedule to Wed, Sunday?
c.) Other?

I know it's not the end of the world and I shouldn't be too concerned but I don't want to feel like crud. Will I start to notice any decline by the end of the week or will I not even notice any difference? Needless to say I need to be more proactive next time around.