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  1. #1
    theone85 is offline Junior Member
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    Smile Pellets & AI needed?

    Hey what's up guys so this my dilemma. It's been a lil over a month since I had 8 100mg pellets implanted. Feel alive finally but I've noticed my nipples have begun to itch and have that shiny swollen look. I've had worst gyno in the past but treated it with letro. I asked my doc about e2 conversion and let him no that I'm prone to it but wants to wait till follow up to test my e2. Ive noticed night sweats, little to none libido and when i do organism is flat blunt feeling being forced. With shrinkage going on. With that being said. Should I start arimidex 0.25mg EOD Or start at every 3 days to begin. Also could I run letro based on gyno reversal protocol combined to further decrease my current gyno. Thanks
    Last edited by theone85; 02-22-2013 at 09:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Mario L is offline Associate Member
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    I would look up and buy a sensitive estradiol assay.

  3. #3
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    I'd get a new doctor if my current one did not care that i was currently experiencing gyno.

    Since you cant do anything about the pellets, it is important that if you are getting gyno you need to treat it. Get him on board to start the AI.

  4. #4
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    This is one of the cases when I think going it alone w/o a doc is necessary. A bad doc and gyno mean get some AI off the internet and start it. Then look for a new doc.

  5. #5
    theone85 is offline Junior Member
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    Searching for a new doc is my next step. Not to mention that the pellet implantation lead to incision site becoming infected. Antibiotic x 10 days and one month of daily dressing changes finally healed. The site took a month to finally close after returning 1wk later following implantation date for sutures x2. First two weeks were hell. I was desperately waiting to see my psych for antidepressants.. After the hunch, I started waking up with morning woods, energized, etc. about 6 wks now don't feel as up beat as before. I'm sure it's related to e2 levels. What would be an appropriate dosage of AI in my case?

  6. #6
    Trific's Avatar
    Trific is offline Member
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    What a crappy time you've AI is dangerous too as all too often guys crush their E2 down too much and then feel terrible from that....could maybe try 50mg 3 times a day of zinc.

  7. #7
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by theone85 View Post
    Searching for a new doc is my next step. Not to mention that the pellet implantation lead to incision site becoming infected. Antibiotic x 10 days and one month of daily dressing changes finally healed. The site took a month to finally close after returning 1wk later following implantation date for sutures x2. First two weeks were hell. I was desperately waiting to see my psych for antidepressants.. After the hunch, I started waking up with morning woods, energized, etc. about 6 wks now don't feel as up beat as before. I'm sure it's related to e2 levels. What would be an appropriate dosage of AI in my case?
    Ouch! That sucks...

    There's no standard dose for an AI. You might be able to get away with zinc+copper seeing as how you aren't a super fast aromatizer.

    But if I had anastrozole, I would probably take half a mg twice per week and get the E2 checked in a month. If I had overt gyno showing up (I actually went through this) I would take 1mg per day for a week. This, of course, was under a dr supervision and I was also on weekly shots, so I had more peaks than you did.

    Long term, however, I've been able to reduce my AI a lot by using zinc and copper and using smaller, more frequent shots.

  8. #8
    theone85 is offline Junior Member
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    One of my pellets came out. After approx 6 wks and after inscioson finally healed one month after implantation. A pellet has surfaced to the skin and pushed it out. It broke the skin and I hope will close immediately. There is no active bleeding but a few spotting
    Last edited by theone85; 02-24-2013 at 04:28 AM.

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