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  1. #1
    zerodarkthirty's Avatar
    zerodarkthirty is offline Associate Member
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    Immediate "Subjective" Physiological Effects of AI

    I started TRT a few months ago, but crashed my E2 pretty hard (thanks to GD for spotting this). Not a fun place to be: super anxiety/panic attacks, zero libido, fatigue, etc. I have not taken an AI in about 2 weeks and was feeling like I was getting a little bloaty and thought my E2 levels might be creeping high.

    I took .25 mg Arimidex today and within about 2 hours starting feeling like hell. (i.e. exhausted, brain fog, apathetic).

    I was wondering if folks could comment on how quickly you feel the effects of taking an AI and also subjectively how this made you feel? If you were high E2, I'd suspect the AI would probably make you feel better. If you were already low, my guess is that you'd start to feel pretty lousy (like I experienced today).

  2. #2
    Trific's Avatar
    Trific is offline Member
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    I've read that one can also feel lousy just from taking an AI....whether the E2 was high or not.

    I'm wondering if you shouldn't get another kind to have on aromasin ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    What Triic said, we'd need blood work to make any determination.

    That said, I'd be surprised if an AI got to work that fast.

    Low dose at .25 mg and 50 hour half life so it's unlikely to be honest.

  4. #4
    zerodarkthirty's Avatar
    zerodarkthirty is offline Associate Member
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    Maybe. The plan is to avoid having to take one at all. I've got my month follow-up next Monday, so I'll lay off any AI between now and then and see what sensitive E2 comes back as.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    ^^^^Exactly, establish a new baseline.

  6. #6
    Trific's Avatar
    Trific is offline Member
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    So now that you are pinning and feeling a little bloaty, how's it going?

    How many days of pinning so far?

  7. #7
    zerodarkthirty's Avatar
    zerodarkthirty is offline Associate Member
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    This is week 4 on shots. (60 mg x 2 per week + HCG ) Panic attacks mostly went away since starting injections (AND dropping DHEA/preg, cutting HCG dose to 100 IU/day), but energy level, etc. is still just "meh". I thought I noticed a bit of energy improvement over the weekend. Fingers crossed that major improvement is around the corner. I tried DHEA again for a few days and felt my anxiety filling back in ("plugged in" feeling), so I cut that out. Trying to isolate trouble spots, one variable at a time, which is a slow process.

  8. #8
    Trific's Avatar
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    Man, four weeks seems like it was just a couple of days ago you were fighting the gel.

    Well, it sounds better anyhow....hope for steady gradual improvement...

  9. #9
    Jredwine's Avatar
    Jredwine is offline Junior Member
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    I can vouch for this too. May be placebo, but the last 3 times I have taken .25mg of arimidex I have had fatigue so bad I have to take a nap and can barely form a thought. I did the same as you and cut out dhea, preg, and hcg totally. I might add 100 iu of hcg again but I am gonna roll without for now. Hcg seems to get my e2 up into the 60's at only 250iu.

    Let us know how you fare and what your next labs show.

    Best of luck!

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Curious what your dosage of DHEA is? If it's 50mg try cutting it back to 25 and see how that feels for you.
    Also with your E2 you may need to run it 2-3 months in a row to really establish your norm. Especially if you make any changes to your protocol.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  11. #11
    zerodarkthirty's Avatar
    zerodarkthirty is offline Associate Member
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    Started with 50 mg, and dropped down to 25 mg. I'll try again and update once my BW comes back. Thanks.

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