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  1. #41
    100%'s Avatar
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    HGH is gonna be tough...A little deca might do nicely though!

  2. #42
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    Jun 2006
    I plan on doing Deca in the winter! I get huge on the stuff love it. All my aching joint pains go away. Problem is how do u get a Dr here to write it!? My old Sr was a money grubbing pig.. Loved him! Wonder if u can still get prescribed HGH n Florida?

  3. #43
    100%'s Avatar
    100% is offline Associate Member
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    Unfortunately it will be alot harder, GHRH, GHRP-6, HGH, sermorelin, somatropin, and tesamorelin will become schedule 3 controlled substances in Florida this October.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Tht sucks! I could order some from China but WTF is it real?! Wht do u think would u order HGH from Overseas?

  5. #45
    100%'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    Tht sucks! I could order some from China but WTF is it real?! Wht do u think would u order HGH from Overseas?
    Problem is even if you know its real still a felony. Script is the only way to go.

  6. #46
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    Jun 2006
    ^^^^^true I've never ordered anything underground. All my stuff has been script. Paid a lot more but price of mind is worth it. Talked to my buddy and he says his Dr is cool as the other side of the pillow so I'm gonna try to get some HGH from him. Since I had a script for a few years it should be easier!... I think

  7. #47
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    Today was shoulder day. I walked into the gym on a mission and I was pissed! Crap day at work and it was time to release it on some iron. Warmed up on bike and then it was off to press. Warmed up the shoulders wth some rotar cuff exercises then it was time for seated behind the neck presses. Started wth 135 for 15. Tht was easy so then it was 185 for 10 again easy. I was going to stick wth tht weight but I was still pissed so loaded up 225 and got 5. Not to bad my strength is coming back. Previous PR 275 for 7. For those who don't like behind the neck presses I understand. But I like them! Did some rear delts then light front delts. Finished wth some standing barbell shrugs. I don't go heavy on these because I always seem to pinch a nerve in my neck.... And tht sucks!
    All in all great workout. I already seem to have more energy. Even if it is placebo effect ill take it!!! Tomorrow it's a long session of fasted cardio to start the morning!

  8. #48
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    Today was shoulder day. I walked into the gym on a mission and I was pissed! Crap day at work and it was time to release it on some iron. Warmed up on bike and then it was off to press. Warmed up the shoulders wth some rotar cuff exercises then it was time for seated behind the neck presses. Started wth 135 for 15. Tht was easy so then it was 185 for 10 again easy. I was going to stick wth tht weight but I was still pissed so loaded up 225 and got 5. Not to bad my strength is coming back. Previous PR 275 for 7. For those who don't like behind the neck presses I understand. But I like them! Did some rear delts then light front delts. Finished wth some standing barbell shrugs. I don't go heavy on these because I always seem to pinch a nerve in my neck.... And tht sucks!
    All in all great workout. I already seem to have more energy. Even if it is placebo effect ill take it!!! Tomorrow it's a long session of fasted cardio to start the morning!

  9. #49
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    Well I gotta come clean. Ended up going out wth ths gal tht works for my sister company. Well one thing led to another and we ended up getting pretty hammered! I thought I was a big fan of cialis before but wow amazing stuff! Problem is I had way to much to drink which has caused me to be hung over for two days. Got back into the gym today and tore legs up. But another problem after my marathon sex my back started to hurt like shit again. Had to take a pain pill so I could start round 2. anyway all n all good workout but still pissed at myself for letting myself down all to make my jock happy. Good part is she's a fashion model and is unreal! But regardless I compromised my morals. Ya ya some of u might think I'm a idiot and who cares but I'm older now and not looking for knotches in my belt! Overall body is feeling good but effects of heavy drinking still have me not at full speed!


  10. #50
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    Great morning cardio today on the eleptical. Just do 35 minutes but hit 450 cals so not to bad. Good news is my back felt great the whole way through!i haven't really been doing tht much cardio the last few days. Been burning Cals wth ths new girl I've been seeing. I've got to give it to cialis and TRT tht combo is unreal! Never used the cialis before I did use Viagra once but was on so much other shit who knws. Anyway wht a crazy program. Not really sure how many times I can make it happen in one day but she can't keep up! After round three she tells me I'm crazy and going to kill her. Who said getting old sucks! Haha.
    The supplement stack i take is helping a ton. Again I get full body pumps doing cardio. Wicked sweet!
    As for TRT the 100mgs a week seems to be working. I thought it was to low but I feel really good still losing BF and gaining strength! The veins in my arms are starting to look like road maps! I think I now have Route 66 on my left arm. No doubt the NO supplementation has kicked it up. Well hoots head to the office for a few thn it's shoulders. Of course after tht it's pool time!


  11. #51
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    Need to update my protocol. I've stopped my GHRP6 and CJC1295. Reason being I accidentally mixed my GHRP wth my HCG instead of BW. The bottles look alike and the lights were so so bam. Anyway been a few days and I've lost a lot of water weight already and size... Not to mention some strength. So for those who don't like water weight stay away but if your trying to bulk and gain strength I highly recommend. I will run again all of the fall and winter. But I can honestly say I've lost size and strength. I have been carb depleting big time so tht could have some effect. One other change due to back pain and pumps I've cut down my cialis to 3mgs once a day instead of twice a day. Pumps have not really changed or has the quality of wood. So unless things change I will not increase. I should have begun wth ths dosage and worked my way up. Of course everyone is different.
    Workouts have been really good but I'm really getting winded during leg workouts. I attribute ths to really having to take it easy due to my injury. Overall my body comp seems to be getting much better. Losing water weight causing face to b leaner.


  12. #52
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    Gotta love Tuesdays n the Gym. It's chest day for me and I was feeling really good. Each movement I had really good focus and the pumps kept coming. I did incline barbell press I worked up to 255 for 8 felt good. I had a couple more reps but stopped stripped the 10's and hit four more. Then I stripped two 45'd and hit 12. Chest was on fire and I was sweating like a whore in church! Still had a lot left so I did multiple angles on cable crossovers low weight but very slow. Finished up wth weighted dips. Felt like my chest was going to rip out of my shirt.
    I think at the point I'm very dialed in on my protocol. I decided today I was going to cut the clen . I think the test and HCG are working well enough tht they can offset the T3. Overall ths is the best I've looked in some time. Dropping the peps has made a HUGE difference n water weight . I love the feel of them but this look works much better when single. I'm also very happy at just 3mgs of Cia. I thnk the NO/vascularity supplements I'm taking require me to take less. Pumps still freaky and veins get freakier every day. The only thing I thought about adding was B12. But I'm not sure if I want to add anything else. At ths point I'm beyond happy wth my ptotocol.


  13. #53
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    Jun 2006
    Quick update things r going really well. My protocol is dialed in perfectly. Workouts r crazy intense and I seem to be getting stronger and stronger. I am starting to feel the test and I must say it feels good. I just seem to have a better overall sense of well being. Also when I only get two or three hours of sleep I feel refreshed. My fat loss is nothing short of remarkable. It's falling off so fast now tht I'm going to have to increase food intake. I should be down to a 32 waist by mid August at current pace. Wth ths weight loss I have no neck pain at all. So my goal of less weight no pain is a fact. Well gotta run my new friend wants me to tuck her in.. Haha i must say I enjoy her coded message!

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