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Thread: Good deal?

  1. #1
    Lockout888 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Question Good deal?

    I'm trying to find a new Doctor that understands TRT, and I had an appointment today with an A4M D.O.

    We went over all my symptoms, labs and how Axiron hasn't been working for me. He recommends exactly what I have been looking for:
    Test Cyp - 100mg per week
    HCG - 250iu 3x a week
    Anastrozole - .25mg 3x a week

    But there is a catch - they have a "concierge" program for TRT because they don't make much money from the insurance, who won't cover a lot of it - especially for the under 40 years old types.

    There is a $400 initial fee, which includes the initial visit and any pre-authorization or dealings with insurance etc. After that - it is $150 every 3 months to re-issue the prescriptions and re-evaluate new labs etc. I can come by once a week and have the MA give me the injection of test - no appointment necessary and they will supply the syringes. I can keep my bottle of test there, or do it myself at home and I supply the syringes.

    This doesn't include the testosterone , HCG or AI - but they do offer it for sale: $100 for 10ml vial of test cypionate 200mg/ml. $85 for a 4 week supply of HCG, $35 for the Arimidex . I can buy it from them, or supply my own. The HCG gets shipped to my house, but I would need to supply the syringes. They said they will mix it for me if I want.

    Depending on how much my HSA PPO insurance will cover - might be a better deal?

  2. #2
    crashfirepm53 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Low testosterone . Com would be better possibly but that doc is a rip off. Look elsewhere.

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