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Thread: Anxiety and trt

  1. #41
    test-one is offline Junior Member
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    Its been a year of extreme anxiety,fatigue, brain fog, weight lose and within the last few months, its all gotten worse...crippling really.

    After many, many, many blood test it was determined that hormone replacement would perk me up. So I started with test cyp shots and must have had an allergic reaction to the shots (I had three) or my adrenals crashed because I could not breath. Standing took everything I had and raising my arms was a no go. I could fall asleep sitting up, but the worst symptom was hypoglycemia and blood pressure drops. My sugar would plummit into the 40's and blood pressure would drop to 100/58 (usually 117/68).

    That then set us (endo and I) down the road of adrenal testing. So he then hospitalized me to run the ACTH stim test which made me horribly nauseated and caused extreme back and abdominal pain. Those results are below.

    He then decided to hospitalize me again because I complained of worsening symptoms (fatigue, brain fog, weight loss, hypoglycemia, anxiety and now crying episodes because I'm so tired and frustrated). So the goal of the hospital stay was to draw blood every hour while starving me and seeing how fast I would crash. I started fasting Friday morning and crashed hard early Saturday morning. My sugar bottomed out, heart rate dropped to 41 and I felt like death. I was given D50 (glucose and sodium) which raised my sugar the highest Ive ever been at 158. 30 minutes later it was 120. 30 minutes after that it was 89 and 30 minutes after that it was 72. So he then thought, you have a pancreas that secretes to much insulin or a liver that wont hold lets get you cat scanned! Well nothing was found and my blood work found that I don't have high levels of insulin in my blood so no answer there.

    He did find out that my IGF-1 was low so he is running more test to see if HGH is a valid treatment. My aldosterone is low and I'm always dehydrated per blood work. He suspects diabetes insiputus. He also wonders my platelets and WBC's are always low.
    I have a scope lined up next week to check my gut (maybe something is prohibiting me from absorbing my food). I have an allergy appointment the following week and then I will get my head scanned again via an MRI (its been a year since my first).

    I am so tired and frustrated if I'm totally honest. This forum was one of the most infuential in terms of gaining knowledge that Ive had the pleasure of being part of.

    My doc seems to be arriving on hypopituitary and adrenal insufficiency. Here are my most recent lab results. Tell me what you guys think.

    Lipid Panel w/ Direct LDL DIRECT HDL 60.0 MG/DL (45.0-70.0)
    Lipid Panel w/ Direct LDL DIRECT LDL 124.0 MG/DL (50.0-130.0)
    Cortisol level CORTISOL 7.19 ug/dL (2.50-25.00)
    Cortisol level CORTISOL 12.20 ug/dL (2.50-25.00)
    Cortisol level CORTISOL 9.66 ug/dL (2.50-25.00)
    Progesterone PROGESTERONE 0.3 ng/ml ()
    DHEA-Sulfate @ DHEA-Sulfate 176.8 ug/dL (160.0-449.0)
    DHT DHT 204 ug/dl (106-719) ----------------------------------------------------------------
    Estradiol Level ESTRADIOL 31.60 pg/ml ()
    Leutinizing Hormone (LH) LH 1.710 mIU/mL (1.7-8.6)
    FSH (Follicular Stimulating Hormone) FSH 2.730 uIU/mL (1.5−12.4)
    Sex Hormone Binding Globulin @ Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 29.9 nmol/L (16.5-55.9)
    Testosterone , total T. TESTOSTERONE 373.00 ng/dL (270.00-1730.00)
    Testosterone, free @ Free Testosterone(Direct) 5.3 pg/mL (8.7-25.1)

    CBC HGB 15.0 g/dL (14.1-18.1)
    Ferritin FERRITIN 181.00 ng/mL (28.00-397.00)
    Iron, IBC, and Saturation IRON-TIBC 263.0 ug/dl (261.0-478.0)
    Iron, IBC, and Saturation TOTAL IRON 100.0 ug/dl (50.0-175.0)
    Iron, IBC, and Saturation UIBC 163.0 ug/dl (130.0-375.0)

    B12 level VITAMIN B12 512.00 pg/mL (160.00-800.00)
    Folate FOLIC ACID 6.56 ng/mL (3.00-15.00)

    TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)2 TSH 1.450 uIU/mL (0.400-4.000)
    Free T3 FREE T3 3.830 pg/mL (1.800-4.200)
    Free T4 FREE T4 1.330 ng/dl (0.800-1.900)

    CMP ( CMP and D Bili) GLUCOSE 88.0 mg/dl (70.0-100.0)
    IGF1 level @ Insulin-Like Growth Factor I 155 ng/mL (71-241)

    ACTH @LC ACTH, Plasma 19.2 pg/mL (7.2-63.3)
    Aldosterone and renin panel @LC Aldosterone <1.0 ng/dL (0.0-30.0)

    CMP ( CMP and D Bili) ALBUMIN 3.8 G/DL (3.5-5.0) 2
    CMP ( CMP and D Bili) ALKALINE PHOS 59.0 IU/L (40.0-150.0)
    CBC MCH 31.0 pG/cell (28.0-32.0)
    CBC NEU 3.3 10e3/uL (1.8-6.7)
    CBC PLT 149 K/uL (145-450)
    CBC RDW 11.8 % (11.5-14.8)
    CMP ( CMP and D Bili) SODIUM 140.0 mg/dl (130.0-149.0)

    ESR SED RATE 1.0 mm/hr (0.0-20.0)

    Estrone 18 (9-36)
    Homocysteine 10.9 (3.2-10.7)
    igf-1 170 (132-333)
    Insulin 5 (3-25)
    CA-125 4 (<21)
    Reverse T3 23.5 (9-27)
    FT3 3.2 (1.7-5.2)
    FT4 .93 (.71-1.85)
    Progesterone <.2 (.28-1.22)\
    Total T 1.5 (2.5-11.5)
    Free T 2.70 (9-47)
    Anti-TPO-Ab <10 (<35)
    DHEA-S 133 (80-580)
    DHT 184 (106-719)
    Estrol .02 (0-.16
    D2/D3 19 (30-100)
    UTSH 2.02 (.49-4.67)
    LH 3.2 (0-14)
    FSH 4.2 (2-10)
    A1C 5.4 (3.0-6.0)

    Ive been given hydrocortisone to start taking but I haven't started as of yet. Ill start Friday that way if something else goes off course, I can get to the hospital.

    Thanks in advance for any replies.

    Can Low handle a case such as mine.......I ask because Im tired and desperate and so want some relief?
    Last edited by test-one; 08-19-2013 at 06:41 PM.

  2. #42
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    Your cortisol level looks kind of like mine. I went to a holistic doctor and he put me on a Adrenal Support supplement to take before bed, it has been helping. The Hydrocortisone should help you with that.

    You should get your Pregnenolone level checked. I stopped taking it and my brain fog went away.

    Your DHEA level is in the lower range you may want to consider taking a DHEA supplement in the future.

    I would do one thing at a time, changing too many things at the same time makes it hard to pinpoint the exact cause.

    Good Luck!!

  3. #43
    Bliggity is offline New Member
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    Check out the YouTube channel Bignoknow. He did a video log over a period of 1 year on TRT and how it helped with his anxiety and depression.
    powerlifterty16 likes this.

  4. #44
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    I don't know if this helps test-one, I'm 22, but I had extreme anxiety and depression whilst my testosterone levels were low, and even though now on hrt my levels still aren't perfect my anxiety is almost completely gone and I know once I find my sweet spot with estrogen it will fully subside. You need to understand things like this take time, and even if you get your hormones dialed in perfectly the anxiety could be related to something else entirely in your life. I'd say though, if it is cause by hormonal problems that once you are dialed in you'll feel like a new man. Good luck brotha
    Last edited by jomamma007; 08-20-2013 at 11:34 AM.
    tlow likes this.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bliggity View Post
    Check out the YouTube channel Bignoknow. He did a video log over a period of 1 year on TRT and how it helped with his anxiety and depression.
    im subbed to him..he is a really cool guy. he got lucky to find a dr to help...might have something to do with his dad being an endo

  6. #46
    test-one is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks to all of the responses.

    I start on Axiron tomorrow because my last testosterone levels were non existant and my trial with shots went horrifically. The doctor says most of my problems are from my worsening and dropping the levels. We will continue to get to the bottom of all of my problems but the Axiron trial will start in the morning.

    I start with one pump in each arm pito see if I have any sides then we will up the dose depending on blood levels after a week.

    Any tips or concerns I should consider. I'm worried about my adrenals burning out and the problems associated with that but if worse comes to I have Hydrocortisone and medrol on hand.

    I hope to kiss my anxiety good ridens!

    Thanks again for all of the responses!

  7. #47
    test-one is offline Junior Member
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    Well, it's been a long Month!

    After my last doctors visit, it was recommended that I seek counsel at the prestigious Mayo Clinic in Minnesota (14hours away) after having a myriad of symptoms.

    It was a long week at the clinic with 8-9 hour days spent in testing and consults. It was determined through several pituitary scans that I have empty sella syndrome. Essentially, cerebral fluid has leaked into my sella and destroyed half of my pituitary (half of it is gone).

    Great news right. An answer to what ailed me. Here's the sad part though.
    My hormones levels, lh, fsh, cortisol, testosterone (340 on a range of 330-1100) and a host of other hormones were all "technically" in range. By in range, I mean two to ten points above the lowest reference range.

    What was the plan of treatment... I was told that I must be suffering from chronic fatigue and or fibro myalgia. So I was referred to the chronic fatigue center to learn how to manage my fatigue for the rest of my life.

    Here I was at the best medical clinic in the United states and several thousands of dollars lighter only to be told, deal with it and by the way here's some pamphlets.

    My doctor at home said let's just start trialing treatments after seeing my frustration and hearing my diagnosis.

    I've been home two weeks now and the week before last I trialed hydrocortisone twice a day to some degree of success.

    Yesterday I started Axiron, one pump under each arm but no real comment as to its effectiveness as of yet.

    I posted to vent and to see if any other folks here have the same diagnosis?

    Lastly, with total t at 340 why oh why do I never have any free T?

    Thanks for anyone who takes time to respond.
    Last edited by test-one; 10-12-2013 at 04:03 PM.

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by test-one View Post
    Well, it's been a long Month!

    After my last doctors visit, it was recommended that I seek counsel at the prestigious Mayo Clinic in Minnesota (14hours away) after having a myriad of symptoms.

    It was a long week at the clinic with 8-9 hour days spent in testing and consults. It was determined through several pituitary scans that I have empty sella syndrome. Essentially, cerebral fluid has leaked into my sella and destroyed half of my pituitary (half of it is gone).

    Great news right. An answer to what ailed me. Here's the sad part though.
    My hormones levels, lh, fsh, cortisol, testosterone (340 on a range of 330-1100) and a host of other hormones were all "technically" in range. By in range, I mean two to ten points above the lowest reference range.

    What was the plan of treatment... I was told that I must be suffering from chronic fatigue and or fibro myalgia. So I was referred to the chronic fatigue center to learn how to manage my fatigue for the rest of my life.

    Here I was at the best medical clinic in the United states and several thousands of dollars lighter only to be told, deal with it and by the way here's some pamphlets.

    My doctor at home said let's just start trialing treatments after seeing my frustration and hearing my diagnosis.

    I've been home two weeks now and the week before last I trialed hydrocortisone twice a day to some degree of success.

    Yesterday I started Axiron, one pump under each arm but no real comment as to its effectiveness as of yet.

    I posted to vent and to see if any other folks here have the same diagnosis?

    Lastly, with total t at 340 why oh why do I never have any free T?

    Thanks for anyone who takes time to respond.
    mayo clinic is a joke, and im not just sayn it because of our experience..they ae not a good clinic imo.
    2 pumps axiron will do nothing, you need 4 for it to be effective, you will prob be worse off with 2.

  9. #49
    test-one is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    mayo clinic is a joke, and im not just sayn it because of our experience..they ae not a good clinic imo.
    2 pumps axiron will do nothing, you need 4 for it to be effective, you will prob be worse off with 2.
    I'm sorry to hear that your experience was bad as well.

    I hear you on the two pumps per pit... I'll work my way to that dose after a week of two pumps. I hope I'm one of the lucky ones who see life change in gels.... Figure crossed.

    Thanks for the reply.
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  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by test-one View Post
    I'm sorry to hear that your experience was bad as well.

    I hear you on the two pumps per pit... I'll work my way to that dose after a week of two pumps. I hope I'm one of the lucky ones who see life change in gels.... Figure crossed.

    Thanks for the reply.
    i've never been there but when i was a member on the pituitary tumor forums people told me their protocols and i didnt like them. Idk were a good clinic would be..i figure harvard has to be decent..maybe cleavland and johns hopkins too? I think johns hopkins though does t injections once every 2 weeks.

  11. #51
    jungle1 is offline Junior Member
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    i seem to be in a similar situation i will be following this thread closely, and will let you know about my improvements aswel

  12. #52
    test-one is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    i've never been there but when i was a member on the pituitary tumor forums people told me their protocols and i didnt like them. Idk were a good clinic would be..i figure harvard has to be decent..maybe cleavland and johns hopkins too? I think johns hopkins though does t injections once every 2 weeks.
    I think honesty the most intimidating part is that those of us with these issues have to with certainty educate ourselves in some forms or fashion. I don't think a one of us has the luxury of simply turning our lives and livelihood over to a Dr and say do as you will. So for me it's stressful knowing that education is key but the caveat is that I'm an individual and what works for the masses may be hurtful to me. That's why I come to this board and read and dive in to each thread/life story. I'm learning and that in of itself is progress.

  13. #53
    test-one is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jungle1 View Post
    i seem to be in a similar situation i will be following this thread closely, and will let you know about my improvements aswel
    Please do.... Me casa e su casa. Share your experience with me here or tell me where I can follow you.

  14. #54
    test-one is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bliggity View Post
    Check out the YouTube channel Bignoknow. He did a video log over a period of 1 year on TRT and how it helped with his anxiety and depression.
    I browsed a good bit of his videos/blog and he has a large amount of knowledge gained through life's best teacher... Experience.

    Very helpful and very hopeful.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

  15. #55
    test-one is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vettester View Post
    Yeah, I didn't find anything on labs to comment on. If you have the battery of labs (CBCs, lipids, metabolic, hormonal ..) Kel's sticky with finding a new physician will give you a good idea with what we need.
    Vette, I've read Kel's sticky several times and in fact I used it to know what blood work to ask for my first few visits to the endo.

    I have done it all my friend in terms of blood testing. Rather than post a wall of blood panels, give me some specifics that you are really needing to lay your eyes on and I'll get them posted.

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