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  1. #1
    the_bulldog_guy is offline New Member
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    New to forum

    I began TRT about 180 days ago. I was very hesitant about beginning this process, as I was formally on no medications whatsoever. I am 37 and did not want to be in a position to take a drug consistently/"forever". However, I was already doing many things that should have had my T high, and/or at a normal level (I eat whole foods, weight train 4 days/week w/heavy compound movements, healthy weight, etc). My total T was 267. I do not have the full lab with me.

    The Dr. that diagnosed me is my General/Internist. He placed me on 100mg/week dose. He seems to be intelligent and willing to listen. Labs every 90 days.

    I definitely feel better overall on TRT. Even the pinning has become less fearful ( I am not in medicine b/c I generally do not do well with this sort of thing). My wife actually does the injections for me.

    I am providing the following info for others considering similar and for any feedback...

    I placed myself on a higher dosage for 8 weeks. (I did not plan this when I began is difficult not to highly consider it since I began the TRT anyway.) Previously, I never heavily considered it, but I figured increasing the dose for 6-8 weeks a couple of times/year wouldn't be too dangerous. Is this the case?

    I have done this once and have now resumed the TRT dosage. I only used natural AIs. I took
    stinging nettle leaf, zinc and copper, DIM, Pumpkin seed extract, I3C, and ate lots of broccoli. I had no visible effects from elevated estrogen ( I understand that does not mean something did not happen internal). I based my decision not to take an actual AI on a medical article I found on this site regarding differences in taking 300vs600mg and the [lack] of side-effects.

    Do any others on prescribed TRT do the above? What has been your experience with it? Did you take a PCT? (I have not since I have simply moved back to the TRT prescribed dosage).

  2. #2
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Avoiding newbies @ gym...
    Welcome & congrats as your Doc seems at least to have a clue on half-life of Test Cypionate . 100 mgs/week is an average starting dose for TRT. Many here do well on it without change. See how you feel & discuss adjustments after follow-up BW. Your remarks on Estrogen are concerning though, is he doing the sensitive assay for this on your prior blood draws? Are you getting copies of your Blood Work for your own review? If positive, post them & others will chime in with advice.

    You're only six months into a life-long commitment here. Act accordingly & be responsible. It's not wise to screw with the Test dosing so early without being dialed into your protocol. Let your body adjust & make adjustments with your Doc before altering anything on your own. Don't play Doctor, allow the real Doc to drive the bus on this. Others will comment further for you...

    PS There is no PCT while on TRT. If one were to increase their Test dose for a given amount of time (not advisable practice), you'd just return to the prescribed TRT dose you were orginally on...
    Last edited by APIs; 07-03-2013 at 07:54 AM.

  3. #3
    the_bulldog_guy is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Welcome & congrats as your Doc seems at least to have a clue on half-life of Test Cypionate . 100 mgs/week is an average starting dose for TRT. Many here do well on it without change. See how you feel & discuss adjustments after follow-up BW. Your remarks on Estrogen are concerning though, is he doing the sensitive assay for this on your prior blood draws? Are you getting copies of your Blood Work for your own review? If positive, post them & others will chime in with advice.

    You're only six months into a life-long commitment here. Act accordingly & be responsible. It's not wise to screw with the Test dosing so early without being dialed into your protocol. Let your body adjust & make adjustments with your Doc before altering anything on your own. Don't play Doctor, allow the real Doc to drive the bus on this. Others will comment further for you...

    PS There is no PCT while on TRT. If one were to increase their Test dose for a given amount of time (not advisable practice), you'd just return to the prescribed TRT dose you were orginally on...
    I do labs again in 2 weeks. Again, I never considered a cycle previously, but I sort of caved psychologically once I was already injecting. I "felt" better finally and wanted to have a some improvement as my progress was so painstakingly slow (symptom of the Low-T). From talking to multiple people and reading a journal article regarding T usage for men 18-35 b/e 25mg and 600mg, I decided to give it a try. To be honest, I am dejected about even having to be on long term TRT.

    Thanks again for the reply. I will post labs in a few weeks for feedback.

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