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  1. #1
    Leon621 is offline New Member
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    Bloodwork advice 20 year old male


    I posted here a few months back because I had elevated estrogen at age 19 (now 20) and testosterone wasn't that great for my age either (was around 500). I took arimidex at .25 mg twice a week, and my levels did improve (test went to 702 from 500s, estrogen lowered about 20). I had another blood test last week and I got the results, and I was hoping anyone can give me advice on how to further "optimize myself"

    Vitamin D (30-100) - 68

    Testosterone Total (240-1100) - 702

    Estrogen (11-40.0) - 26.2

    Free Testosterone (0.95-4.3) - 2.62

    FSH (1.6-11) - 3.8

    LH (1.3-7.2) - 3.8

    Prolactin (0-18) - 7.4

    Cortisol (4-27) - 25.3

    SHBG (13-71) - 25

    DHT (30-85) - 40

    Growth Hormone Level (IGF-I) (281-510) - 291

    IGF Binding Protein 3 (2-4.2) - 2.9

    No thyroid issues (she didn't send individuals but they were basically the same as before just a tad better even)

    My questions are:

    1) Is there anything out of whack here? I am tired a lot, sex drive is kind of low, etc. If so, how can I improve?

    2) My growth hormone levels look low, and it makes sense (I have small bone structure, like small hands for a male, etc). Is this something that can be improved?

    Any other advice would be great. I appreciate it.

  2. #2
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    Mar 2013
    your lh and fsh are pretty low but you still are producing a lot o t..pretty cool. Your numbers look fine, and being young i'd say just to enjoy your life. growth hormone is slightly below mid range..yea it could be higher, but it's fine imo.

    if you want raise your vitamin d to 100 but other than that, id say you're fine. raising your vitamin d will help your gh, test, and shbg, as well as estrogen too.

  3. #3
    Leon621 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    your lh and fsh are pretty low but you still are producing a lot o t..pretty cool. Your numbers look fine, and being young i'd say just to enjoy your life. growth hormone is slightly below mid range..yea it could be higher, but it's fine imo.

    if you want raise your vitamin d to 100 but other than that, id say you're fine. raising your vitamin d will help your gh, test, and shbg, as well as estrogen too.
    Is there any other way to increase LH and FSH? I'm thinking the testosterone boost came from the arimidex but I could be wrong. Also I'm sure hgh for the growth hormone is out of the question (especially at my age lol).

    Thanks for the response

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leon621 View Post
    Is there any other way to increase LH and FSH? I'm thinking the testosterone boost came from the arimidex but I could be wrong. Also I'm sure hgh for the growth hormone is out of the question (especially at my age lol).

    Thanks for the response
    havent you been off of adex for a while?
    im sure you could find SOME doctor to prescribe you anything you wanted regardless of age, but i wouldnt mess with it looking at your levels. only way i know to raise lh/fsh is either hcg or clomid. hcg is suppsoed to suppress lh but i just took it and mine went up...clomid is supposed to raise them though.
    still idk how much itll might put your t at 900 but i dont know it would be hard to find a dr to prescribe'd have to find the same dr who will give you hgh.

  5. #5
    Leon621 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    havent you been off of adex for a while?
    im sure you could find SOME doctor to prescribe you anything you wanted regardless of age, but i wouldnt mess with it looking at your levels. only way i know to raise lh/fsh is either hcg or clomid. hcg is suppsoed to suppress lh but i just took it and mine went up...clomid is supposed to raise them though.
    still idk how much itll might put your t at 900 but i dont know it would be hard to find a dr to prescribe'd have to find the same dr who will give you hgh.
    Still doing .50 mg adex a week. If I stopped wouldn't everything just revert back?

  6. #6
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    im not too experienced in adex but it might. you could try stopping the adex and using clomid and seeing how that works.

  7. #7
    Leon621 is offline New Member
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    Ok thanks man I appreciate the input.

    If anyone else would like to comment on the results that would be great

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    hcg is suppsoed to suppress lh but i just took it and mine went up...

    HCG does suppress LH.
    You got bloodwork done a week and a half after your last HCG shot. Since the half life of HCG is 24-36 hours, less than 1% of that HCG was in your system.
    If you got your blood tested the within a couple of days of your shot then your LH would have been lower.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leon621 View Post
    Is there any other way to increase LH and FSH? I'm thinking the testosterone boost came from the arimidex but I could be wrong.
    Clomid will increase your LH and FSH but I wouldn't recommend it. Your testosterone level looks fine.

    Your testosterone boost did come from the Arimidex . Taking an AI will increase test and lower estrogen since less test is getting converted into estrogen.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post

    HCG does suppress LH.
    You got bloodwork done a week and a half after your last HCG shot. Since the half life of HCG is 24-36 hours, less than 1% of that HCG was in your system.
    If you got your blood tested the within a couple of days of your shot then your LH would have been lower.
    i respectfully disagree dld .
    my doc and i disagree with your statement. my lh went from 5.2 to 6.8. Im getting followup bw end of august or early september so we will see.

  11. #11
    Leon621 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Clomid will increase your LH and FSH but I wouldn't recommend it. Your testosterone level looks fine.

    Your testosterone boost did come from the Arimidex. Taking an AI will increase test and lower estrogen since less test is getting converted into estrogen.
    So if my testosterone is ok at 702 does LH and FSH matter? I think it's weird that I have low-mid LH/FSH but pretty decent testosterone. Like I said I still have some of my original problems like below average libido, tiredness etc.

  12. #12
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    What is your height and weight?
    Do you exercise?
    What is your body fat percentage?
    Do you take any medications?
    Do you drink, smoke, or use any drugs?
    What is your diet like?
    Do you sleep well?

    Many things can cause low energy levels.
    Many report that Arimidex causes fatigue.

    Also, I would like to point out that I don't think you should be taking Clomid or Arimidex without a prescription.
    Just because it improves your testosterone level doesn't mean it is healthy or what you need.

  13. #13
    Leon621 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    The spam filter is killing me right now won't let me post anything but basically I live pretty straight edge, rarely drink, perfect diet, everything is great in that regard. I think my sleeping however is pretty bad, circadian rhythm is off (go to bed at 10:00PM don't fall asleep til 3:00AM type of thing).

    The AI was indeed through my doctor. We talked about balancing it out and it seemed to work well in regards to the actual lab results. I will look into my sleeping.

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