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  1. #1
    Heymister88 is offline New Member
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    Question T enanthate FOR body/facial hair?

    Hello everyone,

    First post. I apologize, I'm not sure if this question should go here or in the anabolic steroids forum.

    I'm a 25 year old male who is curious about using Testosterone enanthate to increase body/facial hair but can't find much on the web about it other that females-to-males using hormone therapy. I have a minimal amount of hair on my neck and chin and nearly 0 on the rest of my body (except legs and crotch), yet I want it. I'm aware that a common side effect of T is body and facial hair growth. Obviously any muscle bulk or leaning would be an added benefit but not my main concern. I have read extensively and am fully aware of some of the side effects of using T. Please reserve judgement for why I want to use it.

    I was wondering if any of you have any experience using it specifically for this purpose or of course as a side effect to desired muscle increase. If so, what was your dosage? How long did it take for hair to show up? We're you completely smooth before? How should I go about using it for this purpose? Etc.

    Big thanks for your help in advance

  2. #2
    Java Man's Avatar
    Java Man is offline Known Troll
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    I've always been a hairy mofo, so I have no clue how much the androgens I have used over the years contributed or not. My dad started growing hair on his back and edges of his ears in his 40's and I an getting that too (also 40's) . Seems I would have developed that hair anyways since my dad has it too. (dad has never run a cycle. I'm.positive.)

    I don't think it has a big effect on adults. The increase in hair growth is primarily seen in women and pre-pubescent males.IE dude has a beard in 7th grade, probably has an endocrine disorder or is on AAS way too young. If you don't have much facial and body hair, you may just lack follicles. Like some native Americans for instance. They have no hair follicles on the face. No amount of androgen will make them grow facial hair.

  3. #3
    Heymister88 is offline New Member
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    My dad and my moms dad both had full beards, and i have seen very slight increase in facial hair over the years. I was wondering if perhaps my follicles are just laying dormant and could be activated with T?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heymister88 View Post
    My dad and my moms dad both had full beards, and i have seen very slight increase in facial hair over the years. I was wondering if perhaps my follicles are just laying dormant and could be activated with T?
    same here..i have facial hair, but didnt get it until about 0 and it has inccreased over the years, but still i could go a month without shaving...but it comes in very hairy after that.

    i have minimal body hair..have pubes and pit hair...not much arm hair or chest hair or leg hair
    ..or back hair

  5. #5
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    If the hair follicles aren't there I can't see test creating them. My brother and father Both have ALOT of facial and body hair, I can grow a beard but it's patchy, it's not a thick type of beard I prefer. When I started TRT I was hoping it would increase the thick/fullness of my facial hair and I really haven't seen much of a difference. I can go about a week before I shave but I keep stubble and about 4" of a chin/beard. Can't grow a go-t, no hair growth on the sides of my mouth. It's really weird how everyone's body/facial hair differs.

    If your hell bent on growing a beard you can have hair transplant, they basically take hair from your body and make hair follicles that will continue to grow. I've read about it, it works for sure but of course it comes with a price.

  6. #6
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    I honestly don't think this is going to help you. In my case I was never very hairy, small patch middle of my chest, facial hair not enough to grow anything, shaved once a week at most.

    Now this is how it developed, slowly, not joking you slowly and steady, from the time I started puberty, sure I got the armpit hair and genital hair fairly quick like most people, although it happened for me later than most. The chest belly and facial hairly steadily increased from that point for the last 18 years or so. Just always getting a little bit more, it wasn't till 27 I was able to grow a goatee. When I started trt the hair continued increase at about the same rate, Before I started trt I started getting a few sparse upper chest hairs, after trt I just have a couple more of htem, and still only really have the patch in the middle of my chest. I likely would have been the same had I not started trt. I also grew a beard, but it is so splotchy I can't wear a short cut beard, and it looks awful till it gets longer and the hair covers up. At 25 I couldn't grow anything. And most of what I have developed before I started trt. I imagine in another ten years I will develop more hair. My father always had a full chest of hair, but as he got older started showing up on shoulders and back etc. This is the case for many people.

    If you are interested in trt, get your levels checked, find out if you really need it. Otherwise hit the kitchen and weights if you want to put on some muscle mass. The side effects aren't worth the fact that it really won't give you what you are expecting, and you can accomplish all of it without trt as long as your testosterone levels are somewhat normal, and even with low t I was able to get quite strong, and have a much higher than average amount of muscle mass, it just would diminish quickly without training or adequate nutrition.

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