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  • 2 Post By w8liftr
  • 2 Post By LowT Mike

Thread: Any benefit of HCG if primary?

  1. #1
    w8liftr is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Any benefit of HCG if primary?

    Is there any benefit at all to using HCG along with trt if I am primary hypogonadic?

    I won't get the natural test production from the testes, but what about pregnenalone and other upstream hormone production from the testes with the use of HCG.

    Current regimen Is 60 mg T Cyp E3D, HCG 250 iu eod.

    powerlifterty16 and 61er like this.

  2. #2
    LowT Mike is offline HRT Specialist, P.A. -
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Generally no. Primary purpose of HCG is for endogenous T and spermatogenesis production. On the the other hand its possible to get some testicular fullness back on HCG even when Primary. Primary means the cause of LOW testosterone not NO testosterone. Moreover most men that have Primary have late onset Hypogondism caused by dysfunctional lydig cells or testes not complete shutdown of testes so there will be some response. Think of it this way. When you were DX with Lowt and Primary what was your TT count. It wasn't 0. Your body was still making some. Therefore you still have some function and quite possibly get some fullness back when using HCG. The dysfunction in most cases will prevent any real Endogenous T or high spermogensis. The pregnenolone release and regulation properties of creating homeostasis with other hormones is marginal at best with primary. If you goal is to get back some Testical fullness and thats your sole goal and warrents the price to pay for HCG then go for it. But i wouldnt expect much else.
    powerlifterty16 and 61er like this.

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