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  1. #1
    johnhenry is offline Junior Member
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    Sub q into glutes?

    Not sure if this belongs in a new thread - however, my question is, having run out of spots on the love handles and belly due to red, itchy, welt like swelling/ puffiness - would the upper outer buttock area be okay. It seems like I will have to give the other spots a week or two to recover.
    I have just tried it tonight - my wife does it, so no problem to do it. Did 0.2 ml of 50 mg/ml T prop into each cheek. I would prefer cyp, but it's not available yet. Thoughts or experience? JH.

  2. #2
    johnhenry is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnhenry View Post
    Not sure if this belongs in a new thread - however, my question is, having run out of spots on the love handles and belly due to red, itchy, welt like swelling/ puffiness - would the upper outer buttock area be okay. It seems like I will have to give the other spots a week or two to recover.
    I have just tried it tonight - my wife does it, so no problem to do it. Did 0.2 ml of 50 mg/ml T prop into each cheek. I would prefer cyp, but it's not available yet. Thoughts or experience? JH.

  3. #3
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    This is the only location I have been using for the last 9 months and it works great for me. I inject HCG in the love handles.

  4. #4
    johnhenry is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    This is the only location I have been using for the last 9 months and it works great for me. I inject HCG in the love handles.

    Thanks Dave - sub q I take it? That's good to know. Gives more sites to rotate. On your advice/ experience I will get a blood test done at the end of week 11 which is Monday - hopefully fine tune the dialling in process. JH.

  5. #5
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    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Yes sir. I inject 20mg every 3.5 days (Tues evening and Sat morning) via sub-Q rotating between the left and right glutes (upper/outer most portion).

    When injecting in abs (approx. 1" from belly button), I was always bruising. In the love handles it just stung so I didn't like that, thus, I moved on to the glutes and haven't had any issues in the past 7 months.

    As for HCG , I did notice my body seems to metabolize better in the love handles vs the abs, so I only use the love handles rotating left and right, the day before my test injections.

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    inject slow and mix no more than 2ml water per 5000 ius hCG , this will keep the injection amount minimal. also try thighs, I do it about 4" above the knee, and save the middle for test injections.

  7. #7
    johnhenry is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    inject slow and mix no more than 2ml water per 5000 ius hCG, this will keep the injection amount minimal. also try thighs, I do it about 4" above the knee, and save the middle for test injections.
    Thanks Bass - I get 1500iu/ml pre-constituted from the compounding pharmacy - so for 1000 iu/wk I will inject 0.2 ml Mon, 0.2ml Wed, & 0.3ml Fri. It's a bit more expensive, but don't need to re-constitute or get stuff from overseas.


  8. #8
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    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Just do .22ml per injection to keep blood levels even across the week. This would be 2 little lines past the .2ml mark, assuming your using insulin needles that are .3-1ml in size.

  9. #9
    EverettCD's Avatar
    EverettCD is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnhenry
    Not sure if this belongs in a new thread - however, my question is, having run out of spots on the love handles and belly due to red, itchy, welt like swelling/ puffiness - would the upper outer buttock area be okay. It seems like I will have to give the other spots a week or two to recover.
    I have just tried it tonight - my wife does it, so no problem to do it. Did 0.2 ml of 50 mg/ml T prop into each cheek. I would prefer cyp, but it's not available yet. Thoughts or experience? JH.
    I SubQ inject my HCG there every now & then to give my love handles & stomach a break. It's seems to be effective for me.

    Sent from my iPhone that was manufactured in a sweat shop in China

  10. #10
    johnhenry is offline Junior Member
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    FR - an update: Did the glutes - after 48 hrs have the same red itchy raised spots an inch in diameter. Did the same tonight but 3" away. Trying to give the love handle area a rest for at least a week - and saving the belly for hcg . The first bottle of prop (10ml) lasted 7 weeks and no obvious reaction. This is the second bottle - halfway through it, so maybe building up a reaction to the foreign materials? Hope the cyp is available when this runs out (3 wks if I get there) - hopefully a bit kinder.
    Also, have increased hcg - less ache now.

  11. #11
    EverettCD's Avatar
    EverettCD is offline Member
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    It appears you're having an adverse reaction to your compounded test. Have you had the compounding pharmacy use a different oil? You need to find what your body is reacting to, I bet you're kind of miserable dealing with your injection spots being irritated.

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  12. #12
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    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Agreed, it's probably the test being used in which you may have to have the carrier oil switched, say from cotton seed to grape seed oil.

    Also, when injecting sub-Q, go very slowly. I inject like 3 lines on a syringe, count to 5, inject 3 more lines, count to 5... Overall, it takes me a good 30 sec or longer just to inject 40mg via sub-Q.

  13. #13
    johnhenry is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    Agreed, it's probably the test being used in which you may have to have the carrier oil switched, say from cotton seed to grape seed oil.

    Also, when injecting sub-Q, go very slowly. I inject like 3 lines on a syringe, count to 5, inject 3 more lines, count to 5... Overall, it takes me a good 30 sec or longer just to inject 40mg via sub-Q.
    FR/ Ev, the carrier oil is grapeseed (I asked the doc) - I will have to check what the cyp is in when it is available. I di inject slowly with a 31g as it is a pretty fine jet - might have to be even slower. Thanks guys - off the get a blood test this morning. JH.

  14. #14
    EverettCD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnhenry

    FR/ Ev, the carrier oil is grapeseed (I asked the doc) - I will have to check what the cyp is in when it is available. I di inject slowly with a 31g as it is a pretty fine jet - might have to be even slower. Thanks guys - off the get a blood test this morning. JH.
    Sounds bueno. Try different oils until you find what works well for you. Good luck.

    Sent from my iPhone that was manufactured in a sweat shop in China

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