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  1. #1
    Remington's Avatar
    Remington is offline Alligator
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    Dec 2005

    Cant find thread that answered question about how long until test levels return

    Somewhere here there is a thread or two that discuss how long it takes for testosterone levels to go back to normal TRT levels.
    I can't seem to find it so I'll ask it here.
    {unless of course you can find it and post it}
    Went on a mini blast of an additional 160 mg of Cyp a week.
    A different doctor perscribed 200mg/week of Cyp--as well as HGC and Anastrazole.
    So it looks like this:

    --160mg/week Cyp from TRT clinic for about 4 months.
    --200mg/week Cyp from primary doctor for about 6 weeks.

    OBVIOUSLY I'm going to drop the TRT clinic and use my doctor because it's covered.
    How long until my levels go back to the 800 range they were before I added more Cyp so I dont raise questions with my doctor?
    I have to give blood in about 6 weeks.

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    3-4 weeks to get rid of the effects of the blast, but you need about 6 weeks to stabilize back to TRT levels.

  3. #3
    Remington's Avatar
    Remington is offline Alligator
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    Dec 2005
    That long huh?
    I better drop the 160 THIS WEEK.. play it safe--the last 2 weeks I wont even do the 200.
    Does my plan make any sense?

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