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  1. #1
    austin2012's Avatar
    austin2012 is offline Junior Member
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    Question Low Testosterone --- But NO SYMPTOMS. How Can This Be?

    Dear Friends of Steroid Forums,
    I have often posted my results from supplements, and suggestions for others. Today I find myself literally puzzled by a recent blood panel I requested before I started a stand-alone cycle of LG Science's Form XT (Arimidex ).

    My testosterone levels came back as 299ng/dl, and for a 20 year old male this is extremely low.

    I bench 330 lbs., libido is normal, facial hair growth is very fast, and strength and energy are both better than ever.

    With that being said, is there any explanation for such low Test. results? Should I consider TRT at this point as a preventative measure even if I have no symptoms?

    Note; I see my endocrinologist Tuesday, and they are willing to do TRT.

    Thanks in advance guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    man where do you guys find these drs lol..lucky.
    Perhaps it was a bad test? did you get it in the morning, after a full night's rest? You also need your free testosterone checked. If your free testosterone is high, it might explain this.

    I sometimes wonder if i truly have low t symptoms myself, but then i get a migraine, and look at how unproductive I am, and i know the answer...but i do get horny a lot.

  3. #3
    austin2012's Avatar
    austin2012 is offline Junior Member
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    You have to shop around, my friend. Also, im not a very suddle person, my doctor knew right when I called that I was "anxious to get in knowing me" so she is coming into the office just for this. If your having trouble finding one I could recommend a couple endocrinologists.

    I did not get a full nights sleep, and I ate alot of carbs about 4 hours prior to the blood panel. The test was done by my general practitioner who espouses the perspective that eating would not skew the results.

    My primary concern here is two things; If this result is accurate, I need TRT. If it is not, why?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by austin2012 View Post
    You have to shop around, my friend. Also, im not a very suddle person, my doctor knew right when I called that I was "anxious to get in knowing me" so she is coming into the office just for this. If your having trouble finding one I could recommend a couple endocrinologists.

    I did not get a full nights sleep, and I ate alot of carbs about 4 hours prior to the blood panel. The test was done by my general practitioner who espouses the perspective that eating would not skew the results.

    My primary concern here is two things; If this result is accurate, I need TRT. If it is not, why?
    even if the result were accurate, you should always get 2 tests done prior to trt. this goes for everyone not just you. You also need free testosterone , psa, and thyroid hormones checked well as cholesterol, and a cmp panel.
    I am paying for a dr after seeing a bunch of endos who were clueless.
    I hope youe endo is prescribing hcg , because if not, i would run.
    If you have no symptoms id say away from trt.

  5. #5
    austin2012's Avatar
    austin2012 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    even if the result were accurate, you should always get 2 tests done prior to trt. this goes for everyone not just you. You also need free testosterone , psa, and thyroid hormones checked well as cholesterol, and a cmp panel.
    I am paying for a dr after seeing a bunch of endos who were clueless.
    I hope youe endo is prescribing hcg , because if not, i would run.
    If you have no symptoms id say away from trt.
    Would HCG be for maintaining fertility I assume?

    Also, could a high carb diet have caused this result?

    I'm trying to establish how common this is for someone my age to have this issue.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by austin2012 View Post
    Would HCG be for maintaining fertility I assume?

    Also, could a high carb diet have caused this result?

    I'm trying to establish how common this is for someone my age to have this issue.
    Ill start with your first question, it's more commonthan it should be for guys in this day and age even at young ages to have low t, BUT it isnt normal...
    either way though, if you have no symptoms, it's prob best to just coast along and maybe wait until your 30's.

    once again man, Im urging you to get a repeat test...labs **** up tests all the time...ive had tests range from 277 to 535...all shit numbers but labs **** things up.

    hcg keeps your testicles functioning and producing keeps other hormones such as dhea, and pregnennolone going. Without hcg your balls will shrivel up.

  7. #7
    PetrX is offline Associate Member
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    When I got back from my last tour (afghanistan), my testosterone was at 119 and I felt fine, was still over 220 lbs at 8-9% bf, ect..

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